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Fabray, Nanette, 88

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 221

Falk, Peter, 189

Farber, Manny, 348

Farr, Jamie, 52

Farrell, James T., 375

Faubus, Gov. Orval, 55

Faulkner, William, 9 , 17 -18, 171 -173, 174 , 175 , 184 , 267

Fearing, Kenneth, 169

Fehr, Rudi, 259

Feiffer, Jules, 74

Fein, Rudolf Walther, 213

Feist, Felix, 263

Feldman, Charles, 232

Fenton, Frank, 198

Feuchtwanger, Leon, 346

Field, Sally, 275

Fields, Joseph, 278 -279

Fields, Marian, 279

Figaro, Le, 219

Film and Photo League (branch of Worker's Relief League), 165

Fischer, Dennis, 246

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 50 , 51 , 270

Flaherty, Robert, 158

Fleming, Rhonda, 200

"Flight of the Bumble Bee," 232

Flinn, Tom, 193

Florey, Robert, 262

Fonda, Henry, 68

Fontaine, Joan, 356

Ford, Glenn, 53

Ford, John, 7 , 22 , 100 , 111 , 353 , 372

Forman, Milos, 242

Forst, Willi, 202 -203, 212 , 214 , 215 , 216 , 218 -219

Forster, Rudolf, 212

Forster, Susie, 272

Forsyth, Frank, 263

Fosse, Bob, 125

Foster, Susanna, 262

Foy, Bryan, 279


"Frag' nicht warum" ("Don't Ask Me Why"), 202 , 215

Francis, Freddie, 263

Frank, Frederic M., 368

Franklin, Sidney, 261

Frankovich, Mike J., 326 , 327

Fredericks, Larry, 302

Frederick the Great, 218

Freed, Arthur (the Freed unit), 9 , 73 , 76 -78, 79 , 80 , 82 , 83 -84, 87 , 118 , 119 , 150 , 151 , 230

Freeman, Y. Frank, 58 , 293

Frenke, Eugene, 370

Freud, Sigmund, 156 , 356

Friedrich, Otto, 1

Froelich, Carl, 213 , 214

Froeschel, George, 261

Frontier Films, 157 , 164 -169, 184 , 191

Fulbright, Sen. William, 300

Furthman, Jules, 17

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