Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Radio Dynamics (Fischinger), 226 , 228

Rainy Evening (Reiffel), 164 , 165

Ramos Martínez, Alfredo, 122 , 129 -31, 134 , 281 ;

Chapman Park Hotel mural, 131 ;

exhibition at Louis Stern Gallery (Beverly Hills), 135 n.8;

Margaret Fowler Memorial Garden mural (Scripps College, Claremont), 131 , 131-32 ;

Open Air Painting Schools, 129 , 130 ;

retrospective at Museo Nacional de Arte (Mexico), 135 n.8;

Santa Barbara Cemetery murals, 130 -31;

Vendedora de Frutas (Fruit Seller) , plate 6

Ransome, Ernest L., 144

Raoul Dufy (Peterson), 238

rationality mistrust of, 33

Ray, Man (pseud . of Emmanuel Rudnitsky), 283 ;

circle of friends of, 192 -93;

dadaism of, 191 -93;

exhibitions, 192 , 205 n.25, 284 , 285 ;

involvement in experimental film, 211 ;

La Fortune, III , 192 , 205 n.23;

lectures on surrealism, 194 ;

NightSunAbandoned Playground , 192 ;

Optical Hopes and Illusions , 192 ;

Optical Longings and Illusions , 192 ;

and pop art, 201 ;

Rayographs, 192 , 201 ;

relationship with the Arensbergs, 205 n.19;

Shakespearian Equations , 193 ;

on surrealism in Hollywood, 181

realism, 172 , 173 ;

academic, 164 -65;

allegories of strife and despair, 45

Rebay yon Ehrenwiesen, Baroness Hilla, 226 , 230 -32, 240 n.17

Recreation and Park Department, 105 -6

Reed, Alma, 122

Refregier, Anton, 76 ;

conservative style of, 90 n.3;

depiction of Indians, 86 , 87 , 88 ;

suspected radical politics of, 69 , 79 . See also Rincon Annex murals

regionalism, 1 -2, 149 , 151 ;

and independence, 13 ;

versus internationalism, 61 -62;

marginalization of regional art, 5 ;

photography, 201 . See also American Scene painting

Reichek, Jesse, 113

Reiffel, Charles, 13 , 166 , 174 ;

memorial exhibition at San Diego Fine Arts Gallery, 164 ;

Rainy Evening , 165

Reinhardt, Ad, 55 , 286

religion and freedom, 33

religious allegory and war, 45 , 46

representationalism, 25 , 118 , 161 -63;

fictional nature of, 30 ;

figurative expressionism in, 62 , 165 ;

versus modernism, 15 n.7, 30

Republican Party, 78 -79

residual cultures, 36 n.6

Ret, Etienne, 282

Rexroth, Kenneth, 280

Rich, Daniel Catton, 66 -67n.76

Richey, Roubaix de L'Abrie, 126

Richter, Hans: Ghosts before Noon , 219 , 221

Rincon Annex murals (Refregier), 10 , 74 , 74 -93, 76 , 92 n.43;

Building the Railroad , 80 ;

The Civil War , 81 ;

Discovery of Gold , 81 ;

The Four Freedoms , 75 , 82 ;

hearings on subversiveness of, 69 , 78 -79, 81 -86, 88 -89, 92 nn.39, 49;

objections from Catholic Church, 75 ;

objections from Public Buildings Administration, 75 , 77 ;

objections from Veterans of Foreign Wars, 75 ;

The Overland Trail , 81 ;

Preaching and Farming at Mission Dolores , 88 ;

Preparedness Day Bombing and Mooney Trial , 81 ;

Renaissance roots of, 90 n.3;

Sand Lot Riots , 80 , 81 ;

support from artists and unions, 77 , 78 , 83 , 89 ;

support from museums, 84 ;

Vigilante Days , 85 ;

The Waterfront1934 , 77 , 81

Ritual in Transfigured Time (Deren), 223

Rivera, Diego, 103 -6, 108 , 122 , 123 -24;

California School of Fine Arts mural, 281 ;

Chapingo murals, 126 ;

Detroit Institute of Art murals, 124 ;

Día de Flores , 127 , 128 ;

exhibitions, 125 , 281 ;

Golden Gate International Exposition mural, 284 ;

The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City , 104 , 104 -5;

Man at the Crossroads , 73 ;

Ministry of Public Education murals, 124 ;

Rockefeller Center mural, 105 , 124 ;

Stock Exchange Lunch Club mural (San Francisco), 281 ;

Stock Exchange Tower mural, 103

Riviera/Capri Theatre (Los Angeles), 233

Robbins, LeRoy: Even as You and I , 219 , 220-21 ;

Suicide , 221 -22

Roberts House (Los Angeles; Corbett), 146 , 147


Robledo, Ricardo Gémez, 126

Rock and Shell Arrangement (E. Weston), 263

Rockefeller, Abby, 122

Rockefeller, Nelson, 73 , 122

Rockefeller Foundation, 127 , 129

Rock of Ages (Deutsch), 167

Rodia, Sabato, 10 ;

Nuestro Pueblo (Watts Towers), 28 -32, 29 , 278

Raymond Rohauer's Film Society, 233

The Rolling Fort (Spohn), 50 , 51 , 52

Rollins, Lloyd La Page, 257

Romains, Jules, 110

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 105 ;

New Deal, 72 , 243 -45

Rose, Stanley, 122 , 282

Rosenberg, Harold, 4

Rothko, Mark, 202 ;

exhibition at Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 285 ;

influence of surrealism on, 208 n.64;

Slow Swirl by the Edge of the Sea , 208 n.64

Ruscha, Edward, xv , 11 , 176

Russell, C. H.: arcades at Venice, Calif., 3

Russell, Morgan, 8 , 163 , 281 ;

Synchromism exhibition (Los Angeles County Museum), 280

Ryder, Worth, 107


Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.