Labor Department: and admissions policy concerning citizens' immigrant wives following Cable Act, 117 -19, 117 -18n9
and American wives of aliens, 143 n82, 145 nn85-86
and Cable Act, 103 -5, 133 , 137 n63, 166 -67
and Chinese wives, 124 , 126 -29
and consul investigation by House Committee, 181
and equal-nationality bill, 239
and Larch deportation case, 173
and marital naturalization, 36 n47
monitoring of naturalized Americans by, 224
and naturalization screening, 163
support for expatriated women by, 132 n52
Women's Bureau of, 199 , 248 n11
See also Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization
Labor legislation for women, 228 -29, 236 , 254
LaFollette, Robert M., Jr., 137
Lambie, Margaret, 204
Lape, Esther, 51 n16
Larch, Lillian, 1 , 2 , 172 -74, 190 , 193
Larned, Frank H., 39 n55
Lassonne, Louisa, 28 -29
Lathrop, Julia, 164
Lazarus, In re,66 -67n52, 143 n82
League of Nations: and Hague Conference on Codification of International Law, 197 , 201 -4
and Hague convention on nationality, 233 , 244 -45, 245 n5
National League of Women Voters' support for, 202 n12
and National
Woman's Party, 221 -22
and Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality, 219 -21, 245
and women's nationality rights, 157 , 170 -71, 194 , 207 , 219 -22, 233 , 244 -46, 245 n5
World Court, 201 -2, 222 -23, 222 n69, 223 n72
League of Women Voters. See National League of Women Voters
Lebret, Elise, 15
Lemons, J. Stanley, 3
Leong Shee, Ex parte,126 n31
Lewis, Sinclair, 186
Life and Labor,75
Lima conference. See Conference of American States (Lima conference)
Literacy test, 88 , 114 , 115 n4, 119
Look Tin Sing, In re,66 n49
Low Wah Suey v. Backus,30 n31
Lowell, James Arnold, 125 , 125 n30, 126
L.p.c. ("likely to become public charges") exclusions, 175 -77, 177 n49, 181 , 182
Luhrs v. Eimer,22 n
Luria v. United States,144 n84
Lynch, In re,143 n82