Preferred Citation: Krupat, Arnold. Ethnocriticism: Ethnography, History, Literature. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1992 1992.



Macquet, Jacques, 77

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 71

Manichean reasoning, 14 , 19 , 20 -21, 22 , 26

Manifest destiny, 135

Marcus, George, 51 , 53 , 54 , 72 , 102 , 207

Marshall, John, 140

Martin, Calvin, 6 , 7 , 14

Mashpee Indians, 116 -117

Matthews, F. H., 108 -109

Matthews, Washington, 178

Mattina, Anthony, 192

Mauss, Marcel, 204 -205, 206 , 222 -223

Mead, George Herbert, 206

Mead, Margaret, 67 , 84 n. 2

Melting pot theory, 34 -35, 147

Melville, Herman, 212 -213

Metahistory, 52 , 53


Metanarratives, 111 -112;

as basis of scientific discourse, 22 ;

challenged, 10 -13;

postmodernism on, 8

Metaphor, 214 ;

in autobiography, 212 -213;

Cherokee, 159 -160, 161 ;

on Native American, as opposition, 38 -45, 157 ;

in self-concept, 212 -213

Metaphysics, 23

Metonymy, 214 ;

in autobiography, 212 , 216 , 217 -219, 231 ;

in sense of self, 212 , 213 ;

v. synecdoche, 215 -216

Milton, John, 137

Modernism, 72 ;

in anthropology, 71 , 82 , 84 ;

aporia in, 88 ;

catacheresis as trope of, 88 ;

in literature, 84 ;

in sense of self, 212 -213

Momaday, N. Scott, 231

Monoculturalism, 147 , 238

Monroe, James, 133 , 138

Montaigne, Michel de, 62 , 198 , 199

Mooney, James, 64

Morgan, Lewis Henry, 63 -64

Multiculturalism, 234 -248;

defined, 3 , 236 -237;

literature taught via, 237 -238;

v. monoculturalism, 238

Murra, John, 64

Murray, David, 64

Musil, Robert, 213


Preferred Citation: Krupat, Arnold. Ethnocriticism: Ethnography, History, Literature. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1992 1992.