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Babut, E.-Ch., 18 -19, 126 , 127 , 130 , 174 n2, 175 nn11,13, 179 n50, 190 n26, 191 n49, 198 n3, 199 n6, 205 n49, 218 n9, 219 n12, 221 -22n49

Bachiarius, 182 n68

Balch, David, 169 n23

Baldovin, John, 207 n65

Barbarian invasions, 86 , 166 n6, 213 n39;

and Tarragona inquisition, 120 , 123

Barbero de Aguilera, Abilio, 21 , 174 nn79-80, 192 -93n58, 208 n73

Basilides, 130 , 132 , 138 , 219 n10

Bassula, 142 , 147 , 224 n89, 225 nn99-102

Bauer, Walter, 171 n50

Bellerophon, 200 nn11,12

Binionites, 58 , 67 , 192 -93n58

Birley, A. R., 188 n1, 208 n77

Blaesilla, 229 n156

Body. See Human body; Material creation

Bonosus, 149

Book on the Faith and the Apocrypha (Priscillian), 48 , 49 , 60 , 64 -65, 76 , 129 , 132 , 220 n29


and Euchrotia, 82 , 83 , 84 , 99 , 201 n22;

and local conflict, 81 , 82 , 99 ;

Priscillian's first visit, 79 -80, 81 -84, 198 -99nn2,3;

route to, 198 nn1-3;

and sexual misconduct accusations, 83 -84;

and Urbica, 82 -83, 199 -200nn6,8,10-12.

See also Council of Bordeaux

Botte, D. B., 214 n55

Brictio, 226 n106

Britannius, 93

Brown, Peter, 11 , 168 n19, 187 n101, 197 n129, 201 n21, 228 n145

Bynum, Carolyn Walker, 186 n93

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