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High-Level Languages, Extensions, Libraries, and Graphics

There has been substantial progress recently in the area of high-level languages for parallel systems. One class of developments has occurred in the area of object-oriented programming models to facilitate parallel programming. An example that I've been involved with is a C++ library for vector and matrix operations, which was implemented on the Intel Hypercube, the FPS Computing T-Series, the Ametek 2010, the Connection Machine CM-2, and several other systems. Another example is the language DINO developed by R. Schnabel and coworkers at the University of Colorado (Rosing and Schnabel 1989).

There are also some language extensions of several standard languages that are extremely important because they have a better chance of becoming standards. An example here would be the Fortran 90 flavors—for example, Connection Machine CM Fortran. A user can write pure Fortran 90 programs and compile them unchanged on the CM-2, although for best performance it is advisable to insert some compiler directives. This provides the possibility of writing a program for the Connection Machine that might also run on other parallel machines—for example, on a CRAY Y-MP. Indeed, now that many manufacturers appear to be moving (slowly) toward Fortran 90, there are real possibilities in this direction. Several similar extensions of other languages are now available on multiple systems. One good example would be the Connection Machine language extensions C* of the C language. The C* language is now available on various systems, including products from Sequent Computer and MasPar.


There are some problems with the high-level language approach. One is the lack of portability. There is increased learning time for users if they have to learn not only the lower-level aspects of systems but also how to deal with new language constructs. Finally, there is the danger of the software systems simply becoming too specialized.

A few words are in order about libraries. While there is a tremendous amount of very interesting work going on in the library area, we will not attempt to review it. A very good example is the LAPAK work. Most of that work is going on for shared-memory systems, although there are some developments also for distributed-memory machines. It is difficult to develop efficient libraries in a way that includes both shared and distributed systems.

For distributed-memory systems there is now substantial effort to develop communication libraries that run on multiple systems. One example worth noting is the SUPRENUM system, for which they have developed high-level libraries for two- and three-dimensional grid applications (Solchenbach and Trottenberg 1988). That library really helps the user who has a grid problem to deal with. In fact, it allows the user to completely dispense with explicit communication calls. One specifies a few communication parameters (topology, grid size, etc.) and then handles all interprocess communication through high-level, geometrically intuitive operations. The system partitions data sets effectively and calls low-level communication operations to exchange or broadcast data as needed.

One other point to note is that most codes in the real world don't use libraries very heavily, and so one has to be aware that not only is it important to port libraries, but also to make the technology used to design and implement algorithms in the libraries available to the scientific community in a way such that other users can adapt those same techniques into their codes.

The graphics area is certainly one of the weakest features of parallel systems. The Connection Machine is really the only system that has tightly coupled graphics capabilities—it supports up to eight hardware frame buffers, each running at 40 megabytes per second. One disadvantage with the Connection Machine solution is that graphics applications using the frame buffer are not portable. However, the ability to at least do high-speed graphics outweighs this disadvantage. In most systems, even if there is a hardware I/O capability that is fast enough, there is a lack of software to support graphics over that I/O channel. Furthermore, many systems actually force all graphics to pass through a time-shared


front-end processor and an Ethernet connection, ensuring poor performance under almost any conditions.

The best solution is certainly to tightly couple parallel systems to conventional graphics systems. This is a way to avoid developing graphics systems that are specialized to specific pieces of parallel hardware. Much effort is now under way at several laboratories to develop such high-speed connections between parallel systems and graphics stations.

We will mention an experiment we've done at the Center for Applied Parallel Processing (CAPP) in Boulder, Colorado, where we have connected a Stardent Titan and a Silicon Graphics IRIS directly to the back end of a Connection Machine CM-2, allowing data to be communicated between the CM-2 hardware and the graphics system at a very high speed, limited, in fact, only by the back-end speed of the CM-2 (Compagnoni et al. 1991). The data are postprocessed on the graphics processor using the very high polygon processing rates that are available on those two systems. This was first implemented as a low-level capability based on IP-type protocols. However, once it was available we realized that it could be used to extend the domain of powerful object-oriented graphics systems, such as the Stardent AVS system, to include objects resident on the CM-2. From this point of view, a Stardent user programs the graphics device as if the CM-2 is part of the system.

One of the advantages here is that the Connection Machine can continue with its own numeric processing without waiting for the user to complete visualization. For example, the CM-2 can go on to the next time step of a fluid code while you graphically contemplate what has been computed to date.

Another point about this approach (based on a low-level standard protocol) is that it is easy to run the same software over slow connections. In fact, we have designed this software so that if the direct connection to the back end is not available, it automatically switches to using Ethernet links. This means you don't have to be in the next room to the CM-2 hardware to use the visualization system. Of course, you won't get the same performance from the graphics, but at least the functionality is there.

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