Preferred Citation: Cornford, Daniel, editor. Working People of California. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.


5 James v. Marinship Trouble on the New Black Frontier

1. Nathan I. Huggins, "Foreword," in Douglas Henry Daniels, Pioneer Urbanites: A Social and Cultural History of Black San Francisco (Philadelphia, 1980), xiv-xv.

2. Joseph James, "Profiles, San Francisco," Journal of Educational Sociology (November, 1945), 168; Neil Wynn, Afro-Americans and the Second World War (London, 2976), 61; Cy Record, "Willie Stokes at the Golden Gate," Crisis (June, 1949), 176; Charles Johnson, Negro War Workers in San Francisco, A Local Self-Survey (San Francisco, 1944), 2-4.

3. Johnson, Negro War Workers , 63; Record, "Willie Stokes," 177.

4. One recent work that does deal with the migration is Edward France, Some Aspects of the Migration of the Negro to the San Francisco Bay Area Since 1940 (San Francisco, 1974). For recent works dealing with the pre-war black experience, see Daniels, Pioneer Urbanites ; Rudolph Lapp, Blacks in Gold Rush California (New Haven, 1977); and Lawrence de Graaf, "City of Black Angels: Emergence of the Los Angeles Ghetto," Pacific Historical Review (August, 1970), 323-352. Best of the 1940s studies are Johnson, Negro War Workers ; Record, "Willie Stokes"; and James, "Profiles."

5. Richard Finnie, Marinship: The History of a Wartime Shipyard (San Francisco, 1947), 1-7; Marinship Corporation, Marinship (Sausalito, 1944), 20; Sausalito News , March 19, 1942.

6. Finnie, Marinship , 39-54; Davis McEntire and Julia R. Tarnopol, "Postwar Status of Negro Workers in the San Francisco Area," Monthly Labor Review (June, 1950), 613; James, "Profiles," 168.

7. Finnie, Marinship , 62-68; Persis White and Sarah Hayne, "Marin City, A Social Problem to Marin County," in Mills College, Immigration and Race Problems (Oakland, 1954), 318-334.

8. Marin Citizen , February 23, 1945; unidentified article in "Race Relations on the Pacific Coast," Carey McWilliams papers, v. 5, Bancroft Library; Johnson, Negro War Workers , 33.

9. Finnie, Marinship , 69.

10. Johnson, Negro War Workers , 20-30; James, "Profiles," 168-173; Horace Clayton, "New Problems for the West Coast," Chicago Sun , October 14, 1943.

11. San Francisco Chronicle , September 19, 1945.

12. C. L. Dellums, International President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Civil Rights Leader , oral history, Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library (Berkeley, 1973), 97-99; James, ''Profiles," 169; Johnson, Negro War Workers , 63; France, Some Aspects , 67-68.

13. Katherine Archibald, Wartime Shipyard, A Study in Social Disunity (Berkeley, 1947), 59-74.

14. Master Agreement Between the Pacific Coast Shipbuilders and the Metal Trades Department, AFL (Seattle, 1941), 4-6.

15. Daniels, Pioneer Urbanites , 31-42; Robert Knight, Industrial Relations in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1910-1918 (Berkeley, 1960), 213, 303, 315, 339, 361; James, "Profiles," 169; Johnson, Negro War Workers , 18, 70.

16. Thurgood Marshall, "Negro Status in the Boilermakers Union," Crisis (March, 1944), 77; Herbert Northrup, Organized Labor and the Negro (New York, 1944), 213-214; Ray Marshall, The Negro Worker (New York, 1967), 61.

17. Record, "Willie Stokes," 177; Johnson, Negro War Workers , 71; Ray Marshall, Negro Worker , 62.

18. James v. Marinship , 25 Cal., 2nd, 726 (1945); Johnson, Negro War Workers , 71.

19. Marin-er (October 16, 1942), 1; (August 21, 1943), 4; American Labor Citizen , December 6, 1943; People's World , January 6, 1945.

20. Marin-er (August 21, 1943), 4-6.

21. San Francisco Chronicle , San Francisco Examiner, People's World , November 24, 1943.

22. People's World, Chronicle , November 25, 1943.

23. San Rafael Daily Independent , November 27, 1943; Chronicle, Examiner , November 28, 1943.

24. Chronicle, Examiner , November 28, 1943; American Labor Citizen , December 6, 1943.

25. American Labor Citizen , December 6, 1943; People's World , November 30, 1943.

26. Finnie, Marinship , 213-214.

27. Daily Independent , November 29, 30, 1943; People's World, Chronicle , November 30, 1943; Sausalito News , December 2, 1943.

28. Daily Independent, Chronicle, Marin Citizen , December 3, 1943; People's World , December 4, 1943.

29. Daily Independent , December 13, 14, 1943, January 6, 1944; People's World , December 14, 15, 1943, January 7, 1944; Marin Citizen , December 17, 1943, January 7, 1944.

30. Daily Independent , January 12, 14, 1944; People's World , January 13, 15, 1944; Marin Citizen , January 21, 1944.

31. For background on FEPC, see Robert Weaver, Negro Labor: A National Problem (New York, 1946), 131-152; Herbert Garfinkel, When Negroes March (Glencoe, Ill., 1959), 38-75; Richard Dalfiume, Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces: Fighting on Two Fronts (Columbia, Mo., 1969), 115-123; Neil Wynn, The Afro-American and the Second World War (London, 1976), 38-48.

32. Fair Employment Practices Commission, "Press Release" (San Francisco, December 14, 1943); "Decision on Re-hearing, Cases 43, 44, 49, 50, 54" (Washington, 1945) 1-2; Final Report (Washington, 1946), 19-21.

33. People's World , January 17, 20, 25, 27, 1944; California Eagle , January 20, 27, 1944.

34. People's World , February 8, 9, 14, 1944.

35. Boilermakers Journal (November, 1943), 295.

36. Malcolm Ross, All Manner of Men (New York, 1948), 147.

37. Boilermakers Journal (March, 1944), 73-79; People's World , February 1, 14, 2944; Marin Citizen , February 11, 1944; Weaver, Negro Labor , 228-229.

38. People's World , February 14, 1944; American Labor Citizen , March 27, 1944.

39. Chronicle, Marin Citizen , February 18, 1944; People's World , February 18 19, 1944; California Eagle , February 24, 1944.

40. James v. Marinship , 737, 744-745.

41. Ibid., 731-740.

42. Ibid., 742, 745. The decision also settled the similar cases affecting other Bay Area yards instituted after Judge Butler's ruling.

43. Chronicle , January 3, 4, 1945; Marin Citizen , January 5, 1945; California Eagle , January 4, 1945; People's World , January 3, 4, 5, 6, 1945.

44. Archibald, Wartime Shipyard , 92, 96-97; People's World , January 12, 1945.

45. Ross, All Manner of Men , 150-151; FEPC, "Decision on Re-hearing," 1-11; Final Report , 21.

46. Fred Stripp, "The Relationships of the San Francisco Bay Area Negro-American Worker with the Labor Unions Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations," Th.D. thesis, Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley, 1948), 164-169; Weaver, Negro Labor , 230.

47. Stripp, "Relationships," 166.

48. Record, "Willie Stokes," 177.

49. Marin Citizen , March 30, May 4, 1945; Finnie, Marinship , 361-371.

50. Record, "Willie Stokes," 175-179; McEntire and Tarnopol, "Postwar Status," 613.

51. Record, "Willie Stokes," 179.

52. Ibid., 187; Chronicle , September 19, 1945, June 16, November 17, 1947, August 29, 1948; Tom Rose and John Kirich, The San Francisco Non-White Population, 1950-1960 (San Francisco, n.d.), 3-4; White and Hayne, "Marin City"; Ottole Krebs, "The Post-War Negro in San Francisco," in American Communities , v. 2 (Mills College, Oakland, 1949), 549-586.

53. James, "Profiles," 176.

54. Huggins, "Introduction," and Daniels, "Preface," in Daniels, Pioneer Urbanites , xv, xvii.


Preferred Citation: Cornford, Daniel, editor. Working People of California. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.