Haight-Ashbury, 77
"Haight-Ashbury Democratic Reporter," 93
Haldeman, H.R., 150
Hallett, Carol:
as Assembly minority leader, 256 -57, 278 ;
and Assembly Speaker election (1980), 262 , 264 -66, 268 , 271 , 277 ;
and California redistricting, 281 ;
in lieutenant governor election (1982), 278 , 292
Hallett, James, 277
Hallinan, Terence:
and civil rights protests, 84 , 85 , 86 ;
as San Francisco district attorney, 402
Hallinan, Vincent, 87
Hancock, Baby Dalle (née Tuck) (half-sister), 9 , 14 , 28 , 31 ;
in Willie Brown's 1995 mayoral campaign, 401 , 402
Hannigan, Tom:
as Assembly majority leader, 317 , 318 , 334 ;
and Assembly Speaker election (1980), 263 , 270 , 271 ;
as member of Grizzlies, 331
Harris, Elihu, 250 , 264 , 286 , 328
Harris, Jack, 27
Harris, Kamala, 390 , 394 , 402 , 404
Hart, Gary, 203 -4, 205 , 206 -7, 212
Harvey, Trice, 341
Hastings College of the Law, 63 -64
Hatcher, Richard, 193
Hawkins, Augustus, 128 , 193 , 286 ;
and Assembly Speaker election (1980), 270
Hayakawa, Samuel I., 166 -67, 373
Hayden, Tom, 293 , 309 , 334 , 371
Hayes, Thomas, 370
Highway Commission, 92 -93
Hill, Gerald, 63 -64, 99 , 160
Hillard, Robert Henson, 7
Hilliard, David, 167
Hitch, Charles, 187
Hoffa, Jimmy, 148
Holton, Ruth, 321
Homosexuality. See Gay rights legislation
Hongisto, Richard, 213
Horcher, Paul:
and Assembly Speaker election (1994), 376 -78;
on Willie Brown's mayoral staff, 403 ;
Hotel Employers Association, 87
discrimination in, 59 , 71 -72, 73 -75;
as issue in 1964 Assembly general election, 100 ;
legislation, 124 , 125 -26, 138 ;
segregation in, 65 ;
urban blacks' concern about, 165 -66.
See also Proposition 14; Rumford Fair Housing Act
at Miami Democratic National Convention (1972), 200 -201, 203 -5, 211
Huff, Jesse, 328
Huffington, Michael, 372 -73
Huffman, Alice, 356 -57, 362 ;
and BAPAC, 286 ;
and Willie Brown, 286 , 362 , 364 , 371 , 383
Hughes, Richard J., 157
Humphrey, Hubert:
Willie Brown's opinion of, 213 ;
presidential campaign (1968) of, 149 , 155 , 159 -60;
presidential campaign (1972) of, 199 , 201 -4, 210 ;
Vietnam War policies of, 159 -60
Hunters Point:
Robert Kennedy's motorcade in, 151 ;
park for, 220 ;
riot, 136 -37;
voter turnout at, 397