Preferred Citation: Bak, János M., editor Coronations: Medieval and Early Modern Monarchic Ritual. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1990 1990.


Eleven Papal Coronations in Avignon

1. Cf. B. Schimmelpfennig, "Die Funktion des Papstpalastes und der kurialen Gesellschaft im päpstlichen Zeremoniell vor und während des Großen Schismas," in Genèse et débuts du Grand Schisme d'Occident: Colloques internat. du CNRS 586 (Paris, 1980), 317-328.

2. For the Lateran, see Ph. Lauer, Le palais du Latran (Paris, 1911); for the Vatican, most recently, K. B. Steinke, Die mittelalterlichen Vatikanpaläste und ihre Kapellen (Vatican City, 1984, Studi e documenti per la storia del palazzo apostolico Vaticano 5).

3. F. Piola Caselli, La construzione del palazzo dei papi di Avignone : 1316-1367 (Milan, 1981); cf. also L.-H. Labande, Le Palais des Papes et les monuments d'Avignon , 2 vols. (Marseille, 1925); S. Gagnière, Le Palais des Papes d'Avignon (Paris, 1965).

4. E. Baluze and G. Mollat, eds. Vitae paparum Avenionensium (Paris, 1914) 1:309, 330, 343 (for Innocent VI); 349, 384, 394-395, 398-399 (for Urban V); 415, 439 (for Gregory XI).

5. P. Guidi, "La coronazione d'Innocenzo VI," in Papsttum und Kaisertum. Forschungen . . . Paul Kehr . . . dargebracht (Munich, 1926), 571-590.

6. Guidi, "La coronazione," 587.

7. Besides the references in notes 4 and 5, see Baluze and Mollat, Vitae 1:195, 210, 217, 226 (for Benedict XII); 241, 263, 276, 289 (for Clement VI); further, see K. H. Schäfer, ed. Die Ausgaben der Apostolischen Kammer unter den Päpsten Benedikt XII., Klemens VI., und Innozenz VI (Paderborn, 1914, Vatikanische Quellen . . . 3) [henceforth: Schäfer, Ausgaben ], 33, 184-191.

8. For the following cf. B. Schimmelpfennig, "Die Krönung des Papstes im Mittelalter dargestellt am Beispiel der Krönung Pius II (3. 9. 1458)," QFIAB 54 (1974): 192-270; B. Schimmelpfennig, "Papal Coronation," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York, 1983) 3:602-605; N. Gussone, Thron und Inthronisation des Papstes von den Anfängen bis zum 12. Jahrhundert (Bonn, 1978).

9. Schimmelpfennig, "Krönung," 250-255; C. G. Fürst, "'Statim ordinetur episcopus,'" in Ex aequo et bono: Willibald M. Plöchl zum 70. Geburtstag (Innsbruck, 1977), 45-65.

10. Schimmelpfennig, "Krönung," 210, 241; to the tiara, last G. B. Ladner, "Der Ursprung und die mittelalterliche Entwicklung der päpstlichen Tiara," in Tainia: Festschr. f. Roland Hampe (Mainz, 1979), 449-481; now also his Die Papstbildnisse des Altertums und des Mittelalters 3 (Vatican City, 1984, Monumenti di antichità cristinana II, 4), 270-307.

11. Baluze and Mollat, Vitae 1:210, 226, 384, 394-395, 398-399; G, Melville, "Quellenkundliche Beiträge zum Pontifikat Benedikts XII. anhand von neu aufgefundenen 'Gesta'. I," Historisches Jahrbuch 102 (1982): 176 (verbatim as Baluze and Mollat 1:226).

12. The ordo Romanus XIII , so called ever since Mabillon, was last edited by M. Dykmans in his La cérémonial papal de la fin du moyen âge à la Renaissance 1 [henceforth: Dykmans, Cérémonial 1] (Brussels-Rome, 1977, Bibl. de l'Institut historique belge de Rome 24), 155-218.

13. K. Eubel, ed. Hierarchia catholica medii aevi , 2d ed. (Münster, 1913) 1:5-8; to the elections and the places cf. P. Herde, "Die Entwicklung der Papstwahl im dreizehnten Jahrhundert," Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht 32 (1981): 11-41.

14. Cf. the Prooemium of the ordo (Dykmans, Cérémonial 1:158): . . . sanctissimus pater et communis dominus, dominus Gregorius papa decimus, qui olim . . . electus extitit, . . . ad cautelam presentium . . . hec que sequuntur fecit redigi . Thus only the election, not the consecration is implied to have taken place. Dykmans ( Cérémonial 1:16-17) dates the text to c. 1272/1273.

15. Dykmans, Cérémonial 1:173, cap. 49. To the sources, cf. ibid. , 155-218 and B. Schimmelpfennig, Die Zeremonienbücher der römischen Kurie im Mittelalter (Tübingen, 1973, Bibl. d. Dt. Hist. Inst. in Rom, 40), 31.

16. Schimmelpfennig, Zeremonienbücher , 66.

17. Most recent edition: M. Dykmans, "De Rome en Avignon ou Le cérémonial de Jacques Stefaneschi," in his Le cérémonial papal &c. 2 [henceforth: Dykmans, Cérémonial 2] (Brussels-Rome, 1981, Bibl. de l'Institu . . . 25), 2:275-87. Dykmans ( Cérémonial 2:168) dates the text after 1303; to the ascription to Stefaneschi, cf. Schimmelpfennig, Zeremonienbücher , 89-95; to election and coronation, ibid. , 66-71.

18. Schimmelpfennig, Zeremonienbücher , 69; recent ed., Dykmans, Cérémonial 2:290-305.

19. Cf. the literature cited above in notes 7 and 11.

20. M. Dykmans, "Les textes avignonnais jusqu'à la fin du grand schisme d'occident," in Le Cérémonial . . . 3 (Brussels-Rome, 1983 Bibl. de l'Institut . . . 26), 462-473; to the dating, ibid. , 141-144.

21. Dykmans, Cérémonial 3, 468, para. 46.

22. Ibid., 467, para. 40.

23. Ibid., 470-471, paras. 63, 65, 66.

24. Ibid., 471, para. 69.

25. Ibid., 462, paras. 1 and 3. That the subsequent paragraphs refer also to the palace chapel is, to my mind, obvious from the reference to altare and not to altare maius as it would be in a large church with several altars.

26. Steinke, Vatikanpaläste (see n. 2), 99-105.

27. Cf., for example, the description at the occasion of Gergory XII's coronation, in H. Finke, "Eine Papstchronik des XV. Jahrhunderts," Römische Quartalschrift 4 (1890): 361.

28. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:33 and 191.

29. Baluze and Mollat, Vitae 1:217.

30. B. Schimmelpfennig, "Die Organisation der päpstlichen Kapelle in Avignon", QFIAB 50 (1970): 80-111.

31. J. Braun, Die liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient (Freiburg/B., 1907; reprinted Darmstadt, 1964), esp. 399-410; more detailed is G. Pouyard, Dissertazione sopra l'anteriorità del bacio de' piedi de' sommi pontifici (Rome, 1807).

32. Cf. Schimmelpfennig, Zeremonienbücher , 466 b : Index s. v. " Quam amabilia ," and " Quam dilecta ."

33. M. Andrieu, Le pontifical de Guillaume Durand ( Le pontifical romain au moyen âge 3, Vatican City, 1940, Studi e testi 88).

34. C. A. Willemsen, Kardinal Napoleon Orsini (1263-1342) (Berlin, 1927); the cardinal is named explicitly for 1335 in a vita , see Baluze and Mollat, Vitae , 1:217.

35. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung (see n. 8), 207-208; Dykmans, Cérémonial 3:143.

36. Finke, "Papstchronik," 361.

37. P. Fabre, L. Duchesne, eds., Le Liber censuum de l'église romaine (Paris, 1910, Bibl. de l'Ecole Française 2:6) 2:145 b , para. 17; and 153 a , para. 47.

38. St. J. P. Van Dijk, The Ordinal of the Papal Court from Innocent III to Boniface VIII and Related Documents (Fribourg, 1975, Specilegium Friburgense 22), 291.

39. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 207, n. 77.

41. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:185; fourty-five fl spent by Clement VI at his coronation pro 2 pannis pro 2 cathedris papae .

42. R. Elze, "Das 'Sacrum Palatium Lateranense' im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert," Studi Gregoriani 4 (1952): 27-54; now also in his Päste-Kaiser-Könige und die mittelalterliche Herrschaftssymbolik (London, 1982, CS 152), R. Elze , "Die Herrscherlaudes im Mittelalter," ZSRG Kan. Abt. 40 (1954): 214-226; also in Päpste &c. , no. X.

43. Dykmans, Cérémonial 2:329, para. 15.

44. Ibid., 319, para 30: . . . sedet in faldistorio super pulvinar, coopertum de samito rubeo, et scabello ad pedes posito, in medio eiusdem [= St. Peter] platee, super gradus prefatos, unde ab omnibus videri possit . Since this passage was also included in the Ordo Roman VIX, the prescriptions about the fabrics may have been observed in Avignon as well; cf., however, the passage quoted in the next note.

45. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:190 (for Clement VI) on timber bought pro cadafalco, ubi papa coronatus fuit . Guidi, "Coronazione" (see n. 5), 583-584 records expenses for mason's work at Innocent VI's coronation in muro cadafalli ad ponendum fustas saumeriorum ubi dominus noster papa fuit coronatus , and (on p. 587) for fabric to be draped over the catafalque pro pannis aureis (!!) . . . cathedre, ubi, fuit facta coronatio .

46. To this and the following cf. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 214-219; the lit. cited there is to be augmented now by Ladner, "Ursprung," and Papstbildnisse (as n. 10, above).

47. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 214-219.

48. Baluze and Mollat, Vitae 1:263, 276.

49. Ibid., 217.

50. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 246, 248.

51. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:184-191.

52. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 219-231.

53. Reproduced from Cod. Vat. lat. 1145, fol. 36v in M. Dykmans, "D'Avignon à Rome. Martin V et la cortège apostolique," Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge 43 (1986): pl. I-II.

54. C. Erdmann, "Das Wappen und die Fahnen der römischen Kiche," QFIAB 22 (1931): 227-255.

55. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:190; Guidi, "Coronazione," 589.

55. Schäfer, Ausgaben 2:190; Guidi, "Coronazione," 589.

57. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 231-238.

58. Guidi, "Coronazione," 584, records expenses for a catafalque supra cancellum, quod est iuxta ecclesiam beate Marie de Domps .

59. For the following, see Baluze and Mollat, Vitae 1:330, 334 (Innocent VI); 384, 394, 398 (Urban V); 439 (Gergroy XI); and Guidi, "Coronazione," 571-590.

60. Dykmans, Cérémonial 3:462-473; cf. n. 20 above.

61. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , passim; Schimmelpfennig, "Fuktion," (as n. 1).

62. For the later developments, cf. Schimmelpfennig, Krönung , 196 ff.


Preferred Citation: Bak, János M., editor Coronations: Medieval and Early Modern Monarchic Ritual. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1990 1990.