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Acum (Lin Qin), 60

All-Anhui Consultative Committee, 40 n60, 239

All-province associations, 239

All-Shanghai Association for the Support of Armed Resistance, 290

All-Zhejiang Association, 40 n60, 239

Alum (Guangdong merchant), 60

Anderson, Benedict, 312

Anfu clique, 246

Anhui: merchants, 32 -33, 50 , 285 , 286 ;

pawnshops, 30 -31, 34 n48;

restaurants, 22 , 23 ;

sojourners, 22 , 198 n55, 224

Anhui Consultative Committee, 263

Anhui Tongxianghui, 286 -87

Anti-American Boycott of 1905, 178 n2, 183 -87, 201 n60, 216 n98

Antiforeign activity, 2 n1, 64 n35, 159 , 169 -70, 174 , 179 , 202 -3. See also Anti-American Boycott of 1905; Ningbo cemetery riots; Zhou Shengyou, case of

Anti-Japanese activity, 289 -90, 301

Anti-Qing mobilization, 198

Architecture. See Huiguan architecture

Artisans. See Workers

Association of Chaozhou Students Sojourning in Shanghai, 229

Association of Fujian Students, 232

Association of Guangdong Seamen, 236 . See also Guangdong, seamen

Association of Ningbo Seamen, 37 , 237 , 275

Association of Zhejiang Students Sojourning in Shanghai, 232 , 237

Augustine Heard and Company, 60 , 140 n50

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