Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.



Tangana Tribe, 32 .

See also Three Tribes

Thoden van Velzen, H. U. E., xiii

Theneshara Taifa.

See also Twelve Tribes

Three Tribes, 316 n;

conflict with Swahili Arabs, 45 ;

early history, 31 -34, 315 n;

help overthrow Mazrui, 35 ;

list of member tribes, 32 .

See also History of Swahili; Nine Tribes; Old Town; Twelve Tribes


basis for predictability, 143 -144;

can be guides as well, 141 ;

dangers of, 280 -282;

defined, 126 , 142 ;

limited usefulness of, 281 -282;

mistaken for guides, 320 n;

need not be conscious, 141 ;

smooth social relations, 271 ;

statuses and, 279 -280;

use between Swahili generations, 139 -140;

use in Fang society, 139 .

See also Guides; Ritual; Tokens and guides

Tokens and guides:

distinction between, 141 -142;

functions of, 12 -13;

sharing and, 12 -13

Trusts, 65

Turner, V., 314 n

Tuzin, D., xiii , 280 -281, 329 n

Twelve Tribes, 27 , 314 n;

Arab identity and membership in, 45 ;

decline of community, 41 ;

does not refer to "tribes," 315 n;

early history, 315 n.

See also Nine Tribes; Three Tribes; Two-section community

Two-section community:

beginning of, 30 -35;

conflicts and reconciliations, 34 -35, 316 n;

current state of, 49 -50;

dance competitions, 46 -48, 316 n;

decline of both conflict and solidarity, 34 ;

membership in, and ethnic status, 52 -53;

no vernacular term for, 55 ;

unity through opposition, 42 , 48 -49.

See also British; Ethnic statuses; Rituals; Swahili Arabs; Zanzibari Arabs


Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.