Supercomputer Systems-Software Challenges
David L. Black
David L. Black is a Research Fellow at the Cambridge office of the Open Software Foundation (OSF) Research Institute, where he participates in research on the evolution of operating systems. Before joining OSF in 1990, he worked on the Mach operating system at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), from which he received a Ph.D. in computer science. Dr. Black also holds an M.S. in computer science from CMU and an M.A. in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania. His current research is on microkernel-based operating system environments, incorporating his interests in parallel, distributed, and real-time computation.
This paper describes important systems-software challenges to the effective use of supercomputers and outlines the efforts needed to resolve them. These challenges include distributed computing, the availability and influence of high-speed networks, interactions between the hardware architecture and the operating system, and support for parallel programming. Technology that addresses these challenges is crucial to ensure the continued utility of supercomputers in the heterogeneous, functionally specialized, distributed computing environments of the 1990s.
Supercomputers face important systems-software challenges that must be addressed to ensure their continued productive use. To explore these issues and possible solutions, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Supercomputing Research Center sponsored a workshop on Supercomputer Operating Systems and related issues in July 1990. This paper is based on the results of the workshop[*] and covers four major challenges: distributed computing, high-speed networks, architectural interactions with operating systems (including virtual memory support), and parallel programming.
Distributed Computing
Distributed computing is an important challenge because supercomputers are no longer isolated systems. The typical supercomputer installation contains dozens of systems, including front ends, fileservers, workstations, and other supercomputers. Distributed computing encompasses all of the problems encountered in convincing these systems to work together in a cooperative fashion. This is a long-standing research area in computer science but is of increasing importance because of greater functional specialization in supercomputing environments.
Functional specialization is a key driving force in the evolution of supercomputing environments. The defining characteristic of such environments is that the specialization of hardware is reflected in the structure of applications. Ideally, applications are divided into components that execute on the most appropriate hardware. This reserves the supercomputer for the components of the application that truly need its high performance and allows other components to execute elsewhere (e.g., a researcher's workstation, a graphics display unit, etc.). Cooperation and coordination among these components is of paramount importance to the successful use of such environments. A related challenge is that of partitioning problems into appropriate components. Communication costs are an important consideration in this regard, as higher costs require a coarser degree of interaction among the components.
Transparency and interoperability are key system characteristics that are required in such environments. Transparent communication mechanisms work in the same fashion, independent of the location of the communicating
[*] The views and conclusions in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the workshop as a whole, its sponsors, other participants, or the official policies, expressed or implied, of the Open Software Foundation.
components, including whether the communication is local to a single machine. Interoperability ensures that communication mechanisms function correctly among different types of hardware from different manufacturers, which is exactly the situation in current supercomputing environments. Achieving these goals is not easy but is a basic requirement for systems software that supports functionally specialized supercomputing environments.
High-Speed Networks
High-speed networks (gigabit-per-second and higher bandwidth) cause fundamental changes in software at both the application and systems levels. The good news is that these networks can absorb data at supercomputer rates, but this moves the problem of coping with the high data rate to the recipient. To illustrate the scope of this challenge, consider a Cray Research, Inc., machine with a four-nanosecond cycle time. At one gigabit per second, this Cray can handle the network in software because it can execute 16 instructions per 64-bit word transmitted or received. This example illustrates two problem areas. The first is that a Cray is a rather expensive network controller; productive use of networks requires that more cost-effective interface hardware be employed. The second problem is that one gigabit per second is slow for high-speed networks; at least another order of magnitude in bandwidth will become available in the near future, leaving the Cray with less than two instructions per word.
Existing local area networking practice does not extend to high-speed networks because local area networks (LANs) are fundamentally different from their high-speed counterparts. At the hardware level, high-speed networks are based on point-to-point links with active switching hardware rather than the common media access often used in LANs (e.g., Ethernet). This is motivated both by the needs of the telecommunications industry (which is at the forefront of development of these networks) and the fact that LAN media access techniques do not scale to the gigabit-per-second range. On a 10-megabit-per-second Ethernet, a bit is approximately 30 meters long (about 100 feet); since this is the same order of magnitude as the physical size of a typical LAN, there can only be a few bits in flight at any time. Thus, if the entire network is idled by a low-level media-management event (e.g., collision detection), only a few bits are lost. At a gigabit per second, a bit is 30 centimeters long (about one foot), so the number of bits lost to a corresponding media-management event on the same-size network is a few hundred; this can be a significant
source of lost bandwidth and is avoided in high-speed network protocols. Using point-to-point links can reduce these management events to the individual link level (where they are less costly) at the cost of active switching and routing hardware.
The bandwidth of high-speed networks also raises issues in the areas of protocols and hardware interface design. The computational overhead of existing protocols is much more costly in high-speed networks because the bandwidth losses for a given amount of computation are orders of magnitude larger. In addition, the reduced likelihood of dropped packets may obviate protocol logic that recovers from such events. Bandwidth-related issues also occur in the design of hardware interfaces. The bandwidth from the network has to go somewhere; local buffering in the interface is a minimum requirement. In addition, the high bandwidth available from these networks has motivated a number of researchers to consider memory-mapped interface architectures in place of the traditional communication orientation. At the speeds of these networks, the overhead of transmitting a page of memory is relatively small, making this approach feasible.
The importance of network management is increased by high-speed networks because they complement rather than replace existing, slower networks. Ethernet is still very useful, and the availability of more expensive, higher-bandwidth networks will not make it obsolete. Supercomputing facilities are likely to have overlapping Ethernet, fiber-distributed data interface, and high-speed networks connected to many machines. Techniques for managing such heterogeneous collections of networks and subdividing traffic appropriately (e.g., controlling traffic via Ethernet, transferring data via something faster) are extremely important. Managing a single network is challenging enough with existing technology; new technology is needed for multinetwork environments.
Virtual Memory
Virtual memory originated as a technique to extend the apparent size of physical memory. By moving pages of memory to and from backing storage (disk or drum) and adjusting virtual to physical memory mappings, a system could allow applications to make use of more memory than existed in the hardware. As applications executed, page-in and page-out traffic would change the portion of virtual memory that was actually resident in physical memory. The ability to change the mapping of virtual to physical addresses insulated applications from the effects of
not having all of their data in memory all the time and allowed their data to occupy different physical pages as needed.
Current operating systems emphasize the use of virtual memory for flexible mapping and sharing of data. Among the facilities that depend on this are mapped files, shared memory, and shared libraries. These features provide enhanced functionality and increased performance to applications. Paging is also provided by these operating systems, but it is less important than the advanced mapping and sharing features supported by virtual memory. Among the operating systems that provide such features are Mach, OSF/1,[*] System V Release 4,[**] and SunOS.[***] These features are an important part of the systems environment into which supercomputers must fit, now and in the future. The use of standard operating systems is important for interoperability and commonality of application development with other hardware (both supercomputers and other systems).
This shift in the use of virtual memory changes the design tradeoffs surrounding its use in supercomputers. For the original paging-oriented use, it was hard to justify incorporating virtual memory mapping hardware. This was because the cycle time of a supercomputer was so short compared with disk access time that paging made little sense. This is still largely the case, as advances in processor speed have not been matched by corresponding advances in disk bandwidth. The need for virtual memory to support common operating systems features changes this tradeoff. Systems without hardware support for virtual memory are unable to support operating systems features that depend on virtual memory. In turn, loss of these features removes support for applications that depend on them and deprives both applications and the system as a whole of the performance improvements gained from these features. This makes it more difficult for such systems to operate smoothly with other systems in the distributed supercomputing environment of the future. The next generation of operating systems assumes the existence of virtual memory; as a result, hardware that does not support it will be at a disadvantage.
[*] OSF/1 is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation.
[**] System V is a trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc.
[***] SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Resource Management
The increasing size and scale of supercomputer systems pose new resource-management problems. Enormous memories (in the gigabyte range) require management techniques beyond the LRU-like paging that is used to manage megabyte-scale memories. New scheduling techniques are required to handle large numbers of processors, nonuniform memory access architectures, and processor heterogeneity (different instruction sets). A common requirement for these and related areas is the need for more sophisticated resource management, including the ability to explicitly manage resources (e.g., dedicate processors and memory to specific applications). This allows the sophistication to be moved outside the operating system to an environment- or application-specific resource manager. Such a manager can implement appropriate policies to ensure effective resource usage for particular applications or specialized environments.
Parallel Processing
Supercomputer applications are characterized by the need for the fastest possible execution; the use of multiple processors in parallel is an important technique for achieving this performance. Parallel processing requires support from multiple system components, including architecture, operating systems, and programming language. At the architectural level, the cost of operations used to communicate among or synchronize processors (e.g., shared-memory access, message passing) places lower bounds on the granularity of parallelism (the amount of computation between successive interactions) that can be supported. The operating system must provide fast access to these features (i.e., low-overhead communication mechanisms and shared-memory support), and provide explicit resource allocation, as indicated in the previous section. Applications will only use parallelism if they can reliably obtain performance improvements from it; this requires that multiple processors be readily available to such applications. Much work has been done in the areas of languages, libraries, and tools, but more remains to be done; the goal should be to make parallel programming as easy as sequential programming. A common need across all levels of the system is effective support for performance analysis and debugging. This reflects the need for speed in all supercomputer applications, especially in those that have been structured to take advantage of parallelism.
Progress has been made and continues to be made in addressing these challenges. The importance of interconnecting heterogeneous hardware and software systems in a distributed environment has been recognized, and technology to address this area is becoming available (e.g., in the forthcoming Distributed Computing Environment offering from the Open Software Foundation). A number of research projects have built and are gaining experience with high-speed networks, including experience in the design and use of efficient protocols (e.g., ATM). Operating systems such as Mach and OSF/1 contain support for explicit resource management and parallel programming. These systems have been ported to a variety of computer architectures ranging from PCs to supercomputers, providing an important base for the use of common software.