Preferred Citation: van den Berghe, Pierre . South Africa: A Study in Conflict. Berekley:  University of California Press,  1967 [c1965] 1967.


Selected Bibliography

For a more complete bibliography of journal articles and unpublished M.A. and Ph.D. theses dealing with South Africa, see Monica Wilson, "Recent Research on Race Relations," and Pierre L. van den Berghe, "Some Trends in Unpublished Social Science Research in South Africa."

Periodical Publications

Africa. London (quarterly).

Africa Institute, International Bulletin. Pretoria (monthly).

Africa Report. Washington (monthly).

Africa South. Johannesburg (quarterly).

Africa Today. New York, American Committee on Africa (bi-monthly).

African Digest. London, The Africa Bureau (bi-monthly).

African Studies (formerly Bantu Studies ). Johannesburg (quarterly).

African World. London (monthly).

Africana Nova, A Quarterly Bibliography of Books Currently Published in and about the Union of South Africa. Cape Town, South African Public Library (quarterly).

Bantu. Pretoria (monthly).

Bantu Education Journal. Pretoria (monthly).

Bantu Studies. See African Studies.

Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines. Paris (quarterly).

Civilisations. Brussels (quarterly).

The Forum. Johannesburg (monthly).

Government Gazette. Pretoria (weekly).


Journal of Racial Affairs. Stellenbosch, South African Bureau of Racial Affairs (quarterly).

The New African. Cape Town (monthly).

Optima. Johannesburg (quarterly).

Quarterly Bulletin of the South African Library. Cape Town (quarterly).

Race Relations Journal. Johannesburg (quarterly).

The South African Financial Year Book. Cape Town, Beerman (annual).

South African Scope. Pretoria (bi-monthly).

Muriel Horrell, A Survey of Race Relations in South Africa. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Race Relations (annual).

Thought. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Race Relations (quarterly).

The Year Book and Guide to Southern Africa. London, Hale (annual).

Individual Publications (Articles, Books, Official Reports, Pamphlets, Theses, etc.)

Peter Abrahams, The Path of Thunder. New York, Harper, 1948.

———, Tell Freedom. New York, Knopf, 1954.

———, Wild Conquest. London, Faber and Faber, 1951.

Adamastor, White Man Boss. London, Gollancz, 1950.

The African Factory Worker. Cape Town, London, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1950.

African Farm Labour. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Race Relations, 1959.[*]

L'Afrique du Sud et la Primauté du Droit. Geneva, Commission Internationale de Juristes, 1961.

J. A. I. Agar-Hamilton, The Native Policy of the Voortrekkers, 1836–1858. Cape Town, Maskew Miller, 1928.

R. Ainslie and D. Robinson, The Collaborators . London, Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1964.

Ray Alexander and H. J. Simons, Job Reservation and the Trade Unions. Cape Town, Enterprise Publishing, 1959.

Garry Allighan, Curtain-Up on South Africa. London, Boardman, 1960.

———, Verwoerd—The End: A Look-Back from the Future. Cape Town, Purnell, 1961.

G. W. Allport, The Nature of Prejudice. Cambridge, Addison-Wesley, 1954.

[*] * This organization is hereafter referred to as "S. A. Institute."


———, Personality and Social Encounter . Boston, Beacon, 1960.

———, Prejudice in Modern Perspective . Durban, S. A. Institute, 1956.

——— and T. F. Pettigrew, "Cultural Influence on the Perception of Movement: The Trapezoidal Illusion among Zulus." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55 , 1957, pp. 104–113.

M. H. Alsop, The Population of Natal . Cape Town, London, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1952.

Phyllis Altman, The Law of the Vultures . London, Cape, 1952.

A. P. Altmeyer, Südafrika, Europas Letzte Grenze . Zürich, Stauffacher, 1956.

H. T. Andrews et al. , eds., South Africa in the Sixties: A Socio-Economic Survey . Cape Town, South African Foundation, 1962.

Apartheid in South Africa. New York, United Nations, 1963.

Hugh Ashton, The Basuto . London, Oxford University Press, 1952.

Die Asiaat en Afrika. Stellenbosch, The South African Bureau of Racial Affairs, 1956.[*]

Dennis Austin, Britain and South Africa . New York, Oxford University Press, 1966.

James Backhouse, A Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa . London, Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1844.

Jean Badertscher, La Ségrégation Raciale en Afrique du Sud . Lausanne, Horizons, 1962.

C. D. C. Bain, "Non-European Affairs." The Manufacturer , May 1956.

Georges Balandier, Sociologie Actuelle de l'Afrique Noire . Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1955.

Ronald B. Ballinger, South-West Africa: The Case against the Union . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1961.

Bantu Authorities and Tribal Administration. Pretoria, Department of Native Affairs, 1958.

Bantu Education, Oppression or Opportunity? Stellenbosch, SABRA, 1955.

Anthony Barker, Giving and Receiving: An Adventure in African Medical Service . London, Faith Press, 1959.

Anthony Barker, The Man Next to Me . New York, Harper, 1960.

Dudley Barker, Swaziland . London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1966.

John A. Barnes, "Race Relations in the Development of Southern Africa." In Andrew W. Lind, ed., Race Relations in World Perspective . Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1955.

Leonard Barnes, Caliban in Africa. An Impression of Colour-Madness . London, Gollancz, 1930.

[*] * This organization is hereafter referred to as "SABRA."


John Barrow, An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa in the Years 1797 and 1798 . New York, 1802.

Roger Bastide, "Dusky Venus, Black Apollo." Race, 3 , no. 1, 1961, pp. 10–18.

———, Sociologie et Psychanalyse . Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1950.

H. M. Bate, South Africa Without Prejudice . London, Laurie, 1956.

Edward Batson, "A Contribution to the Study of Urban Coloured Poverty." Race Relations Journal, 9 , 1942, pp. 1–11.

Baumannville: A Study of an Urban African Community. London, Oxford University Press, 1959.

Fred W. Bell, The South African Native Problem, A Suggested Solution . The Central News Agency, 1909.

Mary Benson, The African Patriots . London, Faber and Faber, 1963.

———, Chief Albert Lutuli of South Africa . London, Oxford University Press, 1963.

———, Tshekedi Khama . London, Faber and Faber, 1960.

Arthur D. Bensusan, South Africa, The Land and the People . Cape Town, Timmins, 1960.

A Bibliography of African Bibliographies Covering Territories South of the Sahara. Cape Town, South African Library, 1955.

S. Biesheuvel, "Further Studies on the Measurement of Attitudes Towards Western Ethical Concepts." Journal of the National Institute of Personnel Research, 7 , 1959, pp. 141–155.

———, "Methodology in the Study of Attitudes of Africans." Journal of Social Psychology, 47 , 1958, pp. 169–184.

———, "The Nation's Intelligence and its Measurement." South African Journal of Science, 49 , 1952, pp. 120–138.

———, "The Study of African Ability." African Studies, 11 , 1952, pp. 45–58, 105–117.

Leslie Blackwell, Are Judges Human? London, Bailey and Swinfen, 1963.

E. Blenck and H. Blenck, South West Africa . Zürich, Atlantis, 1958.

Harry Bloom, Episode . Garden City, Doubleday, 1955.

Leonard Bloom, "Self Concepts and Social Status in South Africa: A Preliminary Cross-Cultural Analysis." Journal of Social Psychology, 51 , 1960, pp. 103–112.

———, A. C. De Crespigny, and J. E. Spence, "An Interdisciplinary Study of Social, Moral and Political Attitudes of White and Non-White South African University Students." Journal of Social Psychology, 54 , 1961, pp. 3–12.

Blueprint for Bondage. Pietermaritzburg, Liberal Party of South Africa, n.d.


Myrna Blumberg, White Madam . London, Gollancz, 1962.

C. Board, The Border Region: Natural Environment and Land Use of the Eastern Cape . Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1962.

J. H. Boeke, Economics and Economic Policy in Dual Societies . New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1953.

Paul Bohannan and George Dalton, eds., Markets in Africa . Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1962.

John Fairfield Bok, "The Doctrine of Apartheid: A Study of Racial Policies in South Africa." Unpublished thesis, Harvard University, 1952.

J. Borde, "Le Problème Ethnique dans l'Union Sud-Africaine." Cahiers d'Outre-Mer, 12 , 1950.

C. G. Botha, Collectanea . Cape Town, The Van Riebeeck Society, 1924.

———, Social Life in the Cape Colony in the 18th Century . Cape Town and Johannesburg, Juta, 1926.

J. H. Botha, Die Arbeidsvraagstuk van Suid-Afrika . Amsterdam, Paris, 1928.

Sean Boud, "Apartheid and the Church." Commonweal, 72 , 1960, pp. 250–253.

Jacques Boulenger, Voyages de F. Vaillant dans l'Intérieur de l'Afrique, 1781–1785 . Paris, Plon, 1932.

Alexander Brady, Democracy in the Dominions: A Comparative Study in Institutions . Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1958.

Lloyd Braithwaite, "Social Stratification and Cultural Pluralism." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 83 , 1959–1960, pp. 816–831.

R. H. Brand, The Union of South Africa . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909.

M. Brandell, "Urban Lobolo Attitudes." African Studies, 17 , 1958, pp. 34–50.

E. Russell Brayshaw et al., Racial Problems in South Africa . London, Society of Friends, 1938.

E. A. Brett, African Attitudes: A Study of the Social, Racial and Political Attitudes of Some Middle-Class Africans . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1963.

William W. Brickman, "Racial Segregation in Education in South Africa." School and Society, 88 , 1960, pp. 258–269.

Cornelis B. Brink, Die Kerk en die Rassevraagstuk . Cape Town, N.G. Kerkuitgewers, 1957.


Edgar H. Brookes, The City of God and the Politics of Crisis . London, Oxford University Press, 1960.

———, The Colour Problems of South Africa . London, Lovedale, 1934.

———, The History of Native Policy in South Africa . Cape Town, Nasionale Pers, 1924.

———, South Africa in a Changing World . Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1953.

——— and N. Hurwitz, The Native Reserves of Natal . Cape Town, London, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1957.

——— and J. B. Macaulay, Civil Liberties in South Africa . Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1958.

——— and Amry Vandenbosch, The City of God and the City of Man in Africa . Lexington, University of Kentucky Press, 1964.

M. Broughton, Press and Politics of South Africa . Cape Town, Purnell, 1961.

Douglas Brown, Against the World: A Study of White South African Attitudes . London, William Collins Sons, 1966.

William E. Brown, The Catholic Church in South Africa . New York, Kennedy, 1960.

William O. Brown, "Race Consciousness Among South African Natives." American Journal of Sociology, 40 , 1935, pp. 569–581.

———, Race Relations in the American South and in South Africa . Boston, Boston University Press, 1959.

Edmund Brunner, "Problems and Tensions in South Africa." Political Science Quarterly, 70 , 1955, pp. 368–387.

J. P. Bruwer, Die Bantoe van Suid-Afrika . Johannesburg, Afrikaanse Pers, 1957.

Alfred T. Bryant, Bantu Origins: The People and Their Language . Cape Town, Struik, 1963.

———, Olden Times in Zululand and Natal . London, Longmans, 1929.

———, The Zulu People . Pietermaritzburg, Shuter and Shooter, 1949.

Raymond L. Buell, "The Race Problem in South Africa." Foreign Affairs, 4 , 1928, pp. 265–276.

T. V. Bulpin, The Golden Republic . Cape Town, Timmins, n.d.

———, Shaka's Country, A Book of Zululand . Cape Town, Timmins, 1956.

———, Storm over the Transvaal . Cape Town, Timmins, 1955.

———, To the Shores of Natal . Cape Town, Timmins, n.d.

Brian Bunting, The Rise of the South African Reich . Baltimore, Penguin, 1964.


Sonia Bunting, "The Prisons of Apartheid." Africa South, 4, 1960, pp. 42–48.

William J. Burchell, Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa . London, Oxford University Press, 1935.

Jan Burger, The Gulf Between . Cape Town, Timmins, 1960.

John Burger, The Black Man's Burden . London, Gollancz, 1943.

John R. Burrows, The Population and Labour Resources of Natal . Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal, 1959.

———, et al., Indian Life and Labour in Natal . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1952.

Johannes J. Buskes, South Africa's Apartheid Policy--Unacceptable . Heidelberg, Transvaal, 1956.

Jeffrey E. Butler, "The Liberal Party and South Africa, 1895-1902." Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Wellesley, 1963.

———, ed., Boston University Papers in African History . Boston, Boston University Press, 1964.

C. Cadoux, L'Afrique du Sud . Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1966.

Edward Callan, Albert John Luthuli and the South African Race Conflict . Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University Press, 1962.

G. H. Calpin, Indians in South Africa . Pietermaritzburg, Shuter and Shooter, 1949.

———, There Are No South Africans . London, Nelson, 1946.

———, The South African Way of Life . Melbourne, London, and Toronto, Heinemann, 1953.

Peter Calvocoressi, South Africa and World Opinion . London, Oxford University Press, 1961.

Alexander Campbell, The Heart of Africa . London, Longmans, 1954.

———, South Africa, What Next? Cape Town, Stewart, 1947.

John Campbell, Travels in South Africa . London, Black and Parry, 1815.

Waldemar B. Campbell, The South African Frontier, 1865–1885: A Study in Expansion . Pretoria, Office of the Chief Archivist, 1960.

Frank R. Cana, South Africa from the Great Trek to the Union . London, Chapman and Hall, 1909.

Carnegie Commission on the Poor White Problem in South Africa. Pro Ecclesia Drukkery, 1932.

Albert Carter, South-West Africa (1884–1915) . London, T. Werner Laurie, 1915.

Gwendolen M. Carter, "Can Apartheid Succeed in South Africa?" Foreign Affairs, 32, 1954, pp. 296–309.

———, Independence for Africa . New York, Praeger, 1960.


———, The Politics of Inequality, South Africa Since 1948 . New York, Praeger, 1958.

———, South Africa . New York, Foreign Policy Association (Headline Series, no. 109), 1955.

———, "South Africa's Rubicon." The Nation, 109, 1960, pp. 327–330.

———, "The Consequences of Apartheid." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 306, 1956, pp. 37–42.

———, "Union of South Africa: Politics of White Supremacy." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 298, 1955, pp. 142–150.

———, ed., Five African States, Responses to Diversity . Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1963.

James Chapman, Travels in the Interior of South Africa . London, Bell and Daldy, 1868.

Christian Literature for the Bantu of Southern Africa. Johannesburg, Committee of South African Churches, 1957.

Christian Principles in Multi-Racial South Africa. Pretoria, Dutch Reformed Church, 1953.

Christian Responsibility Toward Areas of Rapid Social Change. Johannesburg, Report of the Multi-Racial Conference, 1959.

Rhona Churchill, White Man's God . London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1962.

John D. Clark, The Prehistory of South Africa . Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1959.

Classification of Publications Issued by the South African Institute of Race Relations. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1962.

George Clay, "The Pass System, How It Operates." Africa Report, 5, 1960, p. 7.

H. Cloete, The History of the Great Boer Trek and the Origin of the South African Republics . London, Murray, 1900.

Austin Coates, Basutoland . New York, British Information Service, 1966.

Abel Coetzee, Ons Volkslewe, Volkskundige Opstelle . Pretoria, van Schaik, 1949.

J. A. Coetzee, Politieke Groopering in die Wording van die Afrikanernasie . Johannesburg, 1941.

Rachel M. Coke, South Africa as Seen by the French, 1610–1850, A Bibliography . University of Cape Town, 1957.

Monica M. Cole, South Africa . London, Methuen, 1961.

Colin B. Collins, Catholic Bantu Education . Pretoria, 1957.

"The Communist Party in South Africa." Africa Report, 6, March 1961, pp. 5–6, 15.


P. A. W. Cook, The Education of a South African Tribe . Cape Town, Juta, 1934.

Jack Cope, The Golden Oriole . London, Heinemann, 1958.

John Cope, South Africa . New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1965.

G. E. Cory, The Rise of South Africa . London, Longmans, 1910.

Walter A. Cotton, Racial Segregation in South Africa . London, Sheldon, 1931.

C. W. Coulter, Empire Unity . Cape Town, Stewart, 1944.

D. V. Cowen, Constitution-making for a Democracy . Johannesburg, supplement to Optima, 1960.

———, The Foundations of Freedom . Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1961.

———, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity--Today . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1961.

———, Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Entrenched Sections of the South Africa Act . Cape Town, Juta, 1951.

Oliver C. Cox, Caste, Class and Race . Garden City, Doubleday, 1948.

F. S. Crafford, Jan Smuts . London, Allen and Unwin, 1946.

Edward Crankshaw, The Forsaken Idea, A Study of Viscount Milner . London, Longmans, 1952.

G. Cronjé, Afrika Sonder die Asiaat . Johannesburg, Boek-en Kunssentrum, 1946.

——— and E. P. Groenewald, Regverdige Rasse-Apartheid . Stellenbosch, C. V. S. Boekhandel, 1947.

H. P. Cruse, Die Opheffing van die Kleurling-Bevolking . Cape Town, Citadel Pers, 1947.

Arthur G. J. Cryns, Race Relations and Race Attitudes in South Africa . Nymegen, Janssen, 1959.

L. Curtis, With Milner in South Africa . Oxford, Blackwell, 1951.

Y. M. Dadoo, Facts About the Ghetto Act . Johannesburg, Communist Party, 1946.

Ralf Dahrendorf, Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society . Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1959.

Christian F. Damberger, Travels in the Interior of Africa from the Years 1781 to 1797 . London, Longmans and Rees, 1801.

K. Danziger, "Ideology and Utopia in South Africa: A Methodological Contribution to the Sociology of Knowledge." British Journal of Sociology, 14, 1963, pp. 59–76.

———, "The Psychological Future of an Oppressed Group." Social Forces, 42, October 1963, pp. 31–40.

———, "Self-Interpretations of Group Differences in Values." Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 1958, pp. 317–325.


———, "Value Differences Among South African Students." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57, 1958, pp. 339–346.

Raymond A. Dart, "Australopithecus Africanus, the Man-Ape of South Africa." Nature, 115, 1925, pp. 195–199.

———, "Cultural Status of the South African Man-Apes." In Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1955.

Basil Davidson, Report on Southern Africa . London, Cape, 1952.

T. B. Davie, Education and Race Relations in South Africa . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1955.

Ioan Davies, African Trade Unions . Baltimore, Penguin, 1966.

Allison W. Davis, B. B. Gardner, and M. R. Gardner, Deep South . Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1941.

G. M. Davis and F. B. du Randt, Urban Native Law . Port Elizabeth, Grotius, 1959.

John A. Davis and James K. Baker, eds., Southern Africa in Transition . New York, Praeger, 1966.

Z. J. DeBeer, Multi-Racial South Africa . London, Oxford University Press, 1961.

Harm J. de Bly, Africa South . Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1962.

P. de Briey, "The Productivity of African Labour." In Peter R. Gould, ed., Africa, Continent of Change . Belmont, Wadsworth, 1961.

H. F. Dickie-Clark, The Marginal Situation: A Sociological Study of a Coloured Group . London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966.

Joy de Gruchy, The Cost of Living for Africans . Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1959.

Henri Dehérain, Le Cap de Bonne-Espérance au XVII e Siècle. Paris, Hachette, 1909.

———, L'Expansion des Boers au XIXe Siècle. Paris, Hachette, 1905.

Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, America's Role in Africa . Durban, University of Natal, 1960.

———, The Anatomy of South African Misery . London, New York, and Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1956.

———, British Colonial Policy and the South African Republics . London, Longmans, 1929.

———, "Fears and Pressures in the Union of South Africa." In C. Grove Haines, ed., Africa Today . Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1955.

———, A History of South Africa, Social and Economic . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1941.

———, The Imperial Factor in South Africa . Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1937.

M. H. De Kock, The Economic Development of South Africa . London, King, 1936.


Victor de Kock, Those in Bondage. London, Allen and Unwin, 1950.

Nicolas de la Caille, Journal Historique du Voyage Fait au Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Paris, Guillyn, 1763.

Anthony Delius, "At the Cape of Desperate Hope." The Reporter , 23, 1960, pp. 19–23.

———, The Day Natal Took Off. Cape Town, Insight Publications, 1963.

———, The Last Division. Cape Town, Human and Rousseau, 1959. J. A. De Mist, Memorandum on the Cape, 1802. Cape Town, The Van Riebeeck Society, 1920.

J. C. de Ridder, The Personality of the Urban African in South Africa. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961.

Ram Desai, ed., Christianity in Africa as Seen by the Africans. Denver, Swallow, 1962.

H. H. W. De Villiers, Rivonia, Operation Mayibuye. Johannesburg, Afrikaanse Pers, 1964.

M. D. C. De Wet Nel, "Bantu Policy in South Africa." In James Duffy and Robert A. Manners, eds., Africa Speaks. Princeton, Van Nostrand, 1961.

H. I. E. Dhlomo, Valley of a Thousand Hills. Durban, Knox, 1941.

L. R. Dison and I. Mohamed, Group Areas and Their Development. Durban, Butterworth, 1960.

C. M. Doke, Bantu: Modern Grammatical, Phonetical and Lexicographical Studies Since 1860. International African Institute, 1945.

John Dollard, Caste and Class in a Southern Town. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1937.

G. V. Doxey, The High Commission Territories and the Republic of South Africa. London, Oxford University Press, 1963.

———, The Industrial Colour Bar in South Africa. Cape Town, Oxford University Press, 1961.

M. Draper, Sport and Race in South Africa. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1963.

Charles Dundas, South-West Africa, the Factual Background. Cape Town, South African Institute of International Affairs, 1946.

——— and Hugh Ashton, Problem Territories of Southern Africa. Cape Town, South African Institute of International Affairs, 1952.

C. N. J. Du Plessis, The Transvaal Boer Speaking for Himself. London, Jarrold and Sons, 1898.

J. Du Plessis, A History of Christian Missions in South Africa. London, Longmans, 1911.


J. C. Du Plessis, Economic Fluctuations in South Africa, 1910–1949. Stellenbosch, 1950.

Andries B. Du Preez, Inside the South African Crucible. Cape Town, H.A.U.M., 1959.

The Durban Housing Survey. Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 1952.

Emile Durkheim, De la Division du Travail Social. Paris, Alcan, 1893.

The Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa and the Problem of Race Relations. Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid Afrika, n.d.

Anthonie E. du Toit, The Cape Frontier: A Study of Native Policy with Special Reference to the Years 1847–1866. Pretoria, The Government Printer, 1954.

Eugene P. Dvorin, Racial Separation in South Africa. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1952.

Jacqueline Eberhardt, "Messianisme en Afrique du Sud." Archives de Sociologie Religieuse, 4, 1957, pp. 31–56.

Economic and Social Consequences of Racial Discriminatory Practices. New York, United Nations, 1963.

The Economic Development of the Reserves. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1959.

Education for Isolation. The Black Sash, 1960.

Isobel E. Edwards, The 1820 Settlers in South Africa. London, New York, and Toronto, Longmans, 1934.

———, Protectorates or Native Reserves? London, Africa Bureau, n.d.

———, Towards Emancipation: A Study in South African Slavery. Cardiff, Gomerian Press, 1942.

S. P. Engelbrecht, History of the Nederduits Hervormde Kerk. Pretoria, 1925.

Maurice S. Evans, Black and White in South East Africa. New York, Longmans, 1911.

Experiment at Edendale. Department of Economics, University of Natal, 1951.

H. A. Fagan, Co-existence in South Africa. Cape Town, Juta, 1963.

———, Our Responsibility. Cape Town, Juta, 1959.

T. J. D. Fair, The Distribution of Population in Natal. Cape Town, London, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1955.

Edward Feit, South Africa, The Dynamics of the African National Congress. London, Oxford University Press, 1962.

C. J. Ferguson-Davie, The Early History of Indians in Natal. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1952.


M. L. Fick, The Educability of the South African Native. South African Council for Educational and Social Research, 1939.

G. Findlay, Miscegenation. Pretoria, Pretoria News and Printing Works, 1936.

Ruth First, 117 Days. New York, Stein and Day, 1965.

———, South West Africa. Baltimore, Penguin, 1963.

Lionel Forman and E. S. Sachs, The South African Treason Trial. New York, Monthly Review Press, 1958.

M. Fortes and E. E. Evans-Pritchard, eds., African Political Systems. London, Oxford University Press, 1950.

A. Francos, L'Afrique des Afrikaners. Paris, Julliard, 1966.

S. H. Frankel, Africa in the Re-making. Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press, 1932.

———, The Tyranny of Economic Paternalism in South Africa. Johannesburg, supplement to Optima, December 1960.

N. N. Franklin, Economics in South Africa. Cape Town, London, and New York, Oxford University Press, 1954.

———, Natives and the Administration of Justice. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1936.

E. Franklin Frazier, Race and Culture Contacts in the Modern World. New York, Knopf, 1957.

Louis F. Freed, The Problem of European Prostitution in Johannesburg. Cape Town, Juta, 1949.

J. J. Freeman, A Tour of South Africa. London, Snow, 1851.

Henry E. S. Freemantle, The New Nation. London, Ousely, 1909.

Gilberto Freyre, The Masters and the Slaves. New York, Knopf, 1956.

Bernard Friedman et al., Looking Outwards: Three South African Viewpoints. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1961.

Marion Friedmann, ed., I Will Still Be Moved: Reports from South Africa. Chicago, Quadrangle, 1963.

Margaret L. Friend, Without Fear or Favour. Cape Town, 1958.

Basil Fuller, South Africa—Not Guilty? London, Jarrolds, 1957.

J. S. Furnivall, Colonial Policy and Practice. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1948.

———, Netherlands India, A Study of Plural Economy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1939.

John S. Galbraith, Reluctant Empire: British Policy on the South African Frontier, 1834–1854. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1963.

G. H. Galpin, La Nation Sud-Africaine. Monaco, Editions du Rocher, 1954.

Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography or The Story of My Experiences with Truth. Ahmedabad, Navagivan, 1927.


———, Satyagraha in South Africa. Madras, Ganesan, 1928.

Lewis H. Gann, "Liberal Interpretations of South African History," Rhodes Livingstone Journal, 25, 1959.

——— and Peter Duignan, White Settlers in Tropical Africa. Baltimore, Penguin, 1962.

Gerald Gardiner, The South African Treason Trial. London, Christian Action, 1957.

M. S. Geen, The Making of South Africa. Cape Town, Miller, 1958.

G. Geertsema, Guide to Statistical Sources in the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria, University of South Africa, 1962.

C. W. M. Gell, "Hard Choices in South Africa." Foreign Affairs, 31, 1953, pp. 287–300.

———, "Sport in South Africa." Africa Today, 5, 1958.

G. B. A. Gerdener, Recent Developments in the South African Mission Field. Pretoria, N. G. Kerk-Uitgewers, 1959.

A. S. Geyer et al., Delayed Action. Pretoria, privately published, 1961.

Henry Gibbs, Background to Bitterness, The Story of South Africa, 1652–1954. London, Muller, 1954.

———, Twilight in South Africa. London, Jarrolds, 1949.

J. Y. Gibson, The Evolution of South African Native Policy. Pietermaritzburg, Davis, 1919.

———, The Story of the Zulus. London, Longmans, 1911.

Olive Gibson, The Cost of Living for Africans. Johannesburg, S. A. Institute, 1954.

S. F. N. Gie, Geskiedenis van Suid Afrika. Stellenbosch, Universiteits Uitgewers, 1955.

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Preferred Citation: van den Berghe, Pierre . South Africa: A Study in Conflict. Berekley:  University of California Press,  1967 [c1965] 1967.