Hackworth, Greene, 212 , 231 n, 239
Hague Conference on Codification of International Law, 197 , 202 -16, 221 , 223 , 244
Hague convention on nationality, 212 -16, 220 -23, 221 n67, 233 , 244 , 245
Hand, Learned, 35 , 37 -39, 39 n55
Harding, Warren G., 103 -4, 105 , 106 , 137
Harrison, Gladys, 107 , 166 n24, 167 -68
Harvard Research Committee, 203 -4, 204 n17
Hatch, Blaine, 185
Hay, John, 29
Headman v. Rose et al.,22 n, 24 n
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society of New York, 177 , 180
Heemskerk, Theodorus, 210 -11
Heimatlos. See Statelessness
Henning, Edward J., 140
Hill, Cyril, 108
Hill, David Jayne, 57 n
Hill, Elsie, 232
Hilles, Florence Bayard, 207 , 235
Home-law rule, 26 -27
Hooker, Edith Houghton, 233
Hoover, Herbert, 168 , 169 n35, 175 -81, 177 n49, 205 -6, 208 , 213 , 221 , 222
Hopkins v. Fachant,38 n52
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 213 , 216 n56
House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization: and Cable Act, 101 -2 and Cable Act amendments, 165 , 165 -66n24, 168 , 222
and Citizen Wives Organization (CWO), 180 , 182
and consul investigation, 181
and Copeland-Jenkins Act, 133
and equal-nationality bills, 218 , 227 -33, 239
and independent citizenship, 87 , 89 , 90
and Larch deportation case, 173
and Nineteenth Amendment, 81
and quota system, 119
and Rankin bill, 70 -74
and statelessness, 101 -2
Wold's criticisms of, 138 -39
House Rules Committee, 239
Hudson, Manley O., 204 n17, 206 -7, 214
Hughes, Charles Evans, 102 , 105 , 200 -201
Hughes v. Techt,68 n56
Hull, Cordell, 230 -31, 235 , 236 n104, 238 , 238 n110, 239 , 241 , 248
Hull, Harry, 132 n52
Hunt, Gaillard, 57 n
Husband, W. W., 117