"Face," 190 , 195 , 256 , 282 , 302
Fairbank, John, 62
Famine, 111 , 123 -24, 125 , 212 n89, 291
Fan Gaotou, 213
Fang Huichang, 189
Fang Mingshan, 165 n37
Fang Yizhang, 161 n29
Farnham, Boyd and Company, 89
Federated Committee of Sojourning Tongxianghui, 284
Federation of Jiangsu Public Groups, 40 n60
Fei Xiaotong, 92
Feng Guifen, 198
Feng Junguang, 85 n2, 115 n65, 134
Feng Shaoshan, 208
Fenghua county (Ningbo), 36 , 245
Fengshun county (Guangdong), merchants from, 57 -58
Ferryworkers' union, 284
Floods: in Guangdong, 99 , 110 , 124 n9, 244 ;
of 1905, 122
Flour mills, 234
Foreign concessions, 28 , 30 -31, 147 , 150 , 151 -52, 153 . See also French Concession; International Settlement
Foreign Merchandise Association, 156 n15
Foreign Piece Goods Dealers' Guild, 153 , 156
Foreign trade: opening of Shanghai to, 48 -49;
prominence of Guangdong people in, 53 , 54 , 62
Foreign Trade Lane, 17 , 56 , 64
Foreigners: and Chinese identity, 27 ;
and May Fourth Movement, 266 -67;
official functions involving, 125 -26;
and the opium trade, 68 n42, 69 n43, 70 , 131 -32, 136 . See also Antiforeign activity; Foreign concessions; Huiguan , and foreigners
Foreign-Goods Trade Association, 261 n8
Fortune, Robert, 69
French Concession, 14 -7, 171 -72;
map of, 149 ;
Ningbo cemetery land in, 159 -60, 164 ;
French Convention (1914), 194
French Municipal Council, 160 -62
Fudan Chaozhou Students' Association, 232 , 236
Fudan Shaoxing Student Association, 237
Fudan University, 263
Fudan University Students' Association, 232
Fudan Zhejiang Student Association, 237
Fujian: boatmen, 62 -65;
merchants, 30 , 34 , 50 , 133 -34, 185 , 186 n20;
neighborhoods, 17 ;
sojourners, 25 , 55 , 93 , 232 ;
Fujian bang (Fujian Clique), 77 , 184
Fujian native-place associations, 9 , 77 , 81 . See also Dianchuntang; Li Xianyun; Quan-Zhang Huiguan; Xing'an Huignan; Zeng Shaoqing
Fujian Reconstruction Committee, 263 , 268
Fujian secret societies, 77 , 79 , 80 . See also Small Sword Uprising
Fujian Student Association, 238
Fujian Tingzhou Huiguan, 186
Funeral ceremonies, 92 n16, 212 n90. See also Death ritual
Fuzhou, 59 n23
Fuzhou Huiguan, 232 . See also San Shan Huiguan