I Can Get It for You Wholesale,154
I, Gabriel, 273
Images, 23
I Married a Communist,197
In a Lonely Place,314
Informer, The,5
Inquisition in Eden,187
Inquisition in Hollywood, The,3 , 4 , 44 , 143
Inspector General, The,144
International Motion Picture Almanac,13
Interviews with My Lai Veterans,188
"Intimate Notes" (unproduced), 315
Intruder in the Dust,6 , 10 , 157 , 171 -173, 174,177 -178, 179 , 332
Invasion of the Body Snatchers,193
Invisible Agent,257
Invisible Man Returns,257
Invisible Man series,257 , 260
It Happened in Brooklyn,120
It's Always Fair Weather,9 , 73 , 83 , 84 , 88
It's a Wonderful Life,155
It Should Happen to You,89 , 91 , 110
I Walked with a Zombie,260
I Want to Go Home,74
I Was a Male War Bride,228