Preferred Citation: Ames, Karyn R., and Alan Brenner, editors Frontiers of Supercomputing II: A National Reassessment. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.

In Defense of the Vector Computer

In Defense of the Vector Computer

Harvey Cragon

Harvey G. Cragon has held the Ernest Cockrell, Jr., Centennial Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin, since 1984. Previously he was employed at Texas Instruments for 25 years, where he designed and constructed the first integrated-circuit computer, the first transistor-transistor logic computer, and a number of other computers and microprocessors. His current interests center upon computer performance and architecture design. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Professor Cragon received the IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award in 1984 and the ACM-IEEE Eckert-Mauchly Award in 1986. He is also a trustee of The Computer Museum in Boston.

As several have said this morning, parallel computers, as an architectural concept, were talked about and the research was done on them before the advent of vector machines. The vector machine is sort of the "new kid on the block," not the other way around.

Today I am going to defend the vector computer. I think that there are some reasons why it is the workhorse of the industry and why it has been successful and will continue to be successful.

The first reason is that in the mid-1960s, about 1966, it suddenly dawned on me, as it had on others, that the Fortran DO loop was a direct


invocation of a vector instruction. Everything would not be vectorizable, but just picking out the Fortran DO loops made it possible to compile programs for the vector machine. That is, I think, still an overwhelming advantage that the vector machines have—that the arrayed constructs of languages such as Ada are vectorizable.

The second reason is that there is a natural marriage between pipelining and the vector instruction. Long vectors equal long pipelines, short clock periods, and high performance. Those items merge together very well.

Now, back to the programming point of view and how vectors more or less got started. Erich Bloch, in Session 1, was talking about the Stretch computer. I remember reading in a collection of papers on Stretch that there was a flow chart of a vector subroutine. I looked at that and realized that's what ought to be in the hardware. Therefore, we were taking known programming constructs and mapping them into hardware.

Today it strikes me that we are trying to work the parallel computer problem the other way. We are trying to find the programming constructs that will work on the hardware. We come at it from the programming point of view.

I believe that vector pipeline machines give a proper combination of the space-time parallelism that arises in many problems. The mapping of a problem to perform pipeline and vector instructions is more efficient and productive than mapping the same type of problem to a fixed array—to an array that has fixed dimensionality.

We worked at Illinois on the ILLIAC-IV. It was a traumatic decision to abandon that idea because a semiconductor company would love to have something replicated in large numbers. However, we did not know how to program ILLIAC-IV, but we did know how to program the vector machine.

Looking to the future, I think that vector architecture technology is fairly mature, and there are not a whole lot of improvements to make. We are going to be dependent in large measure on the advances in circuit technology that we will see over the next decade. A factor of 10 is probably still in the works for silicon.

Will the socioeconomic problems of gallium arsenide and Josephson junctions overcome the technical problems? Certainly, as Tony Vacca (Session 2) said, we need high-performance technology just as much as the parallel computer architects need it.

I have made a survey recently of papers in the International Solid State Circuits Conference, and it would appear that over the last 10 years, clock rates in silicon have improved about 25 per cent per year. This would translate into a 109-type clock rate in another eight or 10 years. At those


clock rates, the power problems would become quite severe. If we try to put one of these things on a chip, we have got real power problems that have got to be solved.

I also perceive another problem facing us—that we have not paid as much attention to scalar processing as we should. Given that either pipeline vector machines stay dominant or that the multiprocessors become dominant, we still have to have higher-performance scalar machines to support them. I think that we need research in scalar machines probably as much as, if not more than, we need research in vector machines or parallel machines.

I tend to believe that the RISC theology is going the wrong way and that what we really need to do is raise rather than lower the level of abstraction so that we can get the proper computational rates out of scalar processing that we really need to support vector or parallel machines.

In conclusion, there is a saying from Texas: if it's not broke, don't fix it. There is also another saying: you dance with the one that "brung" you. Well, the one that "brung" us was the vector machine, so let's keep dancing.


In Defense of the Vector Computer

Preferred Citation: Ames, Karyn R., and Alan Brenner, editors Frontiers of Supercomputing II: A National Reassessment. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.