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Labor Department: and admissions policy concerning citizens' immigrant wives following Cable Act, 117 -19, 117 -18n9

and American wives of aliens, 143 n82, 145 nn85-86

and Cable Act, 103 -5, 133 , 137 n63, 166 -67

and Chinese wives, 124 , 126 -29

and consul investigation by House Committee, 181

and equal-nationality bill, 239

and Larch deportation case, 173

and marital naturalization, 36 n47

monitoring of naturalized Americans by, 224

and naturalization screening, 163

and Shelley case, 188 , 194

support for expatriated women by, 132 n52

Women's Bureau of, 199 , 248 n11

See also Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization

Labor legislation for women, 228 -29, 236 , 254

LaFollette, Robert M., Jr., 137

Lambie, Margaret, 204

Lape, Esther, 51 n16

Larch, Lillian, 1 , 2 , 172 -74, 190 , 193

Larned, Frank H., 39 n55

Lassonne, Louisa, 28 -29

Lathrop, Julia, 164

Lazarus, In re,66 -67n52, 143 n82

League of Nations: and Hague Conference on Codification of International Law, 197 , 201 -4

and Hague convention on nationality, 233 , 244 -45, 245 n5

National League of Women Voters' support for, 202 n12

and National


Woman's Party, 221 -22

and Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality, 219 -21, 245

and women's nationality rights, 157 , 170 -71, 194 , 207 , 219 -22, 233 , 244 -46, 245 n5

World Court, 201 -2, 222 -23, 222 n69, 223 n72

League of Women Voters. See National League of Women Voters

Lebret, Elise, 15

Lee, Muna, 173 , 199 , 200

Lemons, J. Stanley, 3

Leong Shee, Ex parte,126 n31

Lewis, Sinclair, 186

Life and Labor,75

Lima conference. See Conference of American States (Lima conference)

Literacy test, 88 , 114 , 115 n4, 119

Look Tin Sing, In re,66 n49

Low Wah Suey v. Backus,30 n31

Lowell, James Arnold, 125 , 125 n30, 126

L.p.c. ("likely to become public charges") exclusions, 175 -77, 177 n49, 181 , 182

Luhrs v. Eimer,22 n

Luria v. United States,144 n84

Lynch, In re,143 n82

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