Xenophon, Mem. 2.3.18, 270 n.74

1.Skyphos with olive-garland decoration, Boscoreale Treasure.
Paris, Musée du Louvre BJ 1915. Silver, cast and repoussé. Height
8.1 cm, diameter 12.1 (19.7) cm.
Photograph Réunion des Musées Nationax, courtesy of the museum.

2. Denarius of C. Egnatius. 75 B.C. Rome
mint. Reverse: Roma with foot on wolf's
head, Venus with Amor, rudder on prow
left and right. (Obverse: bust of Libertas,
pileus.) Signed by the moneyer on both
sides. After RRC 391.

3. Republican bisellium funerary monument, from Rome, Via Casali.
Now lost G. B. Piranesi, Vasi, candelabri . . .
Photograph courtesy of Avery Library, Columbia University.

4. Second Style Villa of P. Fannius Synistor,
Boscoreale, great oecus (Room H), back wall,
central panel. Venus with Amor. Museo
Nazionale. Naples. After Neue Forschungen
in Pompeji 1975, fig. 56.

5. Cuirass statue of Augustus (heroic scale)
from Iol Caesarea in Mauretania. Cherchel,
Museum. Height 2.28 m. On cuirass: Mars
Ultor; Amor, Venus, Divus, Julius, Victoria;
Tritons of sea and land.
Photograph DAI-Rome neg. 75.487.

6. "Algiers relief" from Carthage, Julio-Claudian imperial
cult dedication. Algiers, Museum. (Statues of) Venus and
Amor, Mars Ultor, Divus Julius.
Photograph after Zanker, 1973, fig. 47.

7. Cameo lekythos. Berlin, Staatliches Antikenmuseum FG 11362. Sardonyx a,
Temple; b, Venus; c, birth goddess.
Photographs by Jutta Tietz-Glasgow, courtesy of the museum.

8. Claudian relief. Ravenna, Museo Nazionale. Half of an allegorical
tableu; Antonia, Drusus I, Germanicaus, Livia-Venus Genetrix, and
Divus Augustus-Mars Ultor.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 35.821.

9. Julio-Claudian relief fragment. Rome, Villa Medici. a, Temple of Mars Ultor
in the Forum Augustum, victim slaying; b, detail Temple of Mars Ultor pediment:
in corners, locational divinities; seated Romulus, Venus Genetrix, Mars Ultor,
Fortuna, seated Roma.
Photographs, DAI-Rome negs. 77.1735–36.

10. Republican relief from Selinus. Palermo, Museo
Nazionale. Right leg of a carved "throne," frieze: Venus
and Amor, imperator crowned by palm-bearing
Drawing by author after Vermeule 1980a, 48, fig. 10.

11. "Belvedere Altar," altar of Augustan cult from Rome.
Vatican, Mus. Greg. Profano 1115. Height 95 cm. Detail:
Victory between two laurel trees brings Augustus'
clipeus virtutis to its pillar.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 75.1285.

12. Julio-Claudian reliefs, from the Via Lata, ex Diocletian's Arcus Novus. Rome,
Villa Medici. Left, panel fragment with military personification and soldier, and panel
fragment with Parthia and Armenia; right, fragments of allegorical panel: Venus
Genetrix inscribes Augustus' clipeus virtutis on its pillar in the Curia, attended
by personifications and by Amor.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 74.763.


15. Base for honorific statue, from Sorrentinum. Sorrento, Museo Correale.
a, Long side: Augustus worships Vesta in the Forum; photograph, DAI-Rome,
neg. 77.1761; b, short side: (Venus), Romulus(?), Amor, and Mars before the
House of Augustus on the Palatine;
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 65.1251.

16. "Gemma Augustea," Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum IX.a.79.
Sardonyx cameo in modern mount. 19 x 23 cm. Ca. A.D. 10–14.
Above, Tiberius, Victoria, Germanicus, Roma, Augustus, Oikoumene,
Oceanus, Terra Mater;, below, Roman and Thracian(?) auxiliary
soldiers, with European prisoners.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. II.24.762.

Above top: 17. Dish from Aquileia. Vienna,
Kunsthistorisches Museum AS VII.A.47. Silver,
cast and repoussé. Mark Antony/Triptolemus,
his three children as Psyche and Amores, and the
Eleusinian deities.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. I.19.283.

Upper left: 18. Julio-Claudian cameo fragment. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
IX.a.26. Sardonyx. Venus-Oikoumene hands Victory to enthroned emperor.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. A. 536.
Upper right: 19. Augustan cameo. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
IX.a.56. Sardonyx in modern setting. 6 x 6.6 cm. Octavian/Augustus triumphator
in quadriga drawn by Tritons, who brandish insignia of rule. Photograph courtesy of the museum.
Center: 20. Denarius, 29/28 B.C. Reverse: Victory on globe with wreath and palm,
CAESAR DIVI F. (Obverse: head of Octavian; cf. BMCRE 99, no. 603.)
Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Lower Left: 21. Denarius, 29/28 B.C. a, reverse: Octavian upon sella curulis holding
Victory; b, obverse: crowned head of Octavian-Veiovis, thunderbolt (Cf. BMCRE no. 647).
Photographs courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Lower right: 22. Denarius, 29/28 B.C. Obverse: Portrait herm of Octavian-Veiovis,
upon thunderbolt, IMP CAESAR. (Obverse: head of Octavian.)
Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.

23A–E. Bisellia with seated magistrate. First century B.C.–A.D.
(Drawing by author, after Schäfer 1989, nos. 11, 6, 8, 2, 7.)

24. Late Classical honorific relief, from Athens,
Athens, National Museum 1474. Athena honors
Photograph, DAI-Athens.

25. Late Classical honorific relief from Athens.
Athens, Acropolis Museum 2437–3001. Athena honors citizen.
Photograph, DAI-Athens.

26. Votive relief of the haruspex C. Fulvius, from Ostia. Ostia, Museo Nazionale 157.
First century B.C. Local limestone or marble.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 81.4534.

27. Census relief, from Rome, Circus Flamminius, from honorific statue base
"Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus"). Paris, Louvre MA 975. Late Republican.
Photograph courtesy of the museum.

Left: 28. Honorific base, from Cività Castellana (Falerii Novi). First century B.C.
Detail: Vulcan, and Venus with Amor. Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 78.63.
Center: 29. Cività Castellana base. Detail: Mars at his altar. Photograph,
DAI-Rome neg. 78.65.
Right: 30. Cività Castellana base. Detail: imperator sacrificing,
Victory. Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 78.66

31. Augustan imperial cult altar, from Tarentum. Copenhagen, National Museum of
Denmark Chr. viii.314. a, Victory; b, togatus; c, Venus; d, togatus at foculus .
Photographs courtesy of the National Museum Department of Near Eastern and
Classical Antiquities, negs. D 324, 323, 326, 325.

Left: 32. Denarius of Q. Cornuficius, 42 B.C. Africa mint. Reverse: Juno Sospita
crowns the augur Cornuficius, capite velato with lituus . (Signed by moneyer. Obverse:
head of Jupiter Ammon.) After RRC 509/2, pl. lxi.
Center: 33. As of the Pompeiians. 45 B.C. and after. Spain and Sicily. Obverse:
laureate Pompeius Magnus/Janus, MAGNUS. (Reverse: prow, PIUS IMP;
cf. RRC 479.) Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Right: 34. Aureus, 41 B.C. Rome mint. Obverse: bust of Victory/noblewoman.
(Reverse: siege scene, signed by the moneyer.) After RRC 514/1, pl. lxii
(= BMCRR Rome no. 4215).

35. Villa Farnesina in Rome, stucco ceiling panel. Rome,
Terme 1074. Augustan. Detail: Octavian-Hermes.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 30.177.

36. Arch of Constantine, Rome. Oratio panel: Constantine imperator speaks from the Rostra
in the Forum Romanum, between statues of Hadrian and Marcus Aurelis, backed by
Diocletian's Column Monument (center, Jupiter; left and right, Tetrachs).
Photograph, Hirmer 561.3195.

37. "Anaglypha Traiani" reliefs, from the Forum Romanum. Rome, Antiquarium. Hadrianic; panel:
Oratio of Hadrian in the Forum.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 68.2783.

38. "Anaglypha Traiani." Panel: Hadrian's burning of tax records in the Forum.
Photograph. DAI-Rome neg. 69.1155.

39. "Anaglypha Traiani." Oratio detail: statue group
in the Forum, of Trajan, Italia, puer alimentarius
and puella alimentaria .
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 63.102.

40. "Anaglypha Traiani." Tax record-burning detail:
Hadrian as lictor sets the first torch.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 63.121

41. Sestertius of Trajan. A.D. 108–10. Rome mint. Reverse:
Trajan, togate upon sella curulis, greets Italia with the
puer and puella of the alimenta . (Obverse: head of Trajan,
titulature.) After BMCRE III, nos. 870–73, pl. 33.2

Above left: 42. Sestertius of Hadrian A.D. 118. Rome mint.
Reverse: emperor/lictor sets fire to the tax records.
(Obverse: head of Hadrian, titulature.) Photograph courtesy of
the American Numismatic Society.
Below left: 43. Sestertius of Hadrian. A.D. 118. Rome mint.
Reverse: before crowd, emperor/lictor sets fire to the tax
records. (Obverse: head of Hadrian, titulature.) After
BMCRE III pls. 79.4–6.
Above center: 44. Denarius of P. Lentulus, 74 B.C. Rome
mint. Reverse: "Genius" enthroned on sella curulis, crowned
by Victory. Signed by the moneyer. (Obverse: head of
Hercules; cf. RRC 397.) Photograph courtesy of the American
Numismatic Society.
Above right: 45. Claudian issue of the Koinon Kreton. Reverse:
Augustus togate on sella curulis with akrostolion . After
Trillmich 1978. pl. 15.5.

Left: 46. Sestertius of Tiberius, A.D. 22–23. Rome mint. Reverse: Divus
Augustus togate on sella curulis in radiate crown with scepter and branch,
by altar, DIVUS AUGUSTUS PATER. (Obverse: SC surrounded by
Tiberius' titulature.) Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic
Right: 47. Sestertius of Tiberius, A.D. 22–23. Rome mint. Obverse: Tiberius
on sella curulis with scepter and patera, CIVITATIBUS ASIAE RESTITUTIS.
(Reverse: SC surrounded by Tiberius' titulature.) Photograph courtesy of the
American Numismatic Society.

48. Dupondius of Caligula, A.D. 37. Rome mint. a, reverse: Caligula
togate on sella curulis with branch, CONSENSU SENAT ET EQ.
ORDINUM P.Q.R.; b, obverse: head of Caligula and titulature.
Photographs courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.

49. Sestertius of Claudius, A.D. 42–44. Rome mint. a, reverse: Claudius togate
on sella castrensis with branch and rotulus, globe below chair, on weapons pile,
with titulature; b, obverse: head of Drusus I, titulature. Photographs courtesy of the
American Numismatic Society.

Left: 50. Denarius of Faustus Sulla. 56 B.C. Rome mint. Reverse: kneeling Bocchus
left, with olive branch, presents to Sulla seated at center the kneeling, bound
Jugurtha at right, FELIX. (Obverse: head of Diana, lituus, crescent, FAUSTUS; cf.
RRC 426.) Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Right: 51. Denarius of Q. Fufius Calenus. 70 B.C. Rome mint. a, reverse: Italia ITAL
and Roma RO (diadem, holding fasces, foot on globe) clasp hands, cornucopiae between,
caduceus behind Italia; b, obverse: head of Honos HO and Virtus VIRT jugate. (Both sides
signed by moneyer; cf. RRC 403.) Photograph courtesy of the American
Numismatic Society.

Left: 52. Denarius of Manius Aquillius. 71 B.C. Rome mint. Reverse:
warrior with shield raises up fallen Sicilia SICIL, signed by moneyer.
(Obverse: bust of Virtus VIRTUS, signed IIIVIR, cf. RRC 401.) Photograph
courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Right: 53. Denarius of L. Aquillius Florus. 19 B.C. Rome mint.
Reverse: as fig. 52, signed by the moneyer. (Obverse: head of Augustus,
CAESAR AUGUSTUS; cf. BMCRE I nos. 49f.) Photograph courtesy
of the American Numismatic Society.

54. Denarius of Cn. Plancius. 55 B.C. Rome mint. a,
obverse: head of Macedonia in kausia, signed by the moneyer
as curule aedile; b, reverse: wild goat, bow and quiver.
(Cf. RRC 432.) Photographs courtesy of the American
Numismatic Society.

Left: 55. Denarius of Cn. Pompey and M. Minatius Sabinus. 46–45 B.C.
Spain mint. Reverse: Spanish city (Corduba) clasps hands in welcome to
general debarked from ship. (Signed by Minatius Sabinus>) (Obverse: head of
Pompey the Great; cf. RRC 470/la.) Photograph courtesy of the American
Numismatic Society.
Center: 56. Denarius of L. Staius Murcus. 42–41 B.C. Mobile mint. Reverse:
general raises up kneeling personification, across central trophy. (Obverse: head of
Neptune with trident; cf. RRC 510.) Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic
Right: 57. Denarius of Cn. Pompey and M. Minatius Sabinus. 46–45 B.C. Spain mint.
Reverse: general between Tarraco (male, in Celtic mantle) and Baetica (female,
kneeling to present clipeus ), signed by Minatius Sabinus. (Obverse: as fig. 55; cf. RRC
470/lb, pl. lv.) After BMCRE pl. ci. 7.

58. Ptolemaic votive relief by Archelaos, from Bovillae. London, British Museum.
Height 1.18 m. a, View; b, lowest zone: the personified virtues, who salute Homer.
Photographs courtesy of the museum.

Left: 59. Decorative Neo-Attic relief Rome, Pal. Chigi. Europe and Asia in an allegory
about Alexander's conquests. Drawing by author, adapting Hardie 1985, fig. 2.
Right: 60. Decorative "Neo-Attic" relief, from Rome. Rome, Pal. Albani. Height 24.5 cm. Detail,
upper zone: banquet of Hercules among the "lands." Drawing by author, after Kat. Albani, pl. 110.

61. Second Style wall painting from Villa of P. Fannius Synistor,
Boscoreale, great oecus (Room H), left wall. Naples, Museo Nazionale 906.
Central panel: Macedonia asserts rule over Asia. After Anderson
1987, fig. 33.

62. Honorific statue base for Tiberius, from Puteoli. Naples, Museo Nazionale.
Detail: six cities of Asia Minor.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 74.54.

63. Augustan relief fragments of honorific statue base, from
Caere ("Throne of Cladius"). Vatican, Mus. Greg. Profano 9942.
Photograph after Giuliano 1957 pl. 23 fig. 36d.

64. Primaporta Augustus. Vatican Museum. Cuirass statue of Augustus (heroic scale)
from Livia's villa at Primaporta, copy of bronze original. Height 2.04 m. a, Cuirass;
above: Caelus, Aurora, etc.; center, Hispania, Roman figure and Parthian, Gallia; below:
Apollo, Terra Mater, Diana; b, back of cuirass, trophy; c, detail: Hispania; d, detail: Gallia.
Photographs DAI-Rome neg. 62.1788.

65. Arretine cup fragments from Orbetello by L. Avillius Sura. Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antiquarium, 4772. Augustan. Scheme: nude imperator at trophy, approached by Germania (repeated, with Armenia). After Oxé
1933, pl. 52, no. 220 a–b.

66. Arretine cup fragments by L. Avillius Sura. Tübingen 2575. Augustan. Scheme: nude imperator
approached by Armenia, garlands and bucrania behind. After Dragendorff 1948, pl. 33, no. 506.

Left: 67. Arretine ware dish handle, Dresden. Inscr.
GERMANIAS. Augustan. Drawing by author,
after AA 1889, 167.

Right: 68. Forum Augustum, Jupiter-Ammon on shield, Rome, Casa
dei Cavalieri di Rodi. 2 B.C. Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 61.1058.

69. Forum Augustum, Jupiter with
Gallic torque. 2 B.C. Photograph,
Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

70. Wall revetments from the Hadrianeum. Rome, Pal. Conservatori. Provincial
personifications and trophy reliefs. After Bianchi-Bandinelli 1970, fig. 317.
71–81. Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, Via della Ripetta. 13-9 B.C.

71. Programmatic scheme.

72. Inner altar, province frieze, fragments. After Kähler 1954a figs. 17–18.

73. East side. Detail: head of a Genius of the
Roman People (wrongly installed in the Aeneas
panel). Photograph by Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

74. East side, Venus panel. Venus with twin Amores, attended
by water nymphs of land and sea. After Simon 1967.

76. North frieze, view. Far left, Gaius, Julia, Gallic princeling.
Photograph DAI-Rome, neg. 72.2402.

Above: 75. North frieze. Detail: Gallic princeling.
Right: 77. North frieze. Detail: Gallic princeling. Photograph by Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

78. South frieze. Detail: Priests, Agrippa, Asiatic princess and son (Iotape of Commagene and
Antiochus III?), Livia, Tiberius, Antonia, Drusus I. From G. Moretti Ara Pacis Augustae (1948)

Left: 79. South frieze. Detail: Asiatic prince (Antiochus III of Commagene?). Photograph by
Gisela Fittschen-Badura.
Right: 80. South frieze. Detail: head of Asiatic prince. Photograph by Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

81. Dancer in Asiatic regal costume. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 49.11.3.
Later first century B.C. Bronze, a; front; b, profile. Photographs courtesy of the museum,
negs. 149955–56B.

Left: 82. Augustan cuirass statue fragment. Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek 554.
"Embossed" skirt flaps, with sea creatures and Gauls. Left: Gaul with infant; right,
Gaul with boar standard. Photograph courtesy of the museum.
Right: 83. Panel relief of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, Arch of Constantine. Barbarian ruler and
son submit to the emperor. Photograph, Art Resource—Anderson 2358.

84. Architectural frieze fragment with triumphal procession,
from Rome (ex Coll. Farnese). Naples, Museo Nazionale 6722.
Imperial. Booty and captives, with child. Photograph, DAI-Rome
neg. 83.1936.

85. Arch at Glanum, facade relief. Augustan. Loyal
Gaul andGallic captive. Drawing by author.

86. Denarius of L. Hostilius Saserna. 48 B.C.
Rome mint. Obverse: head of bearded Gaul
with stiffened hair, shield behind. (Reverse:
Gallic war chariot in action, signed by the
moneyer; cf. RRC 448/2a.) Photograph courtesy
of the American Numismatic Society.

87. Denarius of Augustus. 8/7 B.C.
Lugdunum mint. Reverse: Gallic
chieftain presents infant to Augustus,
togate upon sella curulis on dais, IMP
XIIII. (Obverse: laureate head of
Photograph courtesy of the American
Numismatic Society.

88. Lid of the Ludovisi sarcophagus, from Rome. Mainz, Römisch-Germanisch
Zentralmuseum. Third century A.D. a, Lid front; b, relief panel, barbarians entrusting
their children to Roman general.
Photographs courtesy of E. Künzl, RGZM negs. T.77.1272, 76.1303.

89. Antonine historical relief from Rome, arch in Via di Pietra. Rome,
Museo Torlonia. Barbarians with child submit to a togate emperor.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 71.301.

90. Sestertius of Domitian. A.D. 88. Rome
mint. Reverse: victim-slaying group and
togate emperor sacrificing before the
Capitolium for the ludi saeculares, COS
XIII LUD SAEC. (Observe: laureate head of
Domitian, titulature.) After BMCRE II, pl.

91. Arch of Trajan at Beneventum. Passage relief: Trajan distributes
alimenta to the people and cities of Italy.
Photograph, Art Resource—Alinari 11496.

92. Arch of Trajan at Beneventum. Passage relief: Trajan at sacrifice as victim is slain.
Photograph, Art Resource—Alinari 11497.

93. Antonine biographical "General's sarcophagus." Mantua, Pal. Ducale. Left, submission;
center, nuncupatio votorum before the Capitolium, with victim slaying; right, marriage.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 62.126.

94. Anniversary relief for Hadrian, from Rome. Florence, Uffizi. Amores and
shield, victim-slaying group.
Photograph, DAI-Rome neg. 77.156.

95. Republican intaglio. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
IX.B.899. Military oath scene with pig-sticking sacrifice.
Photograph by I. Luckert, courtesy of the museum.

96. Left: Half-stater, 225-212 B.C. Rome mint. Reverse:
military oath scene, pig-sticking sacrifice; bearded figure
in tunic, beardless figure in armor with sheath, both with
spears, stick swords in piglet held by servant kneeling
between, ROMA. (Obverse: laureate Dioscuri/Janus; cf.
RRC 28.2)
Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Right: 97. Denarius of M. Volteius. 78 B.C. Rome mint. Reverse:
Capitoline Temple, signed by moneyer. (Obverse: laureate head of Jupiter; cf.
RRC 385/1.)
Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.

98. Denarius of C. Considius Nonianus, 57 B.C.
Reverse: walled sanctuary of Venus Erucina (ERUC)
on the mountain of Eryx. (Obverse: bust of Venus signed by
the moneyer; cf. RRC 424/1.) After Fuchs 1969, pl. 3.29.

99. Ara Pacis Augustae, west side, right panel. Aeneas sacrifices the Lavinian sow to
the Penates, attended by Iulus and Achates.
Photograph, Art Resource—Anderson 2021.

100. Late Republican decorative relief. Munich, Glyptothek 455. Peasant and cow approach
rustic sanctuary.
Photograph by Henwig Koppermann, neg. 3, courtesy of the museum.

101. Late Republican "Grimani relief" from Praeneste.
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum AS. 1.604.
Decorative relief, sheep in rocky landscape with barn.
Ca. 94 cm.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. III.8.199.

Above: 102. Intaglio. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum IX.a.69.
Theseus leaves the Labyrinth. Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. II.9324.
Right: 103. Intaglio. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum IX.B.339. The
death of Actaeon. Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. III.9483.

Left: 104. Denarius of Sulla and L. Manlius Torquatus. 82 B.C. Mobile mint.
Reverse: Sulla triumphator in quadriga, crowned by flying Victory; signed by Sulla as
imperator . (Obverse: head of Roma, signed by Manlius; cf. RRC 367.) Photograph
courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Center: 105. Denarius of Octavian. 18-16 B.C. Spain mint. Reverse: arch with statue
group of Octavian triumphator crowned by Victory. (Obverse: head of Octavian.)
Photograph after Fuchs 1969, 98.
Right: 106. Denarius of Octavian. Ca. 27 B.C. Rome mint. Reverse: Octavian triumphator,
IMP CAESAR. (Obverse: Victory with wreath and palm, on prow.) Photograph courtesy of
the American Numismatic Society.

107. Arch of Titus, Rome. Domitianic. Passage relief: triumph of Titus, quadriga with
Titus, Victory, Honos, and Virtus.
Photograph, Art Resource—Alinari 7.294.

108. Arch of Titus. Passage relief: triumph of Titus, ferculum with the menorah
from the temple at Jerusalem. Photograph, Art Resource—Alinari 7.292.

109 a–b. Augustan bust of Drusus from area of Rome. Rome, Capitoline Mus. inv.
283. Front and profile.
Photograph by Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

110 a–b. Bust of Tiberius from area of Rome, Capitoline Mus. inv. 355. Front and profile.
Photograph by Gisela Fittschen-Badura.

111. Blue-glass phalera . Vienna,
Kunsthistorisches Museum XI.b.8.
Julio-Claudian prince and his
three infant children.
Photograph courtesy of the museum.

112. Augustan cameo. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum IX.a.61.
Sardonyx. Young Tiberius imperator .
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. II.6430.

113. Augustan gem portrait plaque. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts,
99.109. Turquoise. Livia-Venus and Tiberius.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. B 13591.

114. Augustan sheath plaque. Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum
4320. Bronze, embossed. Livia-Venus with Drusus I and Tiberius.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. 21618.

Left: 115. Aureus, 15-12 B.C. Lugdunum mint. Reverse: Tiberius and Drusus I present
laurels to Augustus, IMP X. (Obverse: head of Augustus, AUGUSTUS DIVI F.; cf.
BMCRE 77, no. 447.) Photograph courtesy of the American Numismatic Society.
Right: 116. Aureus, 15-12 B.C. Lugdunum mint. Reverse: one of the Claudii Nerones hands
laurel to Augustus, IMP X. (Obverse: as fig. 115) After BMCRE pl. cvii. 12.

117. "Sheath of Tiberius." London, British Museum
867 = GR 1866.8-6.1. Tiberian. Bronze, embossed
and silvered. Plaque at top: Tiberius, Germanicus,
Mars Ultor, and Victoria.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. 107808.

118. "Sheath of Tiberius." Tip: personified Germania.
Photograph courtesy of the museum, neg. 107809.

119. Tiberian votive pillar from the forum of Noviomagus. Nijmegen,
Provincial Museum G.M. Kam. Limestone. Detail: Tiberius at altar
Photograph courtesy of J. H. F. Bloemers.
Below: 120. Tiberian legionary signum from Niederbieber.
Mainz, Römisch-Germanisch Zentralmuseum 77.0131. Silver repoussé,
gilded. Tiberius with German captive and weapons. a, View; photograph courtesy
of E. Künzl, RGZM neg. T 82.325; b, detail: head of Tiberius;
photograph, DIA-Rome neg. 59.70

121. Base of the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome, still with original reliefs
(lost). Engraving by G. B. Piranesi, Il Campo Marzio di antica Roma (1762).
Photograph courtesy of Avery Library, Columbia University.

122. Forum Romanum and Fora of Caesar and Augustus, scheme of the
Caesarian, Augustan, and Tiberian constructions.

123. Forum Augustum, programmatic scheme. From Zanker, 1988.

124. Pantheon of Agrippa, schematic program. Adapted from Gros, 1976a.

125. Hadrianeum, schematic plan. Adapted from F.
Coarelli, Guida archaeologica di Roma, 1980.
(P = province, x = weapons plaques in niches.)