Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Temperature:

    1. adiabatic changes, 63–65

    2. annual variation:

      1. at surface, 129, 130

      2. in surface layers, 131–133

        1. theory, 135–137

    3. as an ecological factor, 770, 792–795, 843–858

    4. average surface values, 127

    5. difference, sea-surface minus air, 128, 129

    6. diurnal variation:

      1. at surface, 133, 134

      2. in surface layer, 135

    7. measurements, 347–352

    8. potential, 64

      1. at depths exceeding 4000 m, 747, 749

      2. basin water, 149

      3. bottom water, 749

      4. Caribbean Sea, 640, 641

      5. China Sea and Sulu Sea, 735

      6. Gulf of Mexico, 641

      7. Mediterranean Sea, 644

      8. Mindanao Trench, 739

    9. range, in oceans, 55

  2. Temperature-salinity diagram, 142

    1. illustrating water masses of:

      1. all oceans, 741

      2. equatorial region, Atlantic, 631

      3. equatorial region, Pacific, 707

      4. Indian Ocean, 692

      5. North Atlantic, 669

      6. North Pacific, 713

      7. South Atlantic, 626

      8. South Pacific, 699, 700

      9. Subantarctic region, 612

    2. used for checking data, 358

  3. Teredo:

    1. depredations by, 841

    2. diet, 896

  4. Terrigenous materials in sedments, 948, 949

  5. Terrigenous mud, radium content of, 1034

  6. Terrigenous sediments, 972–974

    1. average percentage of calcium carbonate, 1006

    2. classification, 973, 974

    3. distribution, 972, 975, 976

    4. rate of deposition, 1039, 1040

  7. Texture of sediment:

    1. beach, 1019–1022

    2. bearing on content of organic matter, 1016

    3. continental shelf, 1020–1022

    4. deep sea. 979–982

  8. Texture of sediments, 969–971

  9. Thermal conductivity (see also Eddy conductivity), 60, 61

  10. Thermal expansion, 60

  11. Thermometers, 347–352

    1. protected reversing, 349, 350

    2. unprotected reversing, 350, 351

  12. Thorium, 184

  13. Tidal currents:

    1. Atlantic Ocean, 584, 585

    2. effect of friction, 577–580

    3. influence of bottom topography, 567, 568

    4. in sounds, 568, 569

    5. rotary, 570

      1. due to earth's rotation, 571–573

      2. due to interference, 570

    6. theory, 564

  14. Tidal energy, 569

  15. Tide-producing forces, 545–550

  16. “Tide rips,” 716

  17. Tides:

    1. analysis and prediction, 564

    2. Atlantic Ocean, 581

    3. character, 558

    4. cooscillating, 553

    5. effect of Corioli's force, 555

    6. effect of friction, 574

    7. importance to shallow-water sediments, 1017

    8. independent, 554

    9. meteorological, 559

    10. observations, 359–361

    11. partial, 549, 558

    12. theories, 550–552

  18. Tintinnoinea, systematic position of, 305

  19. Trajectories, 426

  20. Transparency, 85

  21. Transport, volume of, 462–465

    1. Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 615–617

    2. by wind currents, 498

    3. North Atlantic, 683–685

    4. North Pacific, 727, 728

    5. South Atlantic, 628, 629

  22. 1076
  23. Transport across the equator:

    1. Atlantic, 637, 685

    2. Pacific, 752

  24. Transportation of particles along bottom, 959–966

    1. effect on shape, size, and composition, 966–967

  25. Transportation of particles by currents, 959

  26. Transportation of sediments to the sea, 953–956

    1. by ice, 953

    2. by organisms, 954

    3. by winds, 954–955

    4. importance to character of Sediments, 1043

  27. Transport of heat by ocean currents, 99

  28. Trawls: beam, otter, and ring, 375, 376

  29. Tripping mechanism, 380

  30. Tropical convergences, 140

  31. Tropical submergence, 849

  32. Troposphere, oceanic, 141

  33. Tsunamis (see also Earthquake waves), 543

    1. contributing to formation of submarine canyons, 42

    2. importance to transportation of sediments, 965

  34. Tunicates, bathymetric distribution of, 807

  35. Turbulence (see also Eddy viscosity and Eddy diffusion), 90–93, 471

    1. horizontal, 477, 478

    2. importance to transportation of sediments, 960, 962–965

    3. influence of stability on, 92, 476, 477

    4. transport of momentum, 472, 473


Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.