Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Nannoplankton, 819

  2. Nansen water bottle, 353, 354

    1. used for collecting phytoplankton, 382

  3. Nathansohn's theory of plant nutrient distribution, 784

  4. Nekton, 281, 810–812

    1. biological factors in movements of, 904–907

  5. Nemertinea, synopsis of, 307

  6. Neon, 189

  7. Nereocystis:

    1. reproduction, 292

    2. structure, 292

  8. Neritic environmental province, 275, 279, 784

  9. Nets, plankton, 376

    1. catching power, 378–379

    2. operation, 380

    3. types, 379

  10. Nitrate:

    1. distribution in basins, 245

    2. distribution in oceans, 241–243

      1. related to deep-water circulation, 754

    3. factors influencing distribution, 246

    4. produced on sea bottom, 995

    5. reduction and denitrification, 915

    6. 1070
    7. regeneration, 254–257

    8. seasonal variation, 252, 253

    9. utilization as a measure of production, 932

  11. Nitrate-nitrogen, ratio to phosphate-phosphorus, 236, 243

  12. Nitrite:

    1. distribution in oceans, 243

    2. produced on sea bottom, 995

  13. Nitrogen, 181

    1. compounds, utilization of by plants, 768

      1. in see water, 252–225

        1. seasonal variation, 252

        2. transformations, 253–255

    2. dissolved:

      1. amounts in sea water, 188

      2. determination, 187

      3. solubility, 188–191

    3. in sediments, 1010, 1011

  14. Nitrogen cycle, 913–916

    1. ammonification, 914

    2. in the sea, 255–257

    3. nitrification, 914

    4. nitrogen assimilation, 915

  15. Nitrogen fixation, 916

  16. Nitrogen-phosphorus ratio in plankton, 236, 768

  17. Nitzschia clasterium, 296, 769

    1. photosynthesis, 781, 933

  18. Noctiluca, 304

    1. reproduction, 319

  19. Normal Water, 51

  20. North Atlantic Current, 673, 680–683

  21. North Atlantic Ocean:

    1. currents, 671–686

    2. oxygen distribution, 686

    3. water masses, 668–671

  22. North Equatorial Current:

    1. Atlantic, 671

    2. Indian Ocean, 696

    3. Pacific, 708, 709, 718, 719

  23. North Pacific Current, 719, 722

  24. North Pacific Ocean:

    1. currents, 718–728

    2. eastern gyral, 723, 724

    3. oxygen distribution, 728–730, 753

    4. water masses, 712–718

  25. North Polar Sea:

    1. bottom topography, 30–32

    2. currents, 661

    3. oxygen content, 662, 663

    4. water masses, 658, 659

  26. North Sea:

    1. currents, 660

    2. water masses, 657

  27. Norwegian Current, 659, 660

    1. fluctuations, 655, 661, 662

  28. Norwegian Sea:

    1. bottom topography, 30–32

    2. currents, 659

    3. inflow of water, 652–656

    4. outflow of water, 652–656

    5. oxygen content, 662

    6. water masses, 656, 657

  29. Nursery areas, 315

  30. Nutritional relationships, 882–898

    1. micro-animals, significance of, 884–886

    2. micro-plants, significance of, 883


Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.