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Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The,213 , 255

Cage aux Folles, La,129

Camille, 223

Camino Real,319

Candida, 294

Captain Apache,331 , 336 , 370

"Captain Fathom," 265

Captain Newman, M.D.,236

Carrie, 170

Casablanca, 42

Castle Keep,326 -327

Cat Ballou, 333

Catered Affair, The,30 , 50 , 62

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,50 , 51 , 52 , 53 -54

Caught, 129 -130, 140 -142, 140

Cause for Alarm,123

Chairman, The,190 , 191

Chase, The, 373

China Strikes Back,191

Cid, El, 181 , 330 , 359 , 368

Cinderella Liberty,22

Circus World (The Circus Story),334

City in the Sky,267

City of Fear,158

City of Nets, 1

Claudine, 141

Cleopatra, 348

Clifford Odets, American Playwright,67

Climax, The,262

Cloak and Dagger,331

Cluny Brown,223

Cobra Woman, 29

Cobweb, 41

Colorado Territory,98 , 314

Come and Get It,17

Comrade X, 203 , 227 -228

Conquest, 223

Conquest of Space,373

Conversations with Losey,196

Cornered, 41

Cornet, Der,204 , 240

Country Girl, The,66 -67

Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell, The,331

Cowboy, 314

Cowboys, The,22

Crack in the World,370

Crime Doctor's Manhunt (Crime Doctor series), 16

Crimson Pirate, The,254

Criss Cross,254

Crossfire, 9 , 29 , 41 , 48

Cry, Wilderness,370

Cucaracha, La,97

Curucu, Beast of the Amazon,266

Custer of the West,158 , 333

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