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Debugging Tools

The debugging of code is a fundamental user-interface issue. On parallel machines and especially on distributed memory systems, program debugging can be extremely frustrating. Basically, one is debugging not one program, but possibly 128 programs. Even if they are all executing the same code, they are not executing the same instructions if the system is MIMD. Furthermore, there are synchronization and communications


bugs that can make it extremely difficult to debug anything. For example, one problem that can occur on distributed systems is that intermediate nodes that are required for passing data back for debugging from the node where a suspected bug has developed may themselves be sick in some form or another. Debugging messages sometimes arrive in a different order than they were sent and in any event may well be coming in multiples of 128 (or more). Finally, the overall complexity of the systems can be extremely confusing, particularly when communication data structures involve complex numbering schemes such as Grey codes.

We would like to give an example of a debugging tool that we have developed and worked with for some time, with good experiences. The tool is a parallel distributed-system simulator called PARSIM. One goal of PARSIM was to develop an extremely simple and portable simulator that could be easily instrumented and coupled with visualization.

Portability is achieved by developing a UNIX-based tool, where the lowest-level communication is implemented through a very simple data-transfer capability. The data transfer may be handled using either IP facilities or even just by using the UNIX file system. PARSIM provides library support for Intel Hypercube functionality and also library support for similar communication capabilities. All of the standard communication protocols are supported, including typed messages, broadcasts, and global operations. Finally, PARSIM is usable from Fortran or C. In fact, a user simply links the host and node programs of the application to the PARSIM library.

PARSIM maintains a full trace history of all communication activity. A portable X-11 interface provides a graphical view of all the communication activities so that as the simulation is running, one can monitor all communication traffic between nodes. The graphical display represents nodes by colored, numbered circles and represents messages by arms reaching out from the nodes. A dispatched message is represented by an arm reaching toward the destination, whereas a receive request is represented by an arm reaching out from the receiver. When a requested message is actually received, the corresponding send-and-receive arms are linked to form a single path that indicates a completed transaction. Nodes awaiting message receipt are highlighted, and the types of all messages are displayed. In addition to the main display, separate text windows are used to display the output of all node and host processes. Thus, the user can watch the communication activity on a global scale while maintaining the ability to follow details on individual processors. The display works effectively on up to 32 nodes, although typically a smaller number suffices to debug most programs. Finally, PARSIM


provides a history file that records the correct time sequence in which events are occurring. The history file may be viewed later to recheck aspects of a run, without the need to rerun the whole program.

PARSIM has turned out to be a key to porting large programs to a whole range of parallel machines, including the Intel iPSC/860. It is much easier to get the programs running in this environment than it is on the Intel. Once applications are running on the simulator, they port to the machine very quickly. As a recent example, with Charbel Farhat of the University of Colorado, we have ported a large (60,000) line finite-element program to both the iPSC/860 and the SUPRENUM-1 computers in just several weeks. Thus, user-interface tools of this type can be extremely helpful.

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