active life, 166 –67, 171 –72
adlocutio , Roman iconographic theme, 238
adoption ceremony, in medieval courts, 99
Aegidius de Thebaldis, 340 n.33
agricultural life, 305 ;
benefits of, 287 –88;
and good government, 249 –51;
Oresme's views on, 251 –52
agricultural workers, 210 –11 ;
character of, 247 –49;
in Good Democracy, 245 –47;
as noncitizens, 254 –55 , 261 , 305 ;
Oresme's view of, 229 , 291 ;
positive view of, 385 n.25;
representation of, 244 , 251
aids to memory. See memory aids
Alberti, Leon Battista, Della famiglia , 281
Albert the Great, 41 , 281 , 370 n.15;
commentaries on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 178 , 346 n.52
Albertus Magnus. See Albert the Great
Alexander, Jonathan, 251
Algorismus proportionum (Oresme), 279
Ali ibn Ridwan, 19
allegories. See personifications; personification allegories; decision allegories
Alphonso of Castile, Tables astronomiques d'Alphonse, roi de Castille , 9
Apuleius, De dogmate Platonis , 205
Aquinas, Thomas, 370 n.15;
on artificial memory, 67 , 130 ;
commentaries on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 178 , 352 n.24;
on friendship, 141 ;
on memory, 41 ;
Summa theologica , 122 , 128
arcadian imagery, 247
architecture, in memory aids, 183 , 185
Aristocracy (paradigm), Pl. 8 , 187, 189 , 190 , 194 , 375 n.21
Aristotelian corpus, 29 ;
illustrations in Latin manuscripts, 30 –31;
Latin translations of, 25 ;
readers' aids for, 24 .
See also titles of works
as authority on astronomy, 17 ;
De anima , 32 ;
De memoria et reminiscentia , 32 ;
depicted as teacher, 204 ;
On the Heavens , 8 , 29 –30;
images of, 17 ;
influence on Oresme, 14 ;
Liber de regno , 181 ;
Nicomachean Ethics , xxi , 14 , 24 , 37 , 60 , 72 , 85 , 93 , 113 , 120 , 290 , 361 n.48;
Politics , xxi , 14 , 25 , 37 , 177 –79, 214 , 216 , 373 n.8, 375 n.23, 383 n.18;
Rhetoric , 182 –83, 238 .
See also pseudo-Aristotle
Li ars d'amour, de vertu, et de boneurté27
ars nova , 278 –79
Ars nova (Philippe de Vitry), 279
Art (personification), Pl. 4 , 118 , 120 –21, 124 , 126 –27, 205 , 364 n.29
Artevelde, Jacques d', 238
astrologers, 17
astrology, 15 –21, 16 , 20 , 21 ;
Oresme's views on, 341 n.42
audience, lay, 3 –6, 20 , 54
Augustine, Saint, 122 , 170 , 335 n.54;
City of God , 7 , 11 , 196 , 249 , 376 n.31;
Soliloquies , 8
authorial identity:
growth of, 207 ;
translator's assumption of, 181 , 306
author portrait, as iconographic type, 199 , 204 –7
Avarice (personification), 81 , 86 , 91
commentary on Metaphysics (Aristotle), 99 ;
paraphrase of Economics (pseudo-Aristotle), 280
Avignon, 4 , 11 , 306
Avis au roys :
discussion of justice in, 94 ;
discussion of Prudence in, 128 ;
iconography of Justice in, 115 –16;
illustrations in, 51 , 67 , 68 , 73 , 77 , 80 , 81 , 85 , 87, 89 , 99 , 100, 115 , 194 , 194, 217 , 227 , 228, 238 , 263 ,
Avis au roys
264 , 269 , 272 ;
as precedent for illustration program of Politiques , 182
Avranches, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 223, 178 , 343 n.22, 370 n.14
Avril, François, 31 , 33 , 249 , 279 , 384 n.26