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MacAdams, William, 228

MacArthur, Charles, 17 , 100 , 203 , 224

MacGowan, Jack, 263

Mackendrick, Alexander, 324

MacKenzie, Aenas, 357

MacLaine, Shirley, 154 , 240

Maddow, Ben (David Wolff), 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , 159, 332 , 333 , 334 , 359 -61;

interview, 157 -192;

introduction, 157 -160;

filmography as "David Wolff," 160 -161;

filmography as Ben Maddow, 161 -162;

passion for poetry, 162 -164;

social consciousness, 164 ;

early interest in film, 164 ;

writing documentaries, 165 -169;

poetry and scriptwriting, 165 ;

Frontier Films' internal schism, 166 -169;

Native Land,167 -169;

World War II and Signal Corps documentaries, 169 -170;

coming to Hollywood, 170 ;

writing a novel, 170 ;

first script credits, 170 -171;

William Faulkner and Intruder in the Dust,171 -174;

working with Clarence Brown, 171 -173;

writers at MGM, 173 -174;

The Asphalt Jungle,175 -177;

working with John Huston, 157 , 176 -177, 190 -191;

the blacklist, 178 -188;

working with Philip Yordan, 179 -184;

cooperative HUAC testimony, 185 -188;

on Elia Kazan, 185 -186;

opinion of Hollywood Communists, 185 -188;

on directing, 188 -190;

credits after the blacklist, 190 -191;

writing photography books, 191 -192

Maddow, Frieda, 166 , 170

Mainwaring, Daniel (Geoffrey Homes), 4 , 8 , 194;

interview, 193 -200;

introduction, 193 -194;

filmography as "Geoffrey Homes," 195 ;

filmography as Daniel Mainwaring, 196 ;

early career, 196 -197;

writing mystery novels, 197 ;

filming of Out of the Past (based on his novel Build My Gallows High ), 197 -200

Malleson, Miles, 263

Maltin, Leonard, 73

Maltz, Albert, 44 , 174 , 186 -187, 322

Mamoulian, Rouben, 313

Mandl, Fritz, 221 -222

Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 50 , 180 -181, 344 , 363

Mann, Anthony, 7 , 183 , 331 , 332 , 356 -359, 362 , 370 , 371 -372, 381

Mann, Thomas, 143 , 257 , 346

Mannix, Eddie, 52 , 226 , 228

Mantle, Burns, 331

Mao Tse-Tung, 190 , 191

March, Fredric, 69

Marcus, Raymond T., 265

Margaret Herrick Library, 310

Martin, Dean, 21

Martin, Paul, 217

Martin, Steve, 262

Marton, Andrew, 265

Marvin, Lee, 63 , 64

Marx Brothers, 42

Marx, Karl, 144 , 146 , 155 , 156 , 166 -167, 187

Mason, James, 140,244

Matson, Harold, 269

Mature, Victor, 357 -358, 375 -376

Maugham, W. Somerset, 55 , 104 , 105

Mauldin, Bill, 282 -283

May, Joe, 212 , 257

May, Mia, 212

Mayer, Carl, 213

Mayer, Louis B., 8 , 10 , 49 , 50 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 56 , 65 -66, 121 , 172 -173, 203 , 204 , 220 -222, 225 , 228 , 230 , 364

Mayer, Roger, 56

McBride, Joseph, 17

McCambridge, Mercedes, 351 -353, 352


McCarthy, Joseph/McCarthyism, 50 , 146 , 158 , 204 , 316 , 322 -324, 333 , 334

McDowall, Roddy, 285

McElwaine, Guy, 327

McIntire, John, 176

McKenna, Siobhan, 369

McPartland, John, 376

McQueen, Steve, 346

Meltzer, Lewis, 313

Mencken, H. L., 58

Mercouri, Melina, 48

Mercury Theatre, 38 -39, 141

Meredith, Burgess, 229

Messler, Oskar, 214

Meyers, Sidney, 166 , 168

Midler, Bette, 156

Milestone, Lewis, 7 , 143 , 237

Miller, Alice Duer, 224

Miller, Arthur, 57

Mineo, Sal, 307

Minnelli, Vincente, 9 , 77 , 78 , 80 , 229 , 230 , 231

Mirisch, Harold, 325

Mitchum, Robert, 21 , 197 -200, 198, 349

Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 107 , 209

Moll, Elick, 322

Monks, John, 315

Monroe, Marilyn, 57 , 68 , 176 , 237 , 238,286

Montalban, Ricardo, 50

Montez, Maria, 29 , 38 , 39 , 40

Morris, Chester, 347

Morrow, Vic, 53

Moscov, George V., 347

Motion Picture Daily,13

Motion Picture Production Code, 229

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 202 , 208 , 211

Murat, Jean, 214

Murphy, Audie, 190

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