Kali (goddess). See Goddess, the Dangerous; Mahakali (goddess)
Kami thar , wood carvers, 81 , 95
Ka:mi thar , 91 , 758 n. 2
Ka:si (porch), 188 , 524 , 671 -672, 748 n. 30, 772
Kachalathwa fortnight, 404 , 412 , 415 -420, 643 -644
Kaeta (loincloth), 772
Kaeta Puja (initiation), 309 , 315 , 662 -665, 669 , 733 n. 26, 762 n. 9
Kalaratri (Black Night) [74]. Mohani, 533 -538, 561
Kalasa (ritual flask), 528 , 534 , 551 , 672 , 772
Kalu thar , 95
Kanya dana (gift of a virgin daughter), 666 , 668 , 674 , 764 n. 21
Karimpur village (Uttar Pradesh), 289
Karma (individual destiny), 727 n. 14, 733 n. 24, 747 n. 23, 772
See also Chance and luck
Karmacarya. See Acaju (priests)
Kata: thar , 83 , 94 , 361 , 627
Kathmandu, city of, 35 , 68 , 157 , 169 , 194 , 350 , 430 , 625 , 728 n. 27
Dasai(n) in, 533
Indra Jatra in, 457 -458, 654 , 740 n. 5
political history of, 13 -15
ritual antagonism in, 173 -174
Kathmandu Valley, the, 122 -123, 195 , 197 , 225 , 666
as center of Newar life, 34 -35, 617
demographics of, 56 -58
Ganesa[*] shrines in, 222 , 714 n. 15
Pasupatinatha shrine complex, 214 , 231 , 243 , 255 , 260 , 267 , 421 , 429 -430
political history of, 13 -15, 616 -618, 690 n. 7
shrines in the, 418
villages and towns in, 690 n. 6
See also Pilgrimage centers
Kau thar , 83 , 95 , 627
Kaulaga fortnight, 462 , 644 , 656 -657
Kaulathwa fortnight, 462 , 523 -555, 655 -656
Kaumari (goddess). See Devi Mahatmya ; Kumari (goddess)
Kawa(n) spirit, 271
Kha groups, 106 -107, 704 n. 54, 55
Khae(n) people, 75
See also Indo-Nepalese
Kha(n) Me: (Mohani buffalo), 546 -549, 562
Khasi. See Goats, sacrificial
Khica Puja [78], 412 -413, 657
Khimla , 403 , 735 n. 6
Khusa thar , 94 , 95 , 627
Khya spirits, 271 , 720 n. 67
Kiga :, 302 -303, 641 , 642 , 762 n. 7, 772
temple worship offering of, 635 , 636
Kija Puja [2], 113 , 415 -417, 643 , 705 n. 5, 736 n. 9
See also Siblings
Killing, attitudes toward. See Blood sacrifice
Brahman relationship to the, 341 -344, 601 , 602 -603, 618
Karnataka dynasty, 692 n. 22
Saha kingship, 51 , 533 , 546 , 694 n. 32, 774
and sword of the Biska: festival, 469 -492 passim, 556 -557
Taleju Brahman as Mohani period Malla, 530 -555 passim, 557
See also Names of individual kings
little Hindu, 28
Newar and Bhaktapur, 13 -15, 57 , 59 -60, 617
See also History, political
Kini/Kikini spirit, 271
Kinship, 121 -122
categories and terminology of, 142 -144, 631 -634, 758 -761 nn. 1-38
fictive (twae ), 142 , 669 , 709 nn. 45-46, 774
kul , 128 , 138 -139, 141 , 708 n. 36
the paju , 113 , 125 -126, 138 , 631 , 662 , 664 -665, 674 , 705 nn. 14-15, 773
See also Phuki groups; Thar groups; Appendix Three
Kite-flying, 524 , 748 n. 30
Knowledge, loss of cultural, 337 -338
See also Occupations
Kriya putra mourner activities, 679 -683
Krsna[*] (god), 205 , 713 n. 6
as avatar of Visnu[*] , 215 -216
minor festivals of, 429 -431, 452 , 647 -648
Krsna Janmastami [49], 452 , 654
Ksatriya[*] class, 79 , 340 , 342 , 349 , 602 -603, 704 n. 55, 725 n. 39, 729 n. 29, 737 n. 23, 772
See also Chetri
Kul. See Kinship, kul
Kulachimi/Ku Laksmi (goddess), 243 , 717 n. 45
Kulu thar , 84 , 627
Kumara (god), 220
Kumari (goddess), 155 , 166 -167, 230 , 241 , 715 n. 24, 748 n. 33, 758 -759 n. 12
Bare girls as, 95 , 363 , 540 -546, 607
Ekanta, 542 -546, 550 , 752 n. 77
Gana[*] , 540 -542
Mohani period worship of, 539 -546, 550 , 561 , 751 nn. 69-74, 752 nn. 75-83
the Nine Durgas and, 509 -510, 568 -570 passim, 575 -576
Sero Bhairava and, 570 , 575 -576
Kumha: thar , 81 , 90 , 95 , 97 , 216 , 372 , 475 , 476 , 626 , 667
Kusa: thar , 83
Kwa Puja [77], 412 -413, 656
Kwane. See India
Kwaphaegu , 470