Railroad workers, 72
RAPM (Russian Association for Proletarian Musicians), 230 , 249
RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers), 246 , 248 , 249
Realism, and proletarian art, 144
Red Army, 52 , 70 ;
collaboration of with Proletkult, 83 ;
cultural activities of, 33 ;
and problem
Red Army (continued )
of revolutionary leadership, 93 ;
sponsorship of theater by, 34 ;
Volga campaign of, 46
Red Army clubs, 83
Red Guards, youth in, 86
Red Star (Bogdanov), 5 , 174
Red Virgin Soil (Krasnaia nov' ) (journal), 231
Revolution of 1905, 11 , 16 , 17
Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 244
Rogzinskii, N. V., 168
Roslavets, Nikolai, 136 , 147
Rostopchina, M. A., 178 -79, 234
Rostov on Don Proletkult, 220
Rozanova, Olga, 111 , 150
Russian Revolution, 91 ;
effect on workers' leadership, 116 .
See also October Revolution
Rybinsk Proletkult, 77 , 126 , 182 ;
theater studio of, 148