AB 134 (South Africa investment boycott), 312 -13
AB 357 (assault weapon ban), 311
AB 377 (trial delay bill), 124 , 125
AB 489 (gay rights), 237 -39
AB 650 (toxic waste cleanup), 310
AB 701 (sexual conduct bill), 170 -71, 176
AB 996 (antismoking ordinance override), 324
AB 1036 (auto insurance bill), 126
AB 1037 (auto insurance bill), 126
AB 1300 (workers compensation fraud), 369
AB 1313 (Taco Bell tax break), 352
AB 1490 (recycling fee imposed), 365 -66
AB 1580 (nonprofit development subsidy), 353
AB 1853 (Tire Recycling Act of 1989), 324
AB 2595 (clean air), 311
AB 4298 (recycling fee suspended), 365 -66
ACA 49 (housing improvements bill), 125 -26
Achtenberg, Roberta, 392 , 397 , 400
Adderley, Julian "Cannonball," 191
Agnos, Art, 59 , 250 , 258 , 264 , 270 ;
as side to Leo McCarthy, 220 , 222 , 227 ;
in Assembly election (1976), 240 , 246 ;
Willie Brown described by, 252 -53;
San Francisco mayoral election (1987) won by, 252 , 340 ;
San Francisco mayoral election (1991) lost by, 391 , 392
Agricultural Labor Relations Act, 260
Agricultural Labor Relations Board, 237
Ahwahnee Hotel, Democratic caucus meeting, 306
AIDS research, 311
Alameda Times-Star , 121
Alatorre, Richard, 225 , 280 , 329 ;
and election of Assembly Speaker (1980), 259 -60, 269 -70;
and 1981 California redistricting, 280 -81, 288
Alioto, Joseph, 139 -40, 167 , 217 ;
and Willie Brown, 160 -61, 176 , 402 ;
and Hubert Humphrey's presidential campaign, 149 , 160 ;
at 1972 Miami Democratic National Convention, 207 ;
in 1974 gubernatorial election, 216 , 223
Allen, Doris, 276 , 293 , 380 -82, 398
Andal, Dean, 376 -77
Antismoking ordinance, 324
Antiwar movement. See Vietnam War, protest movement
Apartheid. See South Africa investment boycott
Archie-Hudson, Marguerite, 287 , 329 , 401
Areias, Rusty, 293 , 333 -35, 339 , 344
Arendt, Hannah, 409
Assembly Contingent Fund, 112
Assembly Democratic caucus luncheon, 320
Association for California Tort Reform, 348
Atkinson, George, 240 -41
Auto insurance legislation, 126 , 137 , 176
Auto Row protest, 87 -89, 92 , 168 ;
trials, 124