Preferred Citation: Fee, Elizabeth, and Daniel M. Fox, editors AIDS: The Burdens of History. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1988 1988.



Sacchetti, Giulio, 37

"Safer sex," 228 , 233 , 246 n36, 327

"Safe sex," 114 , 162 , 224 , 226 -27

Saint Paolo's churchyard, 38

Salvarsan, 109 , 126 , 148

San Francisco:

as pacesetter, 303

San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 224 , 310

San Francisco City Clinic, 289 ;

study by, 288 -89

San Francisco City Office of Lesbian and Gay Health, 311

San Francisco General Hospital AIDS Center, 332

"SANITA" (sanitary service), 38

Sanitarian's method, 105

Sanitary Code, 51 ;

and polio, 56

Sanitary Committee of New York, 91 -92

Sanitary Institute, 108

Sanitary laws and polio, 57


and polio, 51 -52, 55 , 57 ;

and tuberculosis, 75

Santayana, George, 147

Sanzio, Alain, 312

Scandinavia, 48

Scapegoating, 39 , 57 , 123

Scaremongering, 118 n41

Schweitzer, Albert, 188 (fig. 14)

Science , 202 , 213 , 284 -86


conservatism, 198 ;

writing about AIDS, 256 n108

Scientific American , 212


in armed forces, 158 ;

of blood, 157 -68;

compulsory, 115 ;

discrimination resulting from, 160 ;

for HIV, 157 -58;

premarital and prenatal, 151

(see also Wasserman test);

in prisons, 246 n36.

See also Blood: tests

Segregation, 133 , 154 , 332 -33

Selective service examinations, 133

Self-extinction, 233

Self Help (Smiles), 101

"Self-inflicted" disease, 164

Semantic imperialism, 192 , 197 , 214

Serum hepatitis, 277 .

See also Hepatitis B

Servicemen in Germany, 209


hygiene, 127 , 136 -37;

and yellow fever, 74

Sex and Germs (Patton), 21

Sex-education, 137 -38, 151 , 162 .

See also Safer sex; Safe sex; Unsafe sex


continence, 136 ;

germs, 137 ;

intercourse, 137 ;

promiscuity, 69 , 140 ;

revolution, 166 ;

transmission of disease, 28 , 109 , 318 -19;

"underworld," 155

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey), 278


anxiety about, 8 ;

as source of pathology, 190 -92

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 148 , 198 ;

and clinics, 273 ;

prostitutes and, 209

Shadow on the Land (Parran), 129

Shaftesbury (Lord), 102 -3

Shandera, Wayne, 197

Shanti Project, 303

Shaw, Nancy, 207 , 211 , 215 -16, 233 ;

and Paleo, 209

Shilts, Randy, 213 , 214 , 216 , 217 ;

And the Band Played On , 199

"Shooting galleries," 327

Sigerist, Henry, 14 -17

Sikes, Ralph, 136

Silverman, Mervyn, 227

Silver nitrate, 148


Simon, John (Sir), 100 -104, 106

Sin, 7 ;

as cause of disease, 166 -67;

and cholera, 46 ;

and leprosy, 69 ;

and sexually transmitted diseases, 244 n30;

and venereal diseases, 121 -42, 150 .

See also Intemperance; Moral: turpitude

Sixth Ward, 42

Smallpox, 7 , 17 , 104 ;

vaccination for, 100 , 107

Smiles, Samuel, 101

Smith, W. Eugene:

Leprosy, "A Man of Mercy," 188 (fig. 14)

Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Service, 172

Smoking, 321


constructionism, 3 , 5 ;

control, 161 ;

"diseases," 131 ;

intervention and medical knowledge, 15 ;

medicine, 15 -16;

prejudice, 114 ;

programs for AIDS, 10 ;

purity, 106 ;

values of science, 269 ;

stigma, 156

Social hygiene, 36 , 133 ;

movement, 141 , 148 ;

reformers, 139

Social Hygiene Association, 8 , 128

Social Security Act:

amendment to, 320 ;

and disability insurance, 320 ;

Income Program of, 331

Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease, 110

Socrates, 99

Sodomy law, 157

Sojourner , 217

Solidarity of lesbians with gay men, 258 -59n120

Somaticism, 13

Sontag, Susan:

Illness as Metaphor , 168 n1, 242 n20

Spare Rib , 216 , 227 , 228 , 231 (fig. 9)

Specialism, 21

Special Medical Council of New York, 47 , 74

Sperm, and the immune system, 200 -201

Spinal fluid examination, 50 , 55

Stable-fly, 51 , 54 , 64 n83, 65 n105

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 333

Stanton (Police Commissioner), 134

State health departments, 325

State intervention, 103

State Supreme Court of Maryland, 135

Statistics of HIV infection in the U.S., 255 -56n103

Stephens, Alexander H., 73

Sterile needles for intravenous drug users, 164 , 253 n94, 264 n150, 327

Stevens, Cladd, 287

Stigma : Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity (Goffman), 156


of AIDS victims, 153 -54;

of high-risk groups, 165 ;

and HIV infection and testing, 158 -61;

and homosexuality, 301

Streptomycin, 319

Strickland, Paula, 207

Studds, Gerry E. (Congressman), 308

Substance abuse, 321 ;

and addiction, 6 , 29 , 80 -81, 209 ;

and illicit drugs, 277 , 321 .

See also Intravenous drug use; Intravenous drug users; names of specific substances

Sulpharsphenamine, 126

Sulphuric acid, 44

Summerskill, Edith, 111

Suppression of prostitution, 136 , 140

Supreme Court, 306

Surgeons, and plague, 88

Surgery, unnecessary, 324

Survey Graphic , 129

Swedish model of disease control, 131

Syphilis, 7 , 20 , 122 , 187 (fig. 13);

as disease of blacks, 125 ;

engraving of treatment of, 173 -74;

history of, 277 ;

nonvenereal, 123 ;

and penicillin, 140 ;

photographic portraits of, 183 (fig. 9);

"Sympathetic victims" of, 210 ;

Tuskegee experiment on, 143 n15;

Wasserman test for, 109 .

See also Treponema pallidum

"Syphilis Control Day," 131


Preferred Citation: Fee, Elizabeth, and Daniel M. Fox, editors AIDS: The Burdens of History. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1988 1988.