Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Sagitta:

    1. as indicator species, 863

    2. reproduction, 322

    3. systematic position, 308

  2. Salinity, 50

    1. as an ecological factor, 770, 839–843

    2. averape surface values, 123, 124

    3. determination, 50–54

    4. origin, 219

    5. periodic variations at surface, 126

    6. range in oceans, 55

    7. units for expressing, 51, 54

  3. Salmon:

    1. migration, 811

    2. transplantations, 850

  4. Salpa, systematic position of, 312

  5. Sardine:

    1. feeding mechanism, 890

    2. quantity fished, 896

  6. Sargassum, 293, 883

    1. reproduction, 293

  7. Saturation coefficients for dissolved gases, 190, 191

  8. Scalar fields, 154–156

  9. Sea cucumbers:

    1. consumption of detritus by, 894

    2. reproduction, 325, 326

    3. synopsis, 311

  10. Sea ice:

    1. influence of freezing on composition of sea water, 216–219

    2. in the Antarctic, 623, 624

    3. in the Arctic, 666, 667

      1. amount influenced by currents, 662

    4. physical properties, 72–74

    5. salinity, 71, 12

    6. transporting sedimentary debris, 954, 1043

  11. Sea level:

    1. ideal, 9

    2. mean, 10, 561

      1. slope:

        1. along North American east coast, 677

        2. in Caribbean Sea, 641, 678

        3. near the equator, Atlantic, 634

        4. near the equator, Pacific, 709

      2. variations, 458–460

  12. Seals, synopsis of, 313

  13. Sea water:

    1. artificial, 185, 186

    2. relation to body fluid, 269

  14. Sedimentation, 946

    1. rate of, 1036–1041

      1. estimated by stratigraphic method, 1038–1040

      2. estimated by supply method, 1040–1041

  15. Seechi disk, 82

  16. Seiches, 538–542

    1. importance to transportation of sediments, 965

    2. on open coasts, 542

  17. Settling velocity of sedimentary debris, 956–959

    1. importance to transportation along bottom, 962–966

    2. 1074
    3. size-grade distribution derived from, 970

  18. Sharks (see Elasmobranchs)

  19. Shorelines, 42–44

    1. classification, 43

  20. Silicate:

    1. as a limiting factor, 769

    2. distribution in oceans, 244–245

      1. related to deep-water circulation, 754

    3. factors influencing distribution, 246

    4. seasonal variation, 261, 262

    5. utilization by plants, 769

  21. Siliceous material in sediments (see Diatom ooze and Radiolarian ooze):

    1. organisms contributing to, 950

  22. Siliceous oozes (see also Pelagic sediments), 973

    1. areas covered by, 977, 978

  23. Siliceous sediments:

    1. diatoms in, 296

    2. radiolaria in, 305

  24. Silicoflagellates, 302

  25. Silicon, 180

    1. cycle in the sea, 262, 263

  26. Sill depth, 25, 147

    1. importance to character of basin water, 150

      1. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, 640

      2. East Indian Archipelago, 736–738

    2. of basins in adjacent seas, 37, 38, 738

  27. Size-grade distribution in sediments, 970, 971

    1. represented by cumulative curves, 970, 981

    2. represented by histograms, 970, 980

    3. statistical terms, 970, 971

  28. Skeletal structures of marine organisms:

    1. as constituents of sediments, 949

    2. composition, 231

  29. Sliming of the sea, 290, 291

  30. Snakes, synopsis of, 313

  31. Sodium, 175

  32. Solar constant, 102

  33. Solubility:

    1. calcium carbonate, 205–208

    2. gases, 190, 191

    3. salts, 210–211

  34. Solubility product, 205

  35. Sonic soundings:

    1. equipment, 342, 343

    2. importance to knowledge of bottom topography, 16

  36. Sound energy, absorption of, 78

  37. Soundings:

    1. available for charts of bottom topography, 14–16

    2. methods, 342–344

  38. Sounding velocity, 79

  39. Sound waves:

    1. velocity in sea water, 76, 77, 79

    2. wave length, 77, 78

  40. South Atlantic Ocean:

    1. currents, 627–630

    2. oxygen distribution, 630, 631

    3. water masses, 625–627

  41. South Equatorial Current:

    1. Atlantic, 628, 633

    2. Indian Ocean, 696

    3. Pacific, 708, 709

  42. South Pacific Ocean:

    1. currents, 701–706

    2. oxygen distribution, 728–730

    3. water masses, 698–701

  43. Specific heat, 61, 62

  44. Specific humidity, 116

  45. Specific volume, 57

    1. anomaly, 57, 58

      1. computation, 58

  46. Sphere depth, mean, 19, 20

  47. Sponges:

    1. reproduction, 319

    2. synopsis, 306

  48. Stability, 416–418

    1. influence on turbulence, 91, 92, 476

  49. Stagnant water:

    1. destruction of organic matter in, 1012

    2. development, 1026

  50. Standard depths of observation, 357

  51. Starfish:

    1. bathymetric distribution, 807

    2. synopsis, 311

  52. Stationary distribution, 157

  53. Stationary velocity field, 423

  54. Sterile distribution, 315, 847

  55. Strait of Bab el Mandeb, currents of, 688–690

  56. Strait of Gibraltar, currents of, 646–648

  57. Stratosphere, oceanic, 141

  58. Stream lines, 426

  59. Strontium, 179

  60. Strontium carbonate in radiolarians, 991

  61. Submarine canyons (see Canyons)

  62. Submarine geology, topics of, 22

  63. Submarine topography (see Bottom topography)

  64. Subtropical Convergence, 140

    1. in Southern Oceans, 606

    2. sinking of water in region of:

      1. Indian Ocean, 691

      2. North Atlantic, 670

      3. North Pacific, 714

      4. South Atlantic, 626

    3. 1075
    4. South Pacific, 700, 701

  65. Sues Canal, flow through, 688, 689

  66. Sulphur, 178

    1. cycle of, 917

  67. Surface tension, 70

  68. Suspended particles, 958

    1. importance to extinction of radiation, 88

  69. Suspension of sedimentary debris near bottom, 962–965

  70. Symbiosis, 881–882


Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.