Preferred Citation: Tal, Alon. Pollution in a Promised Land: An Environmental History of Israel. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c2002 2002.




following page 292
1. Yarkon River after the collapse of the bridge in the Maccabiah's
opening ceremonies, 1997
2. Bedouin herdsmen, circa 1940
3. The Reading Power Plant under construction, 1937
4. First spraying against malaria in the Sharon Valley, circa 1940
5. Menahem Ussishkin hosting Albert Einstein in Palestine
at JNF nursery
6. “Father of the Trees”Yosef Weitz inspecting JNF forest, 1953
7. Ussishkin and Weitz at tree planting ceremony, circa 1935
8. SPNI founding director, Amotz Zahavi, with
Israeli President Yizhak Navon
9. Azariah Alon, the SPNI's “trumpet” and spokesman for
nature in Israel
10. Yoav Sagi, first head of the Nature Protection Department and later director
and chair of the SPNI
11. Yossi Leshem, SPNI leader and bird advocate extraordinaire,
circa 1997
12. Dr. Uzi Paz, the Nature Reserve Authority's first director
13. General Avram Yoffe, who waged war for Israel's nature
reserves and won
14. Dr. D'vora Ben Shaul from Texas, the NRA's first woman
employee and first scientist, 1999


15. Dan Perry, NRA Director and lifelong nature advocate
16. Hyrax, indigenous desert species
17. Professor Hillel Shuval, water-quality advocate and member of the
Ministry of Health's original sanitation team
18. Laying pipes for the Yarkon-Negev water carrier, 1954
19. A polluted stream leading to the Palmahim beach, circa 1974
20. The first meeting of the Knesset's Interior and Environment
Committee, 1972
21. Green Parliament member Josef Tamir speaking at Environmental
Day, 1972
22. Israel's Environmental Protection Service on a field trip to Mitzpeh
Ramon, 1982, with Director Uri Marinov
23. The Haifa Oil Refineries, site of the first major government action
24. Ronni Miloh, Israel's first Minister of the Environment
25. Yossi Sarid, unlikely Green icon in the Ministry of the Environment
26. Minister of the Environment Yossi Sarid lobbying Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin to preserve the Sharon Park,
in the field, 1995
27. The Hiriyah garbage dump, 1980
28. Nehama Ronen, Ministry of the Environment 1996–99
and environmental member of the Knesset
29. Firefighting efforts in JNF forest, 1974
30. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol visiting Beit Ja'an, circa 1966
31. Bedouin shepherds outside Beer Sheva's bus station seeking pastures
32. Herschell and Shirley Benyamin, EcoNet's tireless crusaders, 1998
33. Reuven Yosef, fighter for preserving Eilat's bird habitats,
posing with two Levna sparrowhawks, 1998
34. A rally by activists protesting inappropriate treatment of medical
wastes in Modi'in's municipal landfill, 1999
35. Elli Varberg, head of the marine pollution prevention station at Eilat,
inspecting equipment after Aqaba cleanup, 1995


Preferred Citation: Tal, Alon. Pollution in a Promised Land: An Environmental History of Israel. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c2002 2002.