Preferred Citation: Richardson, James. Willie Brown: A Biography. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.


Chapter Nine— The Gaffney Triangle

1. Gerald Hill, interview, Berkeley, Calif., Sep. 17, 1993, and also a confidential informant. Hill, a law school classmate of Brown's who was managing the anti-Proposition 14 campaign in 1964, said Gaffney's campaign manager told him of the promise. A confidential informant who worked for high-ranking legislative Democrats in 1964 also heard the promise. Others connected to the Phillip Burton organization, including Bill Lockyer, also heard about Gaffney's promise.

2. "Demo Victory Assured," San Francisco Sun-Reporter , Oct. 31, 1964, noted, "Congressman Phil Burton has been working day and night to assure all Democratic candidates of as large a vote as they need." Also John Jacobs, A Rage for Justice: The Passion and Politics of Phillip Burton , p. 161.

3. John Burton, interview, Sacramento, Calif., Apr. 26, 1993.

4. "Willie Brown: Sure 2nd Time Is Charm," San Francisco Examiner , May 21, 1964.

5. "Routes of Destruction," San Francisco Chronicle , Mar. 24, 1964.

6. Letter signed by Willie Brown on Willie Brown letterhead, "Dear Friend," undated, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

7. Letter from Ed Gaffney, "Dear Friend," May 12, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley.

8. "Haight-Ashbury Democratic Reporter," Phillip Burton Papers, undated, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley.

9. "Haight-Ashbury Backs Gaffney" campaign broadsheet, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

10. Campaign leaflet, "Willie Brown Now!" undated, announcing Mar. 3, 1964, opening of campaign headquarters, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

11. Campaign pamphlet, "Workers. . ." undated, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

12. Postcard, undated, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

13. Interviews, William Lockyer, Hayward, Calif., Nov. 23, 1993; Terence Hallinan, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 16, 1993; Willie Brown, San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 17, 1994.

14. Willie Brown, interview, Jan. 17, 1994.

15. Ibid.

16. "An Open Letter to Labor," undated, signed by Willie L. Brown Jr., Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley.

17. Tally sheet, "Official Ballot," San Francisco Committee on Political Education Pre-Primary Endorsing Convention, Apr. 2, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "20th A.D.—1964—John Burton," carton 4, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

18. Editorial, "New Leadership in the Assembly," San Francisco Chronicle , May 29, 1964.

19. Willie Brown, interview, Jan. 17, 1994.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Editorial, "Two We Cannot Support," San Francisco Examiner , May 29, 1964.

23. "Demos Row on Race for Assembly," San Francisco News-Call Bulletin , Apr. 17, 1964.

24. "New Furor over Burton," San Francisco Examiner , Apr. 18, 1964.

25. Jacobs, A Rage for Justice , p. 95. Jacobs wrote that Moscone told the arresting officer, "I'm not getting paid for this. The party's making me do it."

26. The list of prominent campaign workers based on interview with Bill Honig, San Francisco, Calif., Apr. 21, 1993; interview with Bill Lockyer; and letterhead stationery from the campaign. Also Jacobs, A Rage for Justice , pp. 94-95.

27. Letter from George Moscone, "Dear Fellow Democrat," May 26, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

28. Letter from Louis Garcia et al., "Dear Fellow Democrat," May 26, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

29. Letter, "Chinese-American Democratic Club, Inc., Endorses Willie Brown," undated, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

30. Letter from Willie Brown, "Dear Teacher," May 29, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

31. Beth Trier, "Blanche Brown—She's Her Own Woman Now," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 22, 1981.

32. Letter from Edward M. Gaffney to Rep. John Shelley, Dec. 9, 1963, Jesse M. Unruh Papers, folder "Correspondence, Legislators, G-Ha; 1959-69," LP236:299, California State Archives, Sacramento.

33. Letter from Governor Edmund G. Brown, "Dear Fellow San Franciscan," May 22, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

34. Letter from Jesse M. Unruh, "To Whom It May Concern," Mar. 23, 1964, Jesse M. Unruh Papers, folder "Correspondence, Legislators, G-Ha; 1959-69," LP236:299, California State Archives, Sacramento.

35. Telegram from Jesse M. Unruh to Frank P. Lynch, chairman of Edward Gaffney dinner, Sep. 19, 1962, Jesse M. Unruh Papers, folder "Correspondence, Legislators, G-Ha; 1959-69," LP236:299, California State Archives, Sacramento.

36. Willie Brown, interview, Jan. 17, 1994.

37. Memorandum from Tom Bane to Jesse M. Unruh, Dec. 1, 1962, Jesse M. Unruh Papers, folder "Legislature-Assembly-Speaker; Unruh, Jesse M., Assembly Committees: Rules," LP236:96, California State Archives, Sacramento.

38. Letter from Jesse Unruh to Gene Wyman, Oct. 10, 1963, Jesse M. Unruh Papers, folder "Political, Democratic State Central Committee 1961-63," contained in box entitled "Jesse M. Unruh, Political 1961-1969," box 5, location B303, California State Archives, Sacramento.

39. Registration figures from a campaign memorandum by Rudy Nothenberg, undated but probably written in late April 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

40. Terence Hallinan, interview; also letter, "Youth Committee for Assembly-man Willie Brown," from 1966, signed by Hallinan, Phillip Isenberg Papers, folder "1967-1969/Willie Brown Jr. Administrative Assistant," box 5, California State University, Sacramento, Archives.

41. "Willie Brown: Sure 2nd Time Is Charm."

42. "Demo Candidate for Assembly Willie Brown Decries Discrimination in S.F. Plumbers Union," Chinese World , Apr. 25, 1964.

43. The account of how Willie Brown spent primary election day is based on the colorful feature by Jerry Belcher, "Willie Brown—A Sprinter," San Francisco Examiner , June 3, 1964.

44. Primary election results, California Legislature at Sacramento , 1965 (Sacramento: California Legislature, 1965), p. 418.

45. "The Assembly Races: A Willie Brown Victory," San Francisco Chronicle , June 3, 1964.

46. "The 'Braintrust Cabinet,'" San Francisco Examiner , Sep. 30, 1964.

47. Gerald Hill, interview, Berkeley, Calif., Sep. 17, 1993.

48. Earl C. Behrens, "A Bitter Exchange by Teasdale, Willie Brown," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 14, 1964.

49. "Teasdale vs. Willie Brown," San Francisco Examiner , Oct. 14, 1964.

50. Jack S. McDowell, "Willie Brown Fires Back at Opponent," San Francisco News—Call Bulletin , Oct. 14, 1964.

51. Sydney Kossen, "'Racism' Charge in S.F. Politics," San Francisco Examiner , Oct. 16, 1964.

52. "Candidates Debate at S.F. State," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 20, 1964.

53. "Teasdale Again Attacks Backers of Willie Brown," San Francisco Chronicle , Oct. 28, 1964.

54. "Willie Brown," San Francisco Examiner , Nov. 1, 1964.

55. Ibid.

56. General election results, California Legislature at Sacramento , 1965, p. 459.

57. Larry L. Berg and C. B. Holman, "Ethnic Voting Patterns and Elite Behavior: California's Speaker of the Assembly," in Racial and Ethnic Politics in California , ed. Byran O. Jackson and Michael B. Preston, pp. 133-154.

58. Ibid., p. 140.

59. Fund-raising letter from Bill Williams et al. under "Willie Brown for Assembly Committee" letterhead, Mar. 11, 1964, Phillip Burton Papers, folder "1964 18th A.D. Willie L. Brown Jr.," carton 5, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

60. A year after his election, Willie Brown told a newspaper reporter that he had spent $37,500 on the 1964 race. Judging by the pattern of his fund-raising in subsequent years, that figure was probably accurate. In the 1970s, when election laws required full disclosure of campaign spending, Brown usually reported about $45,000 per election on the average, until he became Speaker and his campaign fund-raising skyrocketed into the millions of dollars each year.

61. "Willie L. Brown (D-San Francisco)," San Mateo Times , Sep. 15, 1965.

62. Noah Griffin, interview, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 10, 1995.

63. John Dearman, interview, San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 17, 1994.

64. J. W. Woodard, "Political Affairs, The Primary Examined," The Mallet , June 6, 1964.

65. Michael Harris, "The Black Convention—Willie Brown's Judgment," San Francisco Chronicle , Mar. 20, 1972.


Preferred Citation: Richardson, James. Willie Brown: A Biography. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.