Habilitation, 10 , 112
Halle, University of, 27 , 271 , 358
Hailer, Albrecht von, 11
Handwörterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie , 68 -74, 128 , 130 , 154 , 177 , 184 , 214 , 336 -337
Hankel, Wilhelm, 268
Hanover, Kingdom of, 5 , 11 -12, 35 -36, 41 -42, 70 . See also Göttingen
Hassenpflug, Daniel, 110 , 112 , 117 , 234
Hausmann, Johann Friedrich Ludwig, 44 , 387
Havrez, Pierre, 161
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 17 , 31 , 345
Heintz, Wilhelm Heinrich, 259 , 264 , 336 , 465
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 363
Hempel, Adolph Friedrich, 37 , 43
Hempel, Marie Catherine Louise, née Grabenstein, 37 , 393
Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob, 28
Henzold, O., 451
Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 44
Hermbstaedt, Sigismund Friedrich, 30
Herrmann, Felix, 328 -329
Herrmann, Maximilian, 295
Herschel, John Frederick William, 244
Hesse, Electoral, 5 , 35 , 70 , 110 -112, 234 , 266 , 278 , 342 . See also Marburg
Hesse, Grand Duchy of, 5 , 20 -21, 109 , 117 , 161
Hesse, Grand Duke of, 161
Hesse-Darmstadt. See Hesse, Grand Duchy of
Hesse-Kassel. See Hesse, Electoral
Heyden, Friedrich von, 305 -306, 447 , 464
Hirzel, Heinrich, 275 -276, 282
Hitler, Adolf, 362
Hlasiwetz, Heinrich Hermann Christian, 296
Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van't, 328 -330, 336 , 368
Hoffmann, Felix, 309
Hoffmann, Reinhold, 162 -165, 167 , 216 -217
Hofmann, August Wilhelm, 3 -5, 23 , 28 , 59 , 62 , 66 , 68 , 75 , 79 , 80 -83, 89 , 93 , 96 -97, 99 , 101 , 103 , 108 -110, 116 , 135 , 139 -142, 144 , 150 , 152 -155, 158 , 163 , 182 , 197 -198, 203 , 212 -213, 233 , 235 , 240 -241, 251 , 271 -275, 278 , 282 , 284 , 289 -290, 302 , 308 , 318 , 336 , 340 , 344 , 346 , 353 -363, 369 -370, 388 , 394 , 397 , 399 , 401 , 404 , 406 , 408 , 412 , 418 , 437 -438, 460 -463
Hofmann, Johann Philipp, 23
Hofmeister, Franz, 451
Hollowism, sleepy, 111
Homer, 361
Homologous series, 90 , 139
Happe-Seyler, Felix, 451
Horsford, Eben Norton, 116
Hübner, Hans, 231 -233, 255 , 288 , 298
Hüfner, Carl Gustav, 321
Humboldt, Alexander von, 21
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 12 , 27 , 30
Hydracids, 52 -53, 55 , 81 , 95
Hydrocarbons, 61 -63, 65 -68, 139 , 165 , 174 , 256 , 299 , 311 -312, 317 , 325 ;
chlorinated, 49 , 57 -60, 77 , 79 . See also Aromatic compounds; Benzene; Kolbe electrolysis reaction; Wurtz reaction; and specific hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon radicals
Hydroxyacids, 106 , 194 -195, 206 , 215 -216, 230 , 292 , 312 -313, 316
Hydroxybenzoic acid(s), 291 -297, 304 -309
Hyposulfuric acid. See Dithionic acid