Racine, Jean, 89
Raft, George, 42
Rainer, Luise, 221 , 223 , 230 , 313
Rains, Claude, 259
Ralston, Vera Hruba, 263 , 361
Ransohoff, Martin, 326 -327, 328 -329
Raphaelson, Samson, 226
Rapper, Irving, 331
Rawlinson, A. R., 230
Ray, Aldo, 318 , 357
Ray, Nicholas, 7 , 182 , 286 -290, 292 , 307 -308, 315 , 331 , 332 , 351 -354, 356 -359, 362 , 367 -368, 370 , 371 -372, 380
Reagan, Nancy (Davis), 177 , 263
Reagan, Ronald, 170 , 263
Red Channels,49
Red Cross, 314
Redford, Robert, 130 , 151 -152, 153, 326
Reed, Carol, 252
Reed, Donna, 309 , 318 -321, 321
Reik, Theodor, 145
Reiner, Carl, 262
Reinhardt, Gottfried, 142 , 346
Reinhardt, Max, 212 , 225 , 346
Reinhardt, Wolfgang, 142 , 346
Reis, Irving, 322
Reisch, Walter, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 43 , 123 , 205,239 , 255 ;
interview, 201 -245;
filmography in Europe, 206 -207;
filmography in U.S., 207 -208;
early career in Austria, 208 -211;
on Alexander Korda and Michael Curtiz, 210 -211;
on Count Kolowrat, 201 , 210 -211, 217 ;
first film script, 211 ;
approach to writing silent scenarios, 211 -212;
working in Berlin, 212 -218;
on Hans Albers, 213 -214;
working with director Carl Froelich, 214 ;
working with director Geza von Bolvary, 215 ;
writing song lyrics, 215 -216;
Erich Pommer and UFA, 216 -217;
F.P. 1 Does Not Answer (F.P. 1 antwortet nicht),217 ;
working with Gustav Ucicky, 217 -218;
return to Vienna and working with Willi Forst, 218 -219;
working for Korda in England, 219 -220;
coming to Hollywood, 220 -223;
boat trip with Louis B. Mayer, 220 -222;
discovery of Hedy Lamarr, 221 -222;
script collaboration at MGM, 223 -225;
Ernst Lubitsch and Ninotchka,225 -227;
on Charles Brackett, 203 , 204 , 205 , 226 -229, 232 -233, 236 -239, 240 -244, 245 ;
Comrade X, 228 ;
That Uncertain Feeling,228 -229;
The Heavenly Body,229 -230;
George Cukor and Gaslight,230 -232;
directing Song of Scheherazade,231 -232;
The Mating Season,232 -233;
adapting to Darryl Zanuck and Twentieth Century-Fox, 233 -235;
The Model and the Marriage Broker,235 -236;
Niagara, 236 -238;
Titanic, 237 -239;
return to directing in Germany, 239 -240;
The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing,240 -242;
Jules Verne and Journey to the Center of the Earth,243 -244;
approach to and philosophy of scriptwriting, 244 -245
Remarque, Erich Maria, 257
Resnais, Alain, 74
Revuers, The, 73 , 76 , 85
Reynolds, Debbie, 81,239
Richards, Sylvia, 316
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 204 , 240
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 202 , 204 , 232
Ritt, Martin, 171 , 376
Ritter, Thelma, 232 -233, 235 -236, 238 -239
Rivkin, Allen, 263
Robbins, Jerome, 142 , 145 , 151
Roberts, Marguerite, 120
Robespierre, Maximilien, 357
Robinson, Edward G., 45 -47
Robson, Mark, 372 , 375 -376, 377 -379
Rochlin, Margy, 274
Rogers, Ginger, 141 , 243
Rogers, Will, 117
Romance, Viviane, 51
Romanoff, Mike, 241
Rooney, Mickey, 119
Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D., 48 , 164
Rose, William, 191
Rosenberg, Aaron, 325 -326
Rosenberg, Ruby, 266 -267
Rosenman, Leonard, 286
Ross, Herb, 154
Rossellini, Roberto, 252
Ruhmann, Heinz, 255
Rukeyser, Muriel, 169
Russell, Harold, 314
Russell, Rosalind, 151 , 285
Ryan, Robert, 41 , 140,141 -142, 357
Rydell, Mark, 22 , 23 -24