A Flowering Tree And Other Oral Tales from India

  Editors' Preface

 collapse section1. A Story and a Song
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section2. Acacia Trees
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section3. The Adventures of a Disobedient Prince
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section4. Bride for a Dead Man
 collapse section5. A Brother, a Sister, and a Snake
 collapse section6. A Buffalo Without Bones
 collapse section7. Cannibal Sister
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section8. Chain Tale
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section9. Another Chain Tale: What an Ant Can Do
 collapse section10. The Clever Daughter-in-law
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section11. A Couple of Misers
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section12. The Dead Prince and the Talking Doll
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section13. A Dog's Daughters
 collapse section14. A Dog's Story
 collapse section15. Dolls
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section16. Double Double
 collapse section17. Dumma and Dummi
 Types and Motifs:
 collapse section18. Dwarfs
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section19. A Flowering Tree
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section20. Flute of Joy, Flute of Sorrow
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section21. Fools
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section22. A Jackal King
 collapse section23. For Love of Kadabu
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section24. A Girl in a Picture
 collapse section25. The Glass Pillar
 collapse section26. A Golden Sparrow
 collapse section27. The Greatest Thing
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section28. Hanchi
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section29. The Horse Gram Man
 collapse section30. Hucca
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section31. The Husband's Shadow
 collapse section32. In the Kingdom of Foolishness
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section33. In Search of a Dream
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section34. King and Peasant
 collapse section35. Kutlavva
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section36. The Lampstand Woman
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section37. The Magician and His Disciple
 Types and Motifs
 collapse section38. A Minister's Word
 collapse section39. Monkey Business
 collapse section40. The Mother Who Married Her Own Son
 collapse section41. Muddanna
 collapse section42. Nagarani (“Serpent Queen”)
 collapse section43. A Ne'er-do-well
 collapse section44. Ninga on My Palm
 collapse section45. Ogress Queen
 collapse section46. An Old Couple
 collapse section47. The Past Never Passes
 collapse section48. A Peg and a Keg
 collapse section49. The Pomegranate Queen
 collapse section50. A Poor Man
 collapse section51. The Princess of Seven Jasmines
 collapse section52. The Prince Who Married His Own Left Half
 collapse section53. The Rain King's Wife
 collapse section54. Rich Man, Poor Man
 collapse section55. A Sage's Word
 collapse section56. The Serpent Lover
 collapse section57. A Shepherd's Pilgrimage
 collapse section58. Sister Crow and Sister Sparrow
 collapse section59. Siva Plays Double
 collapse section60. The Sparrow Who Wouldn't Die
 collapse section61. A Sparrow With a Single Pea
 collapse section62. Tales for a Princess
 collapse section63. The Talking Bed
 collapse section64. A Thief, a Ram, a Bear, and a Horse
 collapse section65. Three Blouses
 collapse section66. Three Magic Objects
 collapse section67. Three Sisters Named Death, Birth, and Dream
 collapse section68. The Three-Thousand-Rupee Sari
 collapse section69. Thug and Master-Thug
 collapse section70. Tree Trunk for a Boat
 collapse section71. The Turtle Prince
 collapse section72. A Wager
 collapse section73. What the Milk Bird Said
 collapse section74. Who Is the Greatest?
 collapse section75. Why the Sky Went Up
 collapse section76. The Worship of a Household God
 collapse section77. A Story to End All Stories
 collapse sectionA Flowering Tree

  Notes on the Tales
  List of Tellers and Collectors
  List of Tale Types

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