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Das, Mary, 135 -36

Daughters of the American Revolution, 71 , 74

Davies, In re,188 n83

Davis, James J., 103 -5, 113 , 121 , 121 n21, 125 , 129 , 132 n52, 137 n63, 145 n86, 146 -47n91

D.C. Woman's Bar Association, 169 n35, 216 n55, 227

De la Rodia, Mrs. Marced, 27 -28n24

De Montagut, Claire, 142

Democrats, 81 n2, 82 , 97 , 152 , 230 , 241

Denaturalization, 65 -66, 66 -67n52, 134 -38, 215

See also Expatriation; Marital expatriation

Dennis, William, 204

Department of Justice. See Justice Department

Department of Labor. See Labor Department

Department of State. See State Department

Dependent/derivative citizenship. See Children's citizenship; Marital expatriation; Marital naturalization

Deportation: and children, 226 n77

classes of aliens subject to, 36 n46


court cases on, 122 n24

fraudulent marriages as cause of, 34

fraudulent marriages to avoid, 31 -33

of Emma Goldman, 172 n38

of Larch family, 172 -74

of prostitutes, 30 n31, 31 n33

of widows previously married to foreigners, 1 , 2 , 172 -74

Derivative citizenship. See Children's citizenship; Marital expatriation; Marital naturalization

Desertion by alien husbands, 83 , 141

Desertion from military, 25 n19

Dewey, John, 186

Dewson, Mary (Molly), 247 -48, 248 n11

Dickstein, Samuel, 138 , 180 , 182 -83, 182 n62, 228 -32, 241

Dies, Martin, 233

Dillingham Commission, 29 , 31 -33

Divorce, effect on citizenship, 1 -2, 27 -29

Domicile of wives, 84 -85, 84 n12, 86

Dorsey v. Brigham,22 n, 41 n

Dorto, Emilie, 123 -24

Dorto v. Clark,123 -24, 123 n26

Dred Scott v. Sandford,66 n49

Dreier, Mary, 51

Dual citizenship, 26 -27, 26 n21, 58 , 101 , 102 -3, 192 -93, 196

DuBois, Ellen Carol, 8 n7

DuBois, W. E. B., 186

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