Taisei Corporation, 30 , 35 , 44 , 47 , 92 , 118
"Taisho Democracy," 34
Taiwan, electoral institutions, 96
Takemura Masayoshi, 128 , 132 , 154
Takenaka Corporation, 30 , 71 , 94 , 180 n19
Takeshita faction, 53 , 76 , 100 , 104 , 108 -109, 144 .
See also Kanemaru Shin; Liberal Democratic Party, factions/factional lineages; Sato factional lineage; Takeshita Noboru
Takeshita Noboru, 120 , 121
construction tribalist, 40 , 111 -112
personal support organizations, 90
construction friction, 81 -82, 102 , 103 , 178 n6
ties to construction industry, 94 .
See also Construction friction; Major Projects Agreement; Takeshita faction
Takeuchi Fujio, 40 , 78 , 91 -92, 95 , 118 , 154
Takeuchi Yoshio, 49
Tammany Hall, 11
Tamura Hajime, 113
Tamura, Saburo, 35
Tanaka faction, 53 , 76 , 108 -109, 110 .
See also Kanemaru Shin; Liberal Democratic Party, factions/factional lineages; Sato factional lineage; Tanaka Kakuei; Takeshita Noboru
Tanaka Kakuei, 36 , 53 , 167 n4
construction tribalist, 110 -111, 112 , 114 , 120
fundraising scheme, 96
personal support organization (Etsuzankai ), 89 , 90 , 91
recruitment of ex-Ministry of Construction bureaucrats, 76 , 110 -1
sponsor of road laws, 64 -66
ties to construction industry, 93 -94.
See also Liberal Democratic Party, factions/factional lineages
Tanaka Rokusuke, 104
Taoka Shunji, 165 n2
Tawara Takashi, 77 , 110 -111
Taylor, Jared, 179 n9
Technical officials (gikan ). See Ministry of Construction; Public works bureaucrats, technical officials
Technician. See Public works bureaucrats, technical officials
Temporary Measures Law Concerning Financial Resources for Road Facilities Expenses (Doro Seibi Hi no Zaigento ni Kansuru Rinji Sochi Ho ) (1953), 66 -67
Textile industry, 8
Thayer, Nathaniel, 83 , 84 , 105 , 173 nn6,8,9, 174 n2
Thompson, Dennis, 11
Tishman Realty and Construction, 124 , 177 n1
Tobishima Corporation, 32 , 44 , 71 , 118 -119
Toda Corporation, 32
Togawa Isamu, 96
Tohoku Construction Industry Conference, 41
Tokyo University. See University of Tokyo
Tokyo Construction, 32
Tomita, nobuo, 173 n8
Tonedachi Masaaki, 174 n15
Totetsu Kogyo, 72
Totten, George, 174 nn2,4
Toyama, Michiko, 119 , 167 n2
Turner Construction, 177 n1
Tyson, Laura, 163 n3