Radcliffe, Anthony, 211 n42
The Raising of the Cross (Francavilla), 220 n43
Rape of Europa (Giambologna), 90 , 91
Rape of the Sabine statuette (Giambologna), 25 , 26 , 195 n12
Rape of the Sabines (Giambologna), 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 92 -93, 107 , 108 ;
relief of, 92 , 93 , 94
Chigi Chapel designed by, 197 n21;
and Giambologna, 16 , 60 ;
School of Athens by, 95 ;
tapestry designs of, 95 ;
Vatican frescoes of, 16 , 95
Ratti, Carlo Giuseppe, 191 -92n28, 194 nn2-3, 210 n42
and doctrine of justification, 55 ;
and doctrine of salvation, 53 -54.
See also Catholic Reformation
Regularis Concordia (Athelwold), 67
Relics, 45 ;
in Doria chapel, 23 ;
in Grimaldi Chapel, 23 , 40 , 66 -68, 147 , 165 , 200 n34, 201 n37;
veneration of, 40 , 65 , 66 , 207 n8
Rembrandt, 202 n39
Replicas, of Giambologna's works, 1 , 43 , 89
Republican government, in Genoa, 6 , 58 , 59
The Resurrection , in Colleoni Chapel, 64
The Resurrection (Francavilla), 220 n43
The Resurrection of Lazarus (Santi di Tito), 143 , 144
Retables, depicting Christ's Passion, 177
Rhetoric, 58 , 93 , 104 , 216 n10
Il riposo (Borghini), 1 , 108 , 188 n3
Rizzo, Antonio, 204 n7
Rochi, Francesco de, 209 n30
Rodari, Tomaso, 176
Rollinger, Wilhelm, 214 n64
Romanino, 176
Romano, Giulio, 148
Arch of Constantine in, 16 ;
Arch of Titus in, 122 -23;
Column of Trajan in, 15 -16;
Giambologna's residence in, 15 , 16 , 18 , 122 , 138 -39, 197 n21;
Santa Maria del Popolo in, 16 , 50 , 51 , 197 n21
Rood screens, in Flanders, 14 -16, 15 -16, 48 , 49 , 60 , 64 , 218 n26
Rudolf II, 19