Walking barefoot, 37 -38, 97
Wankenne, Jules, 215 n62
Weber, Max, 21 , 173 -74n76
Williams, Daniel, 188 n1, 202 nn31,33
Wisdom of Solomon, 60 , 72 , 73 , 74
and asceticism, 14 , 83 -84, 113 , 142 , 149 , 151 , 152 , 201 nn20,21, 225 nn99-103;
and menopause, 41 -42, 187 nn95,96;
sexuality as token of exchange, 42 , 187 n98;
sexual transgressions, 41 -42, 114 , 215 n60;
and teaching, 33 -34, 40 , 184 n82;
veiling of virgins, 40 -42, 185 nn87-89, 186 n91-93;
vulnerability to heresy, 131 , 155 , 220 n21.
See also Gender roles; Sexual misconduct accusations; specific women
Würzburg tractates (Priscillian), 2 , 3 -4, 36 , 48 , 162 , 166 -67n8.
See also Apology (Priscillian); Book on the Faith and the Apocrypha; Letter to Damasus; Tractate on Exodus; Tractate on Genesis