Haitians, 9 , 192 , 297 -98 nn68, 70
Haraway, Donna, 203
Hardy, Ann, 214
Harrison, L. W. (Colonel), 112
Harvard School of Public Health, 162
Haseltine, William, 209 , 215
HCFA. See Health Care Financing Administration
certificates, 53 ;
education, 193 , 291 ;
insurance, 24 , 318 ;
polity, 316 -19;
and related behavior, 166
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), 331 , 334 , 335
Health Maintenance and Preferred Provider organizations, 331
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), 325
Health Ministry, 111
Health polity, 316 -19
Heavy metals, 125 , 139 .
See also Syphilis
Heckler, Margaret, 203
Hefner, Maria, 218 (fig. 4)
Helms, Jesse (Senator), 160
Hemophilia, 237 n6, 243 -44n27, 281
Hemophiliacs, 9 , 165 , 192 , 198 , 299
"Hemophobia," 298 n70
Henry II (king of England), 70
Hepatitis B, 190 -92;
as analogy for AIDS, 281 -82;
and immunosuppression, 275 ;
metaphor of, 284 ;
model of, 267 , 282 ;
research on, 200
Herald , 100
Heredity, 13 , 75
Heresy, 70
Heroin, 192
Herpes, 28
transmission, 192 -93, 195 , 212 , 215 , 239 n10;
vulnerability, 196
Heterosexual White Male's commentary on AIDS, 227
"High promiscuity populations," 278
High risk groups, 155 , 158 -59, 282 -83, 297 nn68 and 70, 306 .
See also 4-H "risk groups"
Hill-Burton Act, 319 , 324
community, 212 ;
women, 214 , 261 n132
Historical method, 1 -4
Hitchcock, Alfred, 221
HIV, 9 ;
infection, 192 -93, 205 , 248 n53;
origin, 263 n141;
screening, 158 -61;
transmission, 222 .
See also Blood;
Confidentiality; Mandatory: screening; Military screening program; Universal screening; Voluntary: screening
Hobson, Richmond Pearson (Captain), 80
HMOs. See Health Maintenance Organizations
Home Defense League, 52
Home health care agencies, 334
Homeopaths, 98
Homophobia, 156 , 198 -99, 216 , 227 ;
epidemiologists and, 291 ;
and fear of AIDS, 306 -7;
medical, 201
Homosexuality, 142 , 155 , 162 , 246 n36
Homosexualization of AIDS, 204
Homosexuals, 154 . See also Gay
Hoover, J. Edgar, 8 , 130 -31
Horder, Thomas (Lord), 204
Hormones, 290
Hosken, Fran P., 211
Hospice, 334 , 335
Hospital, 175
Host-agent relationship, 275
Howard, William Travis, 143 n6
Howard Association, 92
HTLV/LAV, 285 -86
Hudson, Rock, 154 -55, 196 , 205 -13, 210 (fig. 3), 249 -50nn64 and 65, 330
Human body, as image of society, 236 n2
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). See HIV
Human Rights Campaign Fund, 311
Humoral balance, 39
Hyacum, 174
Hyacum et Lues Venera (Galle), 174 , 176 (fig. 2)
Hygiene, 292