War and Popular Culture


 collapse section1—  The Rise of Modern Popular Culture
 Treaty Ports and Shanghai
 A New Drama in Urban China
 The Emergence of Chinese Cartoons
 The New Press and New Journalists
 collapse section2—  Spoken Dramas
 The Street Play Lay Down Your Whip
 Female Symbols of Resistance: Patriotic Courtesans and Women Warriors
 Historical Plays
 Traditional Dramas
 collapse section3—  Cartoons
 The National Salvation Cartoon Propaganda Corps
 Images of War
 A New Form of Art
 War and Peace in the Cartoons of Feng Zikai
 collapse section4—  Newspapers
 Wartime Dispatches
 Fan Changjiang and the Rhetoric of War
 The War Correspondent
 The Journalist as Critic
 Dissemination and Decentralization
 Local Newspapers
 collapse section5—  New Wine in Old Bottles
 The Use of Popular Literature
 Lao She and Lao Xiang
 Drum Singing and Other Popular Culture Forms
 Popular Reading Materials
 collapse section6—  Popular Culture in the Communist Areas
 The Village Drama Movement
 Art for Politics' Sake
 Newspapers and a New Language
 Creating a New Society
 The Border Region Culture
 collapse section7—  A New Political Culture
 Intellectuals and Participation
 The Dissemination of Urban Popular Culture Forms
 Village Culture

  Appendix: Persons Interviewed
 collapse sectionNotes
 1— The Rise of Modern Popular Culture
 2— Spoken Dramas
 3— Cartoons
 4— Newspapers
 5— New Wine in Old Bottles
 6— Popular Culture in the Communist Areas
 7— A New Political Culture
 collapse sectionGlossary
 collapse sectionBibliography
 Newspapers and Periodicals
 Books and Articles
 collapse sectionIndex

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