On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy


  Introduction: On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy
 collapse section1  Revealing Concealed Nazism
 Concealing and Revealing
 Concealing in Heidegger's Thought
 Heideggerian Concealment and the History of Philosophy
 Heidegger's Nazism and the Expert Commentator
 Heidegger's Nazism
 collapse section2  The Nazi Turning and the Rectoral Address
 collapse sectionExtraphilosophic Factors in Heidegger's Nazi Turning
 Historical Background: the Weimar Republic
 Conservative Political Thought
 The Volk and German Romanticism
 collapse sectionIntraphilosophic Factors in Heidegger's Nazi Turning
 Fundamental Ontology, Nazism, and Political Philosophy
 Fundamental Ontology and Politics
 Ontology and Existence: On the Way to Practice
 From Practice to Politics
 Fundamental Ontology and National Socialism: the Rectoral Address
 collapse section3  The "Official" View and "Facts and Thoughts"
 The "Official" View
 "Facts and Thoughts"
 The "Official" View and "Facts and Thoughts"
 After the Rectorate
 "Ways to Discussion"
 collapse section4  The History of Philosophy: Nietzsche and the History of Ontology
 Provisional Results
 Heidegger's First HöIderlin Lecture Series
 The History of Philosophy and the Nietzsche Lectures
 Heidegger's Nietzsche Lectures
 Heidegger's Reading of the Will to Power
 Further Discussion of Heidegger's Nietzsche Lectures
 Heidegger's Nietzsche Lectures and the Turning (Kehre)
 The Nietzsche Lectures and Nazism
 collapse section5  Nazism and the Beitrage zur Philosophie
 Heidegger's Beiträge
 Interpretation of the Beiträge
 Nazism and the Beiträge
 The Volk
 The Volk and Silence (Schweigen)
 collapse section6  Nazism and Technology
 The Spiegel Interview, Technology, and Nazism
 On the Background of Heidegger's View of Technology
 A Note on Technology and Heidegger's Wider Position
 Influences on Heidegger's View of Technology
 Heidegger's Mature Theory of Technology
 Toward Criticism of Heidegger's View of Technology
 Technology and Heidegger's Nazism
 collapse section7  The French Reception of Heidegger's Nazism
 Reception of Heidegger's Nazism
 The Master Thinker in French Philosophy
 Origins of the French Discussion of Heidegger's Politics
 The First Wave
 The Second Wave
 The Onset of the Third Wave
 The Third Wave
 After the Third Wave
 collapse section8  Being, the Volk, and Nazism
 Interpretations of Heidegger's Nazism
 Heidegger's Nazism and the Limits of His Philosophy
 Heidegger's Thought, Its Reception, and the Role of the Intellectual
 Conclusion: On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy

 collapse sectionNotes
 Introduction: On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy
 1 Revealing Concealed Nazism
 2 The Nazi Turning and the Rectoral Address
 3 The "Official" View and "Facts and Thoughts"
 4 The History of Philosophy: Nietzsche and the History of Ontology
 5 Nazism and the Beitrage zur Philosophie
 6 Nazism and Technology
 7 The French Reception of Heidegger's Nazism
 8 Being, the Volk, and Nazism
 collapse sectionIndex

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