The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760 |
Note on Translation and Transliteration |
Acknowledgments |
Introduction |
1. Bengal under the Sultans |
1. Before the Turkish Conquest |
2. The Articulation of Political Authority |
3. Early Sufis of the Delta |
4. Economy, Society, and Culture |
5. Mass Conversion to Islam: Theories and Protagonists |
2. Bengal under the Mughals |
6. The Rise of Mughal Power |
7. Mughal Culture and Its Diffusion |
8. Islam and the Agrarian Order in the East |
9. Mosque and Shrine in the Rural Landscape |
10. The Rooting of Islam in Bengal |
11. Conclusion |
• | Notes |
1. Mint Towns and Inscription Sites under Muslim Rulers, 1204–1760 |
2. Principal Muslim Rulers of Bengal |
Select Bibliography |