Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The,213 , 255
Cage aux Folles, La,129
Camille, 223
Camino Real,319
Candida, 294
Captain Apache,331 , 336 , 370
"Captain Fathom," 265
Captain Newman, M.D.,236
Carrie, 170
Casablanca, 42
Castle Keep,326 -327
Cat Ballou, 333
Catered Affair, The,30 , 50 , 62
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,50 , 51 , 52 , 53 -54
Caught, 129 -130, 140 -142, 140
Cause for Alarm,123
Chase, The, 373
China Strikes Back,191
Cid, El, 181 , 330 , 359 , 368
Cinderella Liberty,22
Circus World (The Circus Story),334
City in the Sky,267
City of Fear,158
City of Nets, 1
Claudine, 141
Cleopatra, 348
Clifford Odets, American Playwright,67
Climax, The,262
Cloak and Dagger,331
Cluny Brown,223
Cobra Woman, 29
Cobweb, 41
Come and Get It,17
Conquest, 223
Conquest of Space,373
Conversations with Losey,196
Cornered, 41
Country Girl, The,66 -67
Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell, The,331
Cowboy, 314
Cowboys, The,22
Crack in the World,370
Crime Doctor's Manhunt (Crime Doctor series), 16
Crimson Pirate, The,254
Criss Cross,254
Cry, Wilderness,370
Cucaracha, La,97
Curucu, Beast of the Amazon,266