Sagan, Françoise, 130 , 150 -151
St. Cyr, Lili, 337
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,34
Salinger, Conrad, 83
Sarafian, Richard, 328
Saxon, John, 190
Schary, Dore, 52 , 57 , 125 , 200
Schenck, Marvin, 49
Schenck, Nicholas, 49 , 221 , 225
Schermer, Jules, 175
Schiller, Friedrich von, 209
Schmidt-Gentner, Willy, 215
Schneer, Charles H., 265 -266
Schneider, Hortense, 257
Schnitzler, Arthur, 202
Schubert, Franz, 202 , 208 , 218 -219
Schulberg, Ad, 220
Schulberg, B. P., 220
Schulberg, Budd, 147 , 220 , 272
Schulman, Irving, 286 -287, 288
Schwartz, Nancy Lynn, 3 , 4 , 5
Schweizer, Richard, 364
Scott, Adrian, 41 , 48 , 144 , 322
Scott, Allan, 315
Screen Writers Guild, 5 , 13 , 144 , 205 , 310 , 323
Seberg, Jean, 150
Selznick, David O., 44 , 230 , 251 , 314 -315, 324 , 356
Selznick, Irene, 137 , 143 , 324
Selznick, Myron, 17
Sennett, Mack, 252
Shakespeare, William, 10 , 151 , 162 -163, 209 , 264 , 334 , 344 , 379
Shanley, John Patrick, 155
Shaw, Artie, 346
Sheldon, Sidney, 328
Shelley, Percy, 162
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 89
Shuftan, Eugene (né Eugen Schüfftan), 251 -252
Shurlock, Geoffrey, 229 , 319 -320
Sidney, George, 122 , 125 , 127 -128
Siegel, Don, 193
Signal Corps Photographic Unit, 278 , 314
Simenon, Georges, 350
Simon, Michel, 51
Simon, Simone, 337
Sims, Ginnie, 272
Sinatra, Frank, 10 , 127 -128, 309 , 318 -320
Siodmak, Curt, 7 , 8 , 11 , 217 , 248, 253 , 271 ;
interview, 246 -273;
introduction, 246 -247;
filmography, 247 -250;
on Robert Siodmak, 246 -247, 251 -255, 261 -262, 264 ;
Menschen am Sonntag,251 -252;
"sibling rivalry," 252 -254, 261 , 264 ;
working for UFA, 254 -255;
F.P. 1 Doesn't Answer,255 ;
leaving Germany in 1933, 256 ;
arriving in Hollywood, 257 ;
German refugees in Hollywood, 257 ;
horror specialist, 257 -258;
Invisible Man series, 257 -258;
The Wolf Man,258 -259;
Frankenstein series, 260 ;
I Walked with a Zombie,260 ;
The Beast with Five Fingers,262 -263;
Donovan's Brain,263 -264;
turning director, 264 -267;
writing science fiction novels, 267 -268;
attitude and approach towards scriptwriting, 269 -273;
works in progress, 273
Siodmak, Henrietta, 246 -247, 256 -257
Siodmak, Robert, 7 , 10 , 217 , 246 -247, 251 -255, 253,261 -262, 264
Sirk, Douglas, 7
Sisk, Bob, 96 -97
Skerrit, Tom, 154
Skofic, Drago Milko, 61 -62
Skouras, Spyros, 376
Small, Edward, 350
Smith, Oliver, 77 -78
Somers, Edith, 243
Sondheim, Stephen, 150 , 151 , 156
"Song of India," 232
Sparks, Robert, 200
Sperling, Milton, 183 , 331 , 332 , 333 -336, 358 , 366 , 374 , 379
Spewack, Bella and Samuel, 224
Spielberg, Steven, 303
Spigelgass, Leonard, 174
Stanfill, Dennis, 328 -329
Stanwyck, Barbara, 239
Stark, Eric John (fictional hero), 15
Stark, Ray, 43 , 151 -152, 156
Stars and Stripes,282
Stein, Gertrude, 89
Steinbeck, John, 288
Steinberg, Cobbett, 1
Steiner, Ralph, 165
Stempel, Tom, 5
Stern, Marilee, 275
Stern, Stewart, 2 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 43 , 276, 284 , 302 ;
interview, 274 -308;
introduction, 274 -276;
filmography, 276 -277;
family connections, 277 -279;
on Joe Fields, 278 -279;
Fred Zinnemann and Teresa,279 -285;
on the Loews, 277 -279, 281 -283, 286 , 290 , 303 ;
on psychodynamics of characters, 280 -281;
on Montgomery
Stern, Stewart
Clift, 285 -286;
Nicholas Ray and Rebel Without a Cause,286 -293;
Rebel script credits, 286 -288;
James Dean's death, 290 -291;
"Tiger on a Kite," 293 -295;
working with George Englund, 293 -301;
on Marion Brando, 275 , 281 , 292 , 293 -301, 306 -308;
The Ugly American,293 -300;
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, 301 -303;
Dennis Hopper and The Last Movie,303 -305;
writer's block and retreating from Hollywood, 305 -306;
affinity with anti-heros, 306 -308
Stevens, George, 7 , 102 , 375
Stewart, Donald Ogden, 224
Stewart, James, 68 , 139 , 324
Stolz, Robert, 215
Stone, Oliver, 262
Stradling, Harry, 219
Strauss, Johann, 202 , 208 , 211 , 223
Streep, Meryl, 118
Streisand, Barbra, 130 , 152 , 153
Strick, Joseph, 158 , 160 , 188 -190
Strickling, Howard, 221 -222
Sturges, John, 50
Sturges, Preston, 6 , 7 , 41 , 108
Sunday, Billy, 59
Susskind, David, 68 -69
Swires, Steve, 15