Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory


 collapse sectionIntroductory Conclusion
 The Vicissitudes of Structural Marxism
 Emperors Without Clothes:  Contemporary Fashions in Social Theory
 Marxism and the Collapse of Capitalism with a Human Face
 Marxism and the Collapse of Socialism with an Inhuman Face
 On the Concept of Modernism
 Structural Marxism as a Modernist Science of History
 Democracy and Socialism: A Final Anticipatory Note
 collapse sectionChapter 1  Structural Causality, Contradiction, and Social Formations
 Althusser: The Social Formation as a Totality of Instances
 The Social Formation Articulated on the Basis of a Mode of Production
 The Materialist Rationalism of Spinoza
 The Critique of Transitive and Expressive Causalities
 Structural Causality and Darstellung
 Structure in Dominance and Determination in the Last Instance
 Hegel or Spinoza?
 Contradiction, Uneven Development, and Overdetermination
 Differential and Plenary Time
 History as a Process Without a Subject
 The Economism/Humanism Couplet
 History as a Process Without a Goal
 Marxism as a General Not a Total History
 collapse sectionChapter 2  Modes of Production and Historical Development
 collapse section1. The Concept of a Mode of Production
 Etienne Balibar: The Forces and Relations of Production
 Reproduction and the Problem of Periodization
 Hindess and Hirst and the "Post-Althusserian" Negation of History
 Balibar and Wolpe: Articulation as a Concept of Transformation
 collapse section2. The Concept of a Lineage Mode of Production
 Terray: The Primacy of the Labor Process
 Rey: The Primacy of Class Struggle
 Meillassoux: Toward an Extended Concept of Lineage Modes of Production
 Imperialism as an Articulation of Capitalist and Lineage Modes of Production
 collapse section3. Feudalism and the Transition to Capitalism
 Rey: The "Class Alliance" Between Seigneurs and Capitalists
 Bois: The Structure of European Feudalism
 Kriedte: Capitalism and the Dissolution of Feudalism
 Anderson: The Absolutist State and the Feudal Mode of Production
 Summing Up
 collapse sectionChapter 3  Science, Ideology, and Philosophy
 The "Althusser Problem":  Theoreticism and Its Consequences
 Althusser: The Concept of Ideology and the Ideology of Concepts
 Marx's "Epistemological Break"
 Beyond Hermeneutics: A "Symptomatic" Reading of Capital
 The Historical Epistemology of Bachelard and Canguilhem
 Beyond Historicism: The Relative Autonomy of Scientific Practice
 Beyond Rationalism: Philosophy as Class Struggle in Theory
 Beyond Empiricism: Knowledge as a Practice Without a Subject
 Marxism and the "Crisis of Marxism"
 collapse sectionChapter 4  Ideology and Social Subjectivity
 Althusser: The Interpellation of Social Subjects
 Ideological Apparatuses and State Power
 Bourdieu: Ideology, Habitus, and Symbolic Capital
 Therborn: The Contradictions of Ideological Interpellation
 Althusser: The "End of Ideology" Ideology
 Deleuze and the New Philosophy: Postmodernism and the New Right
 Foucault: Archaeology Versus History
 From Archaeology to Genealogy
 On the Subject of Power
 Poulantzas: Power, Class Struggle, and the State
 collapse sectionChapter 5  Literature and Ideology
 Pêcheux: The Concept of Discursive Practice
 Macherey and Eagleton: Literary Discourse as Ideological Practice
 Macherey: Scientific Criticism and the Question of the Text
 Representation and Figuration in Verne's Mysterious Island
 Eagleton: Aesthetics as Class Struggle in Culture
 Macherey: Scientific Criticism Versus a History of Aesthetics
 Renée Balibar: Class Domination and the Literary Effect
 Macherey and Etienne Balibar: Marxism Against Literature?
 collapse sectionChapter 6  Class Struggle, Political Power, and the Capitalist State
 Wright: Modes of Determination Within Structural Causality
 Modes of Determination in Contemporary Capitalism
 Poulantzas: The Specificity of the Political Instance
 Social Class, Social Relations, and Class Struggle
 Pertinent Effects, Class Power, and the Predominance of Politics
 The Relative Autonomy of the Capitalist Class State
 Class Struggles Within the Democratic State
 The Political Deflection of Class Struggle
 Therborn: The Organizational Technology of the Capitalist State
 Poulantzas: The Internationalization of Monopoly Capitalism
 The Internalization of Internationalization
 Monopoly Capitalism and the Interventionist State
 The Crisis of Democracy and Authoritarian Statism

 collapse sectionNotes
 Introductory Conclusion
 Chapter 1 Structural Causality, Contradiction, and Social Formations
 Chapter 2 Modes of Production and Historical Development
 Chapter 3 Science, Ideology, and Philosophy
 Chapter 4 Ideology and Social Subjectivity
 Chapter 5 Literature and Ideology
 Chapter 6 Class Struggle, Political Power, and the Capitalist State
 collapse sectionIndex

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