Preferred Citation: Comer, Douglas C. Ritual Ground: Bent's Old Fort, World Formation, and the Annexation of the Southwest. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Abenaki, 104

Abert, J. W.: "Journal from Bent's Fort to St. Louis in 1845," 91 , 97 , 175 , 275

Adair, Mary, 139

Adobe Walls, 94

Aldred, Alexandra, 266 , 274 -277

Algonquin, 64 , 71

Alienation: on American frontier, 2 , 7

and attraction to religious ritual, 6 -7

Alott, Gordon, 259

Althusser, Louis, 105

Alvarez, Manuel, 128 , 203 , 208

American Fur Company, 27 , 96 , 202 , 203

Anasazi-Pueblo, 102 , 193 ;

trade with Plains Indians, 109 , 111

Ancestors: ritual reenactment of actions, 24 , 138 ;

veneration as result of human neoteny, 23 , 83 , 164 , 246 -247, 281 -282

Anglo-Americans: alienation, 6 -7;

conflict with Native Americans in Southwest, 31 , 234 -238;

evangelical religiosity, 6 -7, 4 -9;

mythology of entrepreneur, 197 ;

mythology of the West, 86 ;

nostalgia for Native American culture, 85 -88;

trading practices, 28 -29, 144

Anomie, 46 , 82 , 217 , 278 ;

among the sub-proletariat, 55 ;

among those excluded from high-grid, low-group societies, 46 -47

Anthony, Scott J., 238

Anthropology: cognitive, 70 -71

Apache, 9 , 14 , 81 , 120 ;

Mescalero, 81

Arapaho, 8 , 9 ;

acquisition of horse, 109 ;

alliance with Cheyenne, 109 ;

ancestral home, 107 ;

benefits of trade with Bent & St. Vrain, 121 ;

difficulty adapting to sedentary. life, 234 ;

disenfranchisement by Treaty of Fort Wise, 232 ;

early resistance to American traders, 11 , 13 , 116 -117;

1863 delegation to Washington, 234 -235;

fictive kinship relation to Bent's Fort traders, 14 , 155 ;

hostility toward Anglos after Sand Creek, 31 ;

intertribal conflict of 1850s, 229 -230;

middleman role in southwestern trade, 111 , 155 ;

relocation to Oklahoma, 16 , 31 , 243 ;

Siberian ancestry. of, 65 ;

trade with Pueblo, 109 ;

trade with Spanish, 11 , 13 ;

Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228

Archaeology, 56 -62;

and language, 60

Archuleta, Diego, 15 , 161

Arikira, 116 ;

Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228

Armijo, Manuel, 15 , 161 -162, 210

Army of the West, 15 , 102

Assiniboin, 142 ;

Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228

Astor, John Jacob, 114 , 202

Auguste, Charles, 199

Australian aborigines, 76

Axis mundi, 3 -4, 25 -27, 71 , 72 , 282 -283;

Sun Dance pole as, 25 -26


Preferred Citation: Comer, Douglas C. Ritual Ground: Bent's Old Fort, World Formation, and the Annexation of the Southwest. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.