The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760

  Note on Translation and Transliteration
 expand sectionIntroduction

 collapse section1. Bengal under the Sultans
 expand section1. Before the Turkish Conquest
 expand section2. The Articulation of Political Authority
 expand section3. Early Sufis of the Delta
 expand section4. Economy, Society, and Culture
 expand section5. Mass Conversion to Islam: Theories and Protagonists

 collapse section2. Bengal under the Mughals
 expand section6. The Rise of Mughal Power
 expand section7. Mughal Culture and Its Diffusion
 expand section8. Islam and the Agrarian Order in the East
 expand section9. Mosque and Shrine in the Rural Landscape
 expand section10. The Rooting of Islam in Bengal
 collapse section11. Conclusion

  1. Mint Towns and Inscription Sites under Muslim Rulers, 1204–1760
  2. Principal Muslim Rulers of Bengal
 expand sectionSelect Bibliography

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