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Myrias SPS-2:
Efficiency of Virtual Memory

We have made numerous measurements on the SPS-2 that attempt to quantify the cost of using the virtual shared memory in a sensible way (McBryan and Pozo 1990). One of the simplest tests is a SAXPY operation (adding a scalar times a vector to a vector):


We look at the change in performance as the vector is distributed over multiple processors, while performing all computations using only one processor. Thus, we take the same vector but allow the system to spread it over varying numbers of processors and then compute the SAXPY using just one processor. We define the performance with one processor in the domain as efficiency 1. As soon as one goes to two or more processors, there is a dramatic drop in efficiency to about 60 per cent, and performance stays at that level more or less independent of the numbers of processors in the domain. That then measures the overhead for the virtual shared memory.

Another aspect of efficiency related to data access patterns may be seen in the relaxation example presented in the previous section. The above procedure provides many different parallelizations of a given problem, one for each possible factorization of the number of tasks T . At one extreme are decompositions by rows (case T 1 = 1), and at the other extreme are decompositions by columns (T2 = 1), with intermediate values representing decompositions by subrectangles. Performance is


strongly influenced by which of these choices is made. We have in all cases found that decomposition by columns gives maximum performance. This is not, a priori, obvious; in fact, area-perimeter considerations suggest that virtual-memory communication would be minimized with a decomposition in which T1 = T2 . Two competing effects are at work: the communication bandwidth requirements are determined by the perimeter of subgrids, whereas communication overhead costs (including memory merging on task completion) are determined additionally by a factor proportional to the total number of data requests. The latter quantity is minimized by a column division. Row division is unfavorable because of the Fortran rules for data storage.

It is instructive to study the variation in performance for a given task number T as the task decomposition varies. We refer to this as "varying the subgrid aspect ratio," although in fact it is the task subgrid aspect ratio. We present sample results for two-dimensional relaxations in Table 1. The efficiency measures the deviation from the optimal case. Not all aspect ratios would in fact run. For heavily row-oriented ratios (e.g., T1 = 1, T 2 = T ), the system runs out of virtual memory and kills the program unless the grid size is quite small.

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