Kahane, Benjamin B., 323
Kanin, Garson, 2 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 43 , 90, 109 ,220 ;
interview, 89 -112;
introduction, 89 -91;
filmography, 91 -92;
Ruth Gordon's solo credits, 93 ;
early career and upbringing, 93 -94;
interest in theater, 94 -95;
working for George Abbott, 95 ;
coming to Hollywood, 95 ;
working for Sam Goldwyn, 95 -96;
directing at RKO, 96 -97;
and RKO screenwriters, 97 -98;
on his mentor, Thornton Wilder, 98 -99;
writing scripts during World War II, 99 -100;
Born Yesterday,100 -102;
on Hollywood screenwriters, 100 ;
on tapping into the unconscious (Hemingway, Cather, Wilder, Maugham, Balzac), 102 -105;
collaborating with Ruth Gordon, 105 -110;
Hepburn-Tracy films (Adam's Rib, Pat and Mike ), 89 , 97 , 106 , 108 -110;
working with directors (especially George Cukor), 108 -109;
solo writing, 109 -110;
Broadway vs. Hollywood, 110 -112
Karlson, Phil, 193
Kastner, Elliott, 23
Kaye, Danny, 45
Kaye, Nora, 154
Kazan, Elia, 41 , 49 , 51 , 134 , 147 , 160 , 185 -187, 288 , 289 , 319 , 323 -324, 358
Keats, John, 162
Kelly, Gene, 9 , 73 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 -81, 81,82 , 84 , 286
Kennedy, Pres. John F., 158 , 291
Kenyatta, Jomo, 55
Kerr, Deborah, 150 , 309 , 319
Kidd, Michael, 170
King, Frank and Maurice (brothers), 331 , 346 -347, 349 -350, 363 , 364 , 371
King, Hugh, 17
King, Stephen, 263
Kingsley, Dorothy, 8 , 10 , 43 , 115, 124 ;
interview, 113 -128;
introduction, 113 -114;
filmography, 114 -116;
family background, 116 -117;
coming to Hollywood, 117 ;
early radio career, 117 -119;
working for Edgar Bergen, 118 -119;
working at MGM, 119 -128;
women writers at MGM, 119 -120;
MGM directors, 121 -122;
gravitating to musical comedy, 123 -125;
writing for Esther Williams, 114 , 119 , 120 , 122 , 123 , 125 , 126 ;
Angels in the Outfield,125 -127;
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,127 ;
Frank Sinatra and Pal Joey,127 -128;
favorite films, 128 ;
working habits, 128
Kingsley, Sidney, 374
Kingsley, Walter J., 113 , 116 -117
Kiser, Terry, 302
Klein, Melanie, 281
Klimt, Gustav, 217
Knight, Christopher, 375
Knopf, Alfred, 269
Koch, Howard, 38
Kohner, Paul, 232
Kolowrat, Count Alexander, 201 , 210 -211, 217
Korda, Alexander, 10 , 203 , 204 , 210 -211, 212 , 219 -220, 227
Korda, Vincent, 210 -211
Korda, Zoltan, 210 -211
Koster, Henry, 320
Kramer, Arthur, 326
Kramer, Stanley, 134 -135, 178 , 191 , 281 , 310 , 316 , 322 -324, 328