Immigrant men: admissions policy concerning immigrant husbands after Cable Act, 130 -32, 132 n52
American wives of Chinese men, 137
Citizen Wives Organization (CWO) activities for their foreign-born husbands, 174 -83, 186 , 193 , 194
citizens' husbands as preference immigrants, 183
literacy test for, 115 n4
native-born Americans' attitudes toward, 5 -6, 9 , 49 , 61 , 68 , 117 n8, 131
nonquota status for citizens' husbands otherwise qualified to enter U.S. as immigrant, 182 -83
voting privileges for, 45 -50, 46 n2, 48 n6
woman suffrage movement and alien male voters, 45 -50, 46 n2, 48 n6
Immigrant women: admissions policy concerning citizens' immigrant wives following Cable Act, 117 -30, 117 -18n9, 118 n11, 149
Americanization of, 90 -91, 94 -96, 164 -65
Breckinridge study of, 158 -63
Chinese wives, 29 -31, 30 n31, 124 -28, 125 n29
citizens' wives as preference immigrants, 114 -16, 116 n6
citizenship-training programs for, 48 -49, 51 -55, 91 n28, 164 , 165
denial of visa to citizens' wives, 122 -23
domestic image of, as mother, 93 -96
failures of, to achieve naturalization, 61 -63
fraudulent marriages by, 29 -34
impact of Cable Act on, 158 -63
preference toward, 115 n4
stereotypes of, 91 -92, 91 n28
voting privileges for, 48 -56, 52 -53n20, 75 -76, 80 -81, 93
woman's rights activists' responses to, 47 , 92 -93, 156 -57, 163 -64
women's rights as interest of, 164 -65
Immigrants in America Review,55
Immigrants' Protective League, 158 , 169
Immigration: admissions policy concerning citizens' immigrant wives following Cable Act, 117 -19, 117 -18n9, 118 n11, 149
admissions policy concerning immigrant husbands of American women after Cable Act, 130 -32, 132 n52
and Americanization movement, 46 -47, 50 -56, 50n, 51 n16, 52 n18, 75 , 82 , 91 -92, 94 -96, 156 , 164 -65
attitudes toward immigrants during World War I, 49 , 68 , 70 -71
Chinese exclusion laws, 29 -31, 30 n31, 114 , 124
and Copeland-Jenkins Act, 132 -33, 132 n51, 173
distinction between "new" and "old" immigrants, 144 , 114 n3
family considerations in, 116 -33, 120 n19, 121 nn21-22, 131 n50
Johnson-Reed (National Origins) Act, 119 -25, 127 -29, 132 n51, 133 , 136 , 139 -40n73, 149
and literacy test, 144 , 115 n4, 119
McCarran-Walter Act, 119 n17
native-born Americans' anxiety about, 5 -6, 9 , 49 , 61 , 68 , 117 n8, 131 , 211 -12
preference immigrants, 114 -16, 116 n6, 120 , 150 , 183
and Quota Act of 1921, 104 , 113 -15, 133 , 163 n19
statistics on, 5 , 55 , 114 , 114 n2, 167 n, 175
studies of interwar policies on, 9 -10
See also Immigrant men; Immigrant women; Marital naturalization; headings beginning with Immigration Act
Immigration Act of 1875, 30 -31
Immigration Act of 1903, 31 n33, 34
Immigration Act of 1917, 40 -41, 114 , 114 n3, 126 n31, 168
Immigration Act of 1921. See Quota Act of 1921
Immigration Act of 1924. See National Origins Act
Immigration Act of 1926, 131 , 131 n50
Immigration Act of 1930, 122 -23, 128 , 168 , 168 n31
Immigration Act of 1932, 194
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 24 n2
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 24 n2
Immigration and Naturalization Bureau. See Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization
Independent citizenship: Cable bill on, 89 -91, 90 n25, 93 -96
countries with legislation protecting, 109 n, 171 n, 195 , 195 n1
definition of, 3
international perspectives on, 109 , 157 , 170 -71, 170 -71n37, 194 -242
Mackenzie case, 65 -70, 68 n57, 76 , 77
Maguire's objections to, 85 -86
media treatment of Mackenzie's case, 68 -70, 68 n57, 76
reform bills introduced before Cable Act, 68 , 82 -89, 89 n21
and woman suffrage, 81 -82, 97
Women's Joint Congressional Committee (WJCC) support for, 86 -90, 87 n17, 105 , 107
women's rights advocates for, 3 -13, 86 -93, 105 , 109 -12, 155 -57, 167 -70
See also Cable Act; Nationality-rights movement
Individualism and citizenship, 11 -14, 112 nn9-10
Inter-American Commission of Women: creation and purpose of, 201
and equal-nationality treaty, 216 , 232 -34, 245
and Hague Codification Conference, 203 -6, 211 , 213
membership of, 201
and Montevideo conference, 238
and National Woman's Party, 244 , 246 -48
rotation of presidency of, 238 n110
U.S. lack of support for, 234 n100
Winslow's appointment as U.S. representative to, 246 -48, 247 n9
and Women's Consultative Committee on Nationality, 219
Intermarriage between citizens and noncitizens. See Transnational marriages
International Alliance of Women, 203 , 206 , 210 , 211 , 216 -20, 220 n63, 229 , 245 -46
International Alliance of Women's Committees on the Nationality of Married Women, 207 n25
International Council of Women, 74 , 210 , 211 , 216 -19, 246
International Federation of University Women, 219 , 220 , 220 n63, 246
International Federation of Women Lawyers, 246
International perspectives: countries with independent-citizenship legislation, 109 n, 171 n, 195 , 195 n
disagreements among women's organizations over nationality-reform strategies, 216 -18
equal-nationality treaty, 217 -21, 219 n61, 231 n, 232 -39, 236 n105, 243 -46, 247 , 250 -52
on expatriation, 74 -75, 108 -9, 109 n, 197 -98
Hague Conference on Codification of International Law, 197 , 202 -16, 221 , 223
Inter-American Commission of Women, 201 , 203 , 204 -5
League of Nations, 157 , 170 -71, 194 , 197 , 201 -4, 202 n12, 219 -22, 233 , 244 -46, 245 n5
on nationality rights, 109 , 109n, 157 , 170 -71, 170 -71n37, 194 -242
Pan American Union, 7 , 157 , 194 , 199 -201, 232 , 233 -38
International Soroptimists Clubs, 245
International Union of Societies for the League of Nations, 203
International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA), 198 -99, 198 n4
Irwin, Inez Haynes, 186
IWSA. See International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA)