What Went Wrong?
The Analysis
The startup process at JVNC was not very different from the processes at the other NSF-funded supercomputing centers. Why are they still functioning today while the JVNC is closed? Many factors contributed to the lack of strength of the JVNC. As with any other human endeavor, if one does not push in all dimensions to make it right, the sum of a large number of relatively minor problems might mean failure, whereas a bit more strength or possibly better luck might make for a winner.
I will first address the minor issues that, I believe, without more detailed knowledge, may sometimes be thought of as being more important than they actually were. I will then address what I believe were the real problems.
Certainly, the location of the JVNC building was not conducive to a successful intellectual enterprise. Today, with most computer accesses occurring over communications links, it is difficult to promote an intellectually vibrant community at the hardware site. If the hardware is close by, on the same campus or in the same building where many of the user
participants reside, there is a much better chance of generating the collegial spirit and intellectual atmosphere for the center and its support personnel. The JVNC, in a commercial industrial park sufficiently far from even its closest university customers, found itself essentially in isolation.
Furthermore, because of the meager funding that allowed no in-house research-oriented staff, an almost totally vacuous intellectual atmosphere existed, with the exception of visitors from the user community and the occasional invited speaker. For those centers on campuses or for those centers able to generate some internal research, the intellectual atmosphere was certainly much healthier and more supportive than that at the JVNC.
Corporate Problems
Some of the problems the JVNC experienced were really problems that emanated from the two primary companies that the JVNC was working with: ETA and Zero One. The Zero One problem was basically one of relying too heavily on a corporate entity that actually had very little flex in its capabilities. At the beginning, it would have been helpful if Zero One had been able to better use its talent elsewhere to get the JVNC started, but it was not capable of doing that, with one or two exceptions. The expertise it had, although adequate, was not strong, so the relationship JVNC had with Zero One was not particularly effective in establishing the JVNC. Toward the end of June 1989, JVNC terminated its relationship with Zero One and took on the responsibility of operating the center by itself. Consequently, the Zero One involvement was not an important factor in the long-term JVNC complications.
The problems experienced in regard to ETA were much more fundamental to the demise of JVNC. I believe there were two issues that had a direct bearing on the status of the JVNC. The first was compounded by the inexperience of many of the board members. When the ETA-10 was first announced, the clock cycle time was advertised as five nanoseconds. By the time contractual arrangements had been completed, it was clear the five-nanosecond time was not attainable and that something more like seven or eight nanoseconds was the best goal to be achieved. As we know, the earliest machines were delivered with cycle times twice those numbers. The rancor and associated interactions concerning each of the entities' understanding of the clock period early in the relationship took what could have been a cooperative interaction and essentially poisoned it. Both organizations were at fault. ETA advertised more than they could deliver, and the consortium did not accommodate the facts.
Another area where ETA failed was in its inability to understand the importance of software to the success of the machine. Although the ETA hardware was first-rate in its implementation, the decision to make the ETA-10 compatible with the CYBER 205 had serious consequences. The primary operating-system efforts were to replicate the functionality of the CYBER 205 VSOS; any extensions would be shells around that native system. That decision and a less-than-modern approach to the implementation of the approach bogged down the whole software effort. One example was the high-performance linkages; these were old, modified programs that gave rise to totally unacceptable communications performance. As the pressures mounted for a modern operating system, in particular UNIX, the efforts fibrillated, no doubt consuming major resources, and never attained maturity. The delays imposed by these decisions certainly were not helpful to ETA or to the survival of the JVNC.
NSF, Funding, and Funding Leverage
We now come to an important complication, not unique to the JVNC but common to all of the NSF centers. To be as aggressive as possible, NSF extended itself as far as the funding level for the OASC would allow and encouraged cost-sharing arrangements to leverage the funding. This collateral funding, which came from universities, states, and corporate associates interested in participating in the centers' activities, was encouraged, expected, and counted upon for adequate funding for the centers.
As the cooperative agreements were constructed in early 1985, the funding profiles for the five-year agreements were laid out for each individual center's needs. The attempt to meet that profile was a painful experience for the JVNC management, and I believe the same could be said for the other centers as well. For the JVNC, much of the support in kind from universities was paper; indeed, in some cases, it was closer to being a reverse contribution.
As the delivery of the primary computer equipment to JVNC was delayed while some of the other centers were moving forward more effectively, the cooperative agreements were modified by NSF to accommodate these changes and stay within the actual funding profile at NSF. Without a modern functioning machine, the JVNC found it particularly difficult to attract corporate support. The other NSF centers, where state-of-the-art supercomputer systems were operational, were in much better positions to woo industrial partners, and they were more successful. Over the five-year life of the JVNC, only about $300,000 in corporate support was obtained; that was less than 10 per cent of the proposed
amount and less than three-quarters of one per cent of the actual NSF contribution.
One corporate entity, ETA, contributed a large amount to the JVNC. Because the delivery of the ETA-10 was so late, the payment for the system was repeatedly delayed. The revenue that ETA expected from delivery of the ETA-10 never came. Thus, in a sense, the hardware that was delivered to the JVNC—two CYBER 205 systems and the ETA-10—represented a very large ETA corporate contribution to the JVNC. The originally proposed ETA contribution, in discounts on the ETA-10, personnel support, and other unbilled services, was $9.6 million, which was more than 10 per cent of the proposed level of the NSF contribution.
A year after the original four centers were started, the fiscal stress in the program was quite apparent. Nevertheless, NSF chose to start the fifth center, thereby spreading its resources yet thinner. It is true that the NSF budgets were then growing, and it may have seemed to the NSF that it was a good idea to establish one more center. In retrospect, the funding level was inadequate for a new center. Even today, the funding levels of all the centers remain inadequate to support dynamic, powerful centers able to maintain strong, state-of-the-art technology.
I now come to what I believe to be the most serious single aspect that contributed to the demise of the JVNC: governance. The governance, as I perceive it, was defective in three separate domains, each defective in its own right but all contributing to the primary failure, which was the governance of the CSC. The three domains I refer to are the universities, NSF, and the consortium itself.
Part of the problem was that the expectations of almost all of the players far exceeded the possible realities. With the exception of the Director of NSF, there was hardly a person directly or indirectly involved in the governance of the JVNC who had any experience as an operator of such complex facilities as the supercomputing centers represented. Almost all of the technical expertise was as end users. This was true for the NSF OASC and for the technical representatives on the Board of Directors of the consortium. The expertise, hard work, maturation, and planning needed for multi-million-dollar computer acquisitions were unknown to this group. Their expectations both in time and in performance levels attainable at the start-up time of the center were totally unrealistic.
At one point during the course of the first year, when difficulties with ETA meeting its commitments became apparent, the consortium
negotiated the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment from an alternate vendor. To move along expeditiously, the plan included acquiring a succession of two similar but incompatible supercomputing systems from that vendor, bringing them up, networking them, educating the users, and bringing them down in sequence—all over a nine-month period! This was to be done in parallel with the running of the CYBER 205, which was then to be the ETA interim system—all of this with the minuscule staff at JVNC. At a meeting where these plans were enunciated to NSF, the Director of NSF very vocally expressed his consternation of and disbelief in the viability of the proposal. The OASC staff, the actual line managers of the centers, had no sense of the difficulty of the process being proposed.
At a meeting of the board of the consortium, the board was frustrated by the denial of this alternate approach that had by then been promulgated by NSF. A senior member of the OASC, who had participated in the board meeting but had not understood the nuances of the problem, when given the opportunity to make clear the issues involved, failed to do so, thereby allowing to stand misconceptions that were to continue to plague the JVNC. I believe that incident, which was one of many, typified a failure in governance on the part of NSF's management of the JVNC Cooperative Agreement.
With respect to the consortium itself, the Executive Committee, which consisted of the small group of people who had initiated the JVNC proposal, insisted on managing the activities as they did their own individual research grants. On a number of occasions, the board was admonished by the nontechnical board members to allow the president to manage the center. At no point did that happen during the formation of the JVNC.
These are my perceptions of the first year of operation of the JVNC. I do not have first-hand information about the situation during the remaining years of the JVNC. However, leaving aside the temporary management provided by a senior Princeton University administrator on a number of occasions, the succession of three additional presidents of the consortium over the next three years surely supports the premise that the problems were not fixed.
Since NSF was not able to do its job adequately in its oversight of the consortium, where were the university presidents during this time? The universities were out of the picture because they had delegated their authority to their representatives on the board. In one instance, the president of Princeton University did force a change in the leadership of
the Board of Directors to try to fix the problem. Unfortunately, that action was not coupled to a simultaneous change of governance that was really needed to fix the problem. One simple fix would have been to rotate the cast of characters through the system at a fairly rapid clip, thereby disengaging the inside group that had initiated the JVNC.
Although the other centers had to deal with the same NSF management during the early days, their governance typically was in better hands. Therefore, they were in a better position to accommodate the less-than-expert management within the NSF. Fortunately, by the middle of the second year, the NSF had improved its position. A "rotator" with much experience in operating such centers was assigned to the OASC. Once there was a person with the appropriate technical knowledge in place at the OASC, the relationship between the centers and the NSF improved enormously.