Chapter Eighteen— The Edge of Despair
1. Randy Shilts, The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk , p. 105.
2. "Bill Would Okay Consenting Adults' Private Sex," The Sacramento Bee , Mar. 7, 1975.
3. Jeff Raimundo, "Price Concedes Smut Fighters' 'Candid Camera' Plan Is Legal," The Sacramento Bee , Mar. 8, 1975.
4. Doug Dempster, "State Senate Passes Sex Acts Bill 21-20 on Tie-Breaking Vote Cast by Dymally," The Sacramento Bee , May 2, 1975; Peter Weisser, "Liberalized Law for State's Adults," San Francisco Chronicle , May 2, 1975.
5. "Sex Bill Sent To the Governor," San Francisco Chronicle , May 9, 1975.
6. "Willie Brown Hits Jerry's Race Relations," Associated Press, published in The Sacramento Bee , May 11, 1975.
7. "Brown Signs Controversial Sexual Consent Measure," The Sacramento Bee , May 13, 1975; "Church Group Starts Move to Upset Sex Law," The Sacramento Bee , May 19, 1975.
8. "Assembly OKs Bill to Reduce Pot Penalty," San Francisco Chronicle , June 25, 1975.
9. Doug Willis, Associated Press, "Legislator Brown Finds Gov. Brown Not Bad after All—He May Be Best," published in the The Sacramento Bee , Aug. 15, 1975; see also "Smoke That Peace Pipe," The Sacramento Bee , Nov. 30, 1975; "The Long Road Back," The Sacramento Bee , Dec. 21, 1975.
10. Wilkes Bashford advertisement, San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 1975.
11. John Balzar and Larry Liebert, "A Man of Fine Cars, Clothes," San Francisco Chronicle , Dec. 8, 1980.
12. "145-mph Car Too Slow for Willie Brown," San Francisco Chronicle , Jan. 7, 1976.
13. Balzar and Liebert, "A Man of Fine Cars, Clothes."
14. Tom Hall, "She Tells of Sexy Night with 5 Raiders," San Francisco Examiner , July 19, 1975; Betty Cuniberti, "Atkinson's Suit—The List Grows," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 28, 1976.
15. "Ex-Bondsman on Trial," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 16, 1975.
16. Report of Contributions and Expenditures , filed by Committee to Rebuild Atlantic City, Oct. 8, 1976, New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, Trenton, N.J.; "Willie Brown Touting Casinos in the East," Associated Press, in San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 12, 1976.
17. Editorial, "Willie Brown's New Image," The Sacramento Bee , Oct. 18, 1976.
18. Rob Haeseler, "The Strange Case of Willie Brown and Conti," San Francisco Chronicle , Apr. 6, 1977.
19. Rob Haeseler and Michael Taylor, "Younger Starts Willie Brown Probe," San Francisco Chronicle , Apr. 7, 1977; Larry Liebert and Michael Taylor, "Willie Brown's TV—Younger 'Clears' Him," San Francisco Chronicle , July 14, 1977.
20. William Bagley, telephone interview, June 23, 1995.
21. Statement of Economic Interest , annual forms field by Willie Brown for 1975 through 1978, Fair Political Practices Commission, Sacramento, Calif.
22. Marshall Kilduff and John Balzar, "How Brown Made It to the Top," San Francisco Chronicle , Dec. 2, 1980.
23. Statement of Economic Interest , annual form filed by Willie Brown for 1980, Fair Political Practices Commission, Sacramento, Calif.; Katherine Bishop, "San Francisco Feels Developer's Fall," The New York Times , May 24, 1992.
24. "The Yerba Buena Team—A Who's Who," San Francisco Chronicle , Nov. 21, 1980; editorial, "Holding Willie Brown Accountable," San Francisco Bay Guardian , Mar. 21, 1984.
25. Statement of Economic Interest , annual forms filed by Willie Brown for 1978 through 1985, Fair Political Practices Commission, Sacramento, Calif.
26. Balzar and Liebert, "A Man of Fine Cars, Clothes."
27. Charles Petit, "Brown Here, Wins a Key Endorsement," San Francisco Chronicle , May 12, 1976.
28. "San Francisco Politicos," San Francisco Chronicle , Mar. 16, 1976.
29. Abe Mellinkoff, "The Brown Boys," San Francisco Chronicle , Mar. 24, 1976.
30. "Key Legislator Will Help Race," The Sacramento Bee , May 12, 1976; Richard Rodda, "Getting Those Endorsements," The Sacramento Bee , May 23, 1976.
31. John Dearman, interview, San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 17, 1994.
32. "Willie Brown Says He's Bored in N.Y.," San Francisco Chronicle , July 15, 1976.
33. "Willie Brown's New Job," San Francisco Chronicle , July 16, 1976.
34. Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, "The Modern Speakership of the California State Assembly: Typologies of State Legislative Leadership," p. 20.
35. William Lockyer, interview, Hayward, Calif., Nov. 23, 1993.
36. Frank Vicencia, oral history interview, p. 100, California State Archives, Sacramento.
37. John Jacobs, A Rage for Justice: The Passion and Politics of Phillip Burton , p. 407.
38. Shilts, The Mayor of Castro Street , p. 129. Shilts wrote: "The deal—probably just a few comments dropped over lunch." However, Willie Brown, Art Agnos, Leo McCarthy, and John Burton agree that it was not an explicit "deal" but a truce worked out gradually.
39. Interviews John Burton, Sacramento, Calif., Apr. 26, 1993; Leo McCarthy, San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 2, 1993.
40. Larry Liebert, "Willie Brown's Return to Favor," San Francisco Chronicle , Feb. 18, 1976.
41. Howard Jarvis and Robert Pack, I'm Mad As Hell: The Exclusive Story of the Tax Revolt and Its Leaders , p. 7.
42. Ibid., p. 21.
43. Ibid., pp. 45-46.
44. Ibid.; President Jimmy Carter, in a interview July 28, 1978 with editors and broadcast directors at the White House.
45. Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, Compilation of Statements and Partial Transcript , Interim Hearing on Property Tax Reform and Relief, Willie L. Brown Jr., chairman, Oct. 1, 1976, California State Archives, Sacramento; "Assembly Property Tax Bill Is Amended," Cal-Tax News , May 1, 1977, in author's private collection; John Balzar, "Demos Promote Their Tax Relief Package," San Francisco Chronicle , Apr. 14, 1977; Dennis J. Opatrny, "Plan to Ease State Income Tax Overload," San Francisco Examiner , Apr. 24, 1977.
46. Peter H. Behr, oral history, interview, pp. 337-340, California State Archives, Sacramento.
47. Ibid.
48. John Balzar, "Assembly Passes Its Bill for $1.1 Billion Tax Relief," San Francisco Chronicle , June 18, 1977.
49. Jarvis and Pack, I'm Mad As Hell , p. 61.
50. Dan Bernstein, "Curb Says He's 'Certain' Dymally Is a Criminal," Riverside Press-Enterprise , Oct. 29, 1979. Besides Bernstein, the author and Ben Ginsberg, two other Press-Enterprise reporters, were present during a sidewalk interview with Curb that evening at a campaign event in Redlands, Calif. Also "Dymally Hires Willie Brown in Curb Case," San Francisco Chronicle , Nov. 3, 1978.
51. Interviews, Carol Hallett, Washington, D.C., June 10, 1993; Ed Rollins, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1, 1993; Ross Johnson, Sacramento, Calif., Aug. 26, 1993; Robert Naylor, Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 18, 1993; Otto Kreisher, "How Carol Hallett Captured the GOP Leadership," California Journal , p. 228, July 1979; James Richardson, "Colleagues Express Shock at Outcome," The Sacramento Bee , Feb. 19, 1994.
52. Details on the Jonestown deaths from Tim Reiterman and John Jacobs, Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People ; Jacobs, A Rage for Justice , pp. 402-403.
53. Art Agnos, interview, San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 18, 1994.
54. Reiterman and Jacobs, Raven , p. 266.
55. Ibid., p. 268.
56. Ibid., pp. 306-308.
57. Ibid., p. 267.
58. Ibid., p. 267.
59. Ibid., pp. 327-328.
61. Jerry Burns, "Willie Brown Defends Former Ties to Rev. Jones," San Francisco Chronicle , Nov. 21, 1978.
62. "Moscone, Willie Brown, Nixon on Jones' Hit List," The Sacramento Bee , Dec. 6, 1978.
63. Denny Walsh, "Nathanson Admits Bribes, Will Aid FBI," The Sacramento Bee , June 10, 1993; Brown was asked on several occasions by reporters, including the author, whether he would fire Nathanson from the coastal panel while under indictment. Brown refused, and Nathanson did not leave the panel until he was convicted in 1993.
64. Art Agnos, interview.
65. Ibid.
66. Willie Brown, interview, San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 17, 1994. Jerry Roberts, Dianne Feinstein: Never Let Them See You Cry , pp. 163-164; Jacobs, A Rage for Justice , pp. 405-406; Shilts, Mayor of Castro Street ; James Richardson, "Dueling Demos, A Zigzag Path for Feinstein," The Sacramento Bee , May 6, 1990.
67. John Burton, interview. Jacobs, A Rage for Justice , p. 406.
68. Roberts, Dianne Feinstein , p. 179.
69. Peter Stack, "A 'Celebration of Hope' Despite S.F. Tragedies," San Francisco Chronicle , Nov. 29, 1978.
70. John Balzar, "Wistful Assembly Recalls Moscone," San Francisco Chronicle , Dec. 6, 1978.
71. Ibid.
72. Kandace Bender, "Brown Officially Joins Mayor Race," San Francisco Examiner , June 4, 1995.